3 t o S E R M 0 N S upon Senn. 5CLt: hand with us; fome make early work Religion, as :JoJiah, Samuel, Timothy Come are called loaner, fome later; but tho all are not called fo loon as others, they are loved as foon as others, for thefe benefits were defigned to us from all eternity. a. Holinefs; That we might hate fm more, and prize holinefs more ; holinefs is infer - red out of elc &ion, as a fpecial fruit of this predellination, Eph. 1. 4: He bath chof n vs to be holy. 'Tisinferred out of calling, for he hath called us with an holy calling, 2 Tim. 1. q. The calling is from mifery to happinefs, from fin to holinefs ; 'tis inferred out of Juffification, San &ification is the infeparable companion of it : God freeth us a mulo morals, that freeth us a malo naturali ; impunity followeth uprightnef, our recovery were not elfe inure; our cafe is like that of a condemned Malefaetor, fick of a deadly difeafe, who needs not only the skill of the Phyltian to heal him, but the pardon of the Judg. And 'cis inferred out of gloriffed 5 none [hall enjoy everlalting glory after this life, but filch as are holy here; and if they be not fanftified and renewed by the fpirit, they [hall never enter into the Kingdom of God; for we cannot have one part of the covenant, while we negle& another ; 'tis not only the way, but part of glory. 3. Patience under aflliïlions. The fame notions are ufed of afli &ions, which are ofed of your priviledges by Chrift, [Theft 3. 3. re are appointed thereunto. You fhould look to that in all that befalleth you ; he that appointed you to the Crown, appointed you to the Crofs allo. Called, r Pet. 2. 2 t. For even hereunto were ye called. We are called to the fellowfhip of the Crois; we confented to thefe terms, Match. 1o. 38. He that taketh not up his crofs, and followoth after me, is not worthy of me. Jufi ed; the com- forts of it are molt felt then, Rom. g, r. Being jufliffed by faith, we have peace with God. Glorified ; take it for degrees of holinefs ; holinefs is promoted by attli &ion, Heh. 12. 10. We are chafined, that we might be partakers of bis holinefs. Final bleffed. fiefs, i Pet. 4 t 3. Rejoice, inafmuch aye are partakers of Chrijls fuJerings, that when his glory (hall be revealed, ye may be glad with exceeding joy. Chrifts lati day is a glad day to you. 4. More ferioufnefs in the work of falvation, 2 Pet. 1. to. Give all diligence to make your calling and eleilion fire. 2 Pet. 3. 14. Wherefore, beloved, feeing that ye loop, for filch things, be diligent, that'," may be found of him in peace, without ¡pot and blame. left. SERMON XLI. R O M. VIII. 31, iyhat (hall we then fay to thefe things? if God be for us, who can be againfi us ? * s 4 py,a, E are now come to the Application of thefe bleffed truths, and the tri- umph of Believers over fn and the Crofs; yea, over all the enemies of our Salvation ; 'ris begun in the Text , What ¡hall we then fay. The Words contain two Quellions, t. One by way of preface and excitation. 2. The other by may of explication ; letting forth the ground of out confidence. So that here is a queftion anfwered by another queftion. f. Let us begin with the exciting queflion, What /hall we then fay to thefe things? Doff