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.Sel*. 30. the 8th Cbapeer to the R.0 MANS, 3°% means of execution, are the Sanctification of the Spirit, and our belief of the truth; the end is our eternal falvation, or our obtaining the glory of oúr Lord Jabs Chrift ;and' mark, he faith, they were chofen from the beginning 5 as'elfewhere,'ris laid , this` grace was given us in Chri4 before the world was, 2 Tim. r. g. And he hatli' chofen us before the foundation of the world, Eph. r. 4. Sò' that from this preordination all`editeth; Well then, God hath of his meet grace put his eternal purpofe in-that model and mold; wherein we now find them; he that "is the efficient caufeòfall things, iis'alfo the dirigent Ca ire, appointing in what order Crane and Mercy lbÖuld be difoenfed. S. This order of eaafes isf fettled and joined'togetber, that none' co e parate them. The chain is indiffoluble, and one link drawee') on another 5 none are glorified but Chore that are fanáified and jullified; and nonearejuftified, bait' thdfe that arc effedùaliycai= led 5 and none areeffèdually called, but thofe that are predeftinated according to the purpofe of his grace and on the other fide, whoever is effeddaîly called, juftified and` fanáified, may be affured of his predettinationto eternal life, and his future glorificati on with God 5 this connexion mutt not be, cannot be difturbed'; which is to be noted, becaufe fitme upon the vain prefumptlon of the infalbbility'of Gdds purpofes, think it needlefs to be ferions, diligent and holy; if I be elected, I' ihall be faveds 5 no, God bath linked means and ends together ; his decreeefkablitheth the "ditties of the Gofp'e1,' and checketh all thoughts of d"ilpenfation from them.; neverthink that this order (half be broken or difturbed for your fakes; Drunkards and Gamefters may as 'well imagine that God will break the ordinance of day and night, by turning day into night, and night into day for their fakes; as the unholy foul, to think to be luflified and glorified, till they be effeáually called and fanáified ; no, you muff be holy, or conclude that yon 9rall have no Caving benefit by Chrft 5 for they who are foreordained,' ate a 'chofen generation, a diltind fociety and community of men, who are called out of darknefs in- to his marvellous light, to Phew forth the vertues of God, t Pet. 2. g. Made objects of, his fpecial grace and love, that they may thew forth the diftin bon God hath made be- tween them and others, by thechoicenefs'of their fpirits and converfationsl their carria- ges mutt be fuitable to their priviledges. 6. The method is to be ob./Crud, as well as the connection, r. ThefirJl led of predeflination is effillual calling. Certainly, all that are chofen be- fore time,are called in time, Rom. r. 7. Beloved of God, called to be Saints. Fielt bete) ved, then called 5 fo 2 Pet. 1. ro. Maleyear calling and election fare. 'By making our calling Cure, we make our eleáion lure; for that is the firft'eruption of Gods eternar love; you may know God bath difiinguilhed you from others, when you are recovered from the Devil,the world,and the Beth, to God, John 5. i g. We Itnoin we are of God,ánd the whole world lyeth in wickednefs. When there is a confpicuous difference between us and others; we may trace the ftream to the fountain, and know God bath made a diffe- rence before the world began, and diftinguifhed you from them that perith ; once cou wereas vain,fenfual, worldly-minded as others, till God called you out of the toff world, to be a peculiar peopleto himfelf; but this a& of grace cometh from on high; vocation is, the fruit of eleáion ; thefirft grace found you in the polluted finals' of 'man- kind, as having found you intangled in many foolitb and hurtful hafts ; now this is a mighty engagement upon us ; If God bath made filch a difference, oh, do not unmake it again, and confound all againby walking after the courfe of this world 5 for you do in effect let your (elves to dtfannul his decree'; conformity to the world is a conftifionof what God hath feparated; God made the difference when none was ; and by the pow- er of his grace, you mull keep it up.. 2.Tbe next fiep is, whom hé bath called, them he path jaffified : Calling is chiefly by the Gofpel, and the next end of that is faith -in Cheift, or converfion to God 5 and certainly' none are juttified, but thofe thatare Called ; and all that are called, are juftified. Ads 26. 18. To tarn them from darknefs to light, and from the power of Satan to God. When we are turned from Satan toGod,we receive the forgivenéfs of fins, Mark 4. t2, Leg at any time they fhoald be converted, and their fins pooled be forgiven them. Where forgivenef of fins is mentioned, asa confequent of their converlìon and turning to the Lord; fo when we are brought into the Kingdom of Chrilt, teen we have Redemption b'y his Blood,the Rewifiion of fins,. Col. r. ig, 14. Till we become Chrilts fubjeds, we cannot have the priviledges of Chrifts Kingdom; this is the order fee down here, óf conveying to us the benefits of Chrilts death ; firtt called, then jutlified; they that are yet 'under the pòwet of fin, are under the guilt of it; as in the fall there was fin before there was "guilt-, 16