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308 S E R M 0 N J upon Seim: XC., in our recovery there muff be converfion before remilion, a new nature or life from Chrift, then a new relative efface ; whens are regenerated,we are juftified and adopted into Gods Family, Heb. 8. to, 11, 12. For this it the covenant that I trill mahe with the. hat f of Ifrael, after thofe days, faith the Lord, I will put my laws into their minci, and write them in their hearts, and I will be to them a God, and theyisall be to me a people, and they Atli not teach every man hisneghbour, and every man his brother, laying, know the Lord, for all pall know me from the lull to the greaten, for I will be merciful to their unright eon f nefs,and their fns and their iniquities Iwvill remember no more. 'Tis fit Gods turn fbould b: ferved before ours, that we fhould be willing to return to our obedience, before ive have our difcharge. 3. The next flee is, and whom he:01:lired, them he alfoglorified, But you will fay, tiaththe Apoltic in the feveral links of the Golden Chain omit Sanctification? I Anfwer, No: 'Tis included as to the beginning invocation , as to the continuarce and fìirther degree, 'cis included in glorification: this therefore is the order; God Both &rut regenerate, that he may pardon, and he pardoneth that he may further fachife, and fo make us everlaftingly happy ; now Regeneration is included in vocation ; for his calling us is all one with his begetting us by the word of truth, fames t. 18. Bur his farther fanttifying, which is confequent to juflification, is implied in the word glorified, as grace is glory begun, fo glorification is fanttifieation confummate and compleated,2Cor. 1. 22. lVho hathfealed us, and given us the earnefl of the fpirit in oar hearts, which is ten. tefimapars. Her.e ourhsppine.fs flandethin loving God, and being beloved of him there, in the mot perfelt ad of love acid reception of his benefits ; this love is here inlcind- dled by faith,, there by vifion ; here fo far like God, that fin is mortified ; there tlulli- r._. 4. Theft that are fanc7ilied, are glorified in part: There, are fully glorified ;the Apoftle fpeaketh ofir as paft; he will certainly and infallibly glorifie them,as if they were in Hea- ven already ; Hath eternal life, John 5. 24. Hach it in the pranife, hath it in the pledg, the gift of the fant7ifjing fpirit ; we have final' beginnings, and earnchs, and fore' tarts of everlalting blefTednefs in this life ;by faith we may forefee what God will be for ever to his Saints; now by being fanctified we are put into a capacity of eternal life, Without holinefs we cannot fee God, Heb. ta. 14. But holineß malccth us more fit; and as it is In- creajed in to, fo we are nearer to Glory, and are more fuited co ít. I. Z) S E is information. It informeth us of divers truths necefary to be obferved by us. I. In all this order and chain of eau frs there is no mention of merits : But all is afcribed- to grace andGods free favour, chuling, calling, j dairy hag, fanttifying, glorifying us ; from the find ftep to the loft, 'tis all grace our belt works are excluded from having any tneri- toriousdiníluerece upon it, Rom. 9. 1 r. Befre the children had done either good er evil, it was faid, Jacob have Iloved, and Efau have i hated, that the purple r f God, according to el:úion might (land. Mark, there was a volrtntas, and voluntas vile eedi 5 2 Tim. t 9. Not aces rding to works, but according to his purp' fis and grace which was given tes in Chreji before the we: Id began. Works are (fill excluded, as they thud in oppofition to Gods. free mercy and goodnefs 5 'cis a free ad of his difpoling, to which only God was induced by his own love. a. That predeflination is moflfree, net depending upon free/ion works and faith. We are chofen ro faith and holineß, but not for it; the Scripture faith, to Faith, a Pad. 13. Eecaufe God bath from the beginning of the rem let chlen yru to falv.rtion throughfaurtl,Jf'atia,;s of the fpirit; and belief of the truth. And toHoitael,lìph.i.q. According as he Lath cha- fen us in him bef re the world, that we fhould be holy. But we are not cholen, becaufe we believed, and were holy, or becaufe God did foretéeit; burr that we might believe and be holy : Faith and Holinefs are only fruits and a ehts of Gods Grace in us,there was no forefeen caufe in us to move God upon us. 3. That predefination to glory doth not exclude the means by which'tis brct.ght about : Such as Chrifts Gofpèl, Miníftry, Faith, Holinef, the Crofs : No; A conditional dii- penfacion is f abordtnate to an abfolute decree ; God that hath predefrir.ared, will yet call, before he will jullifie ; God giveth the condition, taketh away the heart of Stone, worketh Faith and Holinefs in us; Gods purpolé is, that fach and fuch (hall be called and