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Ver. 29. the 8thChtrpter ro the R OM ANS. I. The foundation is lard in the new birth, and the change wrought in its by retie era lion. The Son of God was conceived by the operation of the Holy' Ghofl; fo are we born of water and the fpirit, ycbn 3. 5. in the birth of Chrift it was Paid, Luker. 35. The Hal, Ohoifi ¡bail come upon thee, and the power of the Highefl fb.cll over (bedew thee; therefore alfo that holy thing which (hall be born of thee, fhaUbe called the Son ofGod. The Holy Ghott was the difpenfer of this myftery, who formed the body of the word incar- nate, and gave hiol life; now thus we are conformed to the image of his Son. 'ris the Holy Ghoft that begets us unto God, and maketh us new creatures, we owe our birth to him, that birth whereby we become the children of God. 2. Chrift being formed in the virgins womb by the Holy Ghofi<,' devoteth himfelf to God, for he faith, Heb. ro. 7. A body haft thou prepared me: for lo, I come to do thy will, t Cor, 3. laft. Chrifi is God's ; he came into. the world as God's. Such a retignation theremutt be of our felves to God, that we may do his will, whatever it cofts us, and fuller what- ever he impofeth upon us, r Cor. 8. 5. They firfi gave themfelves to the Lord, and to as by the will of God. 3. When we are dedicated to God, the Holy Ghofl is the fanie to Chrifiian, that he was toChrifi, aguide, and comforter; he that giveth life, giveth condu& and motion : you find Chrift (kill guided by the fpirit. If he retire into the defects, Matth. 4. 1., Jefus was led by the Spirit into the wildernefi; when he went back again, Luke 4. 14. s fen re- turned by the power of the Spirit into Galilee. So Chriflians are fhll guided by the Spi. rit, led into, and out of confli&a,- Rom. 8. 14. So a Comforter , John 1. 32: Upon hi m (halt thoufee the Spirit defcending and remaining on hies; fo 1 John 3. 24. 4. There is a conformity of life neceffary; that we be fuch to God and man, as Chefl f was to God, Peeking his glory ; I feeknot mine own glory, John 8. 5o. pleating God, vere 29. obeying his will, John 6. 38. Delighting in connerfe with him , for Chrift (pent much time in prayer, was fubje& to his natural Parents , Luke 2. 5 I. Subje& to rulers, Matth. 17. 27. Good to all, Alls 1o. 38. Went about doing good. Humble to inferiors, John 13. 3, 4. 5. Eye yourpattern much, Heb. 12. 2. Chrift told the yews, John 8. 12. lam the light of the world; he that followeth me, /ball not walk in darknefs: his do&rine, his example. You mutt, often examine, what proportion there is between the copy, and the tranfcript. 6. Shame your flves for coming fhort, Heb. 3. 12, 53,'14. 'Tis not an arbitrary thing fo much as you are unlike Chrift, fo much you lofe of your evidence of elet5'ion before time, and glory in time; you fbould look upon your felves as under a fpiritual engage- ment, to be more like Chrift every day. A man is much under the command of his de- figs, and the fcope of his life. 7. A Religious fife of the means of Communion with him, of ecially the Lords Supper ; natural means communicate their qualities to us; we are changed into them, when they are aflimulated unto us; Nero lucked the milk of a cruel Nude, Achilles was valianr, his Matter nouri(hed him with the marrow of a Lyon. Thofe creatures bred amongft Rocks, are more rough and favage; chofe that live in the fertile plains, are more trada- ble. This holy food changeth our inclinations, and promotes holinefs in us ; by eating Chrifks fleth, and drinking his blood at this Ordinance, we are inclined to live the life of Chrift, and that is nouri(hed and ftrengthened in us by it. S E R-