3 I 2 S E R NI 0 M S upon Serm. X I.I.: r. Direíl application : As when we infq and bind our duty upon our felves, from fach principles as are laid down 5 fo, WhaT(hall we fay to theft things ? That is, what ufe (ball we make of them. Chriflianity is not a matter of fpeculation only, but of prat ifc; therefore when we hear the truthof it enforced, we mutt commune with our felves, What doth this call for at our hands, but ferious diligence ? 2 Pet. 3. t 1. Seeing then that all theft things (hall be diffolved , what manner of perfons ought we to be in all holy converfa- élan andgodlinefs ? The truths of the Gofpel are not propounded that we may talk at an higher rate than othersdo, but to live at an higher rate if I fhould be negligent', indifferent, carders, What will become of me ? 2. Reflexive application is, when we confider our (late ind courfe, and judg of it by fuch general truths as are propounded to us ; diced application is by way of practical inference; reflexive, by way of difcovery ,- and to this fenfe may this queftion be inter- preted, What ¡hall we fay to theft things ? Doth heart and pradife agree with, them ? Do I live anfwerable to thefe comforts and priviledges ? What am I one called and fandi- fied, and one that continueth with,patience in well doing upon the hope of eternal life? 2 C or. 13. 5. Know ye not your own felves, how that Jefus Chrill is in you, except ye_ are reprobates? If Chrift be formed in his people,. is he formed in me ? Thus things muft b= brought home to the heart, and laid to the confcience, if we would make a profitable ufe of them. LI s E, is to awaken this felfcommuning 5 To make our. affent more ftrong, our confe- deration more deep and ferious, and our application either by way of inference, or dif- covery, more clofe and pungent. Do we affent ? Is this a truth to be lightly paffed over? If this be true, what muft I do ? Or what Navel done ? Now this you fhould do upon thefe occafions. t. When you are tempted to unbelief : There are force points which are remote from fenfe, and'crofs the delires and luftsof fenfual men, and we either deny them, or doubt of them, or our hearts are full of prejudice againft them ; and alto the Devil doth inject thoughts of blafphemy, or doubts about the world to come, into the hearts of people ; efpecially in thofe that take Religion upon craft, or are fecretly falle to that Religion they have received upon Tome evidence. Now to prevent all this, 'cis good to commune with our (elves, that wemay be well fettled in the truth; therefore fee with what evi- dence thé great things of the other world are reprefented unto us in the Word of God, and what a juft title they have to our firmeft belief. Faith will not be fettled without fe- rious thoughts, and it faon withereth there, 'where it hath not much depth of earth, Mateh. 13.5; 6. No thoughts in the highway ground,flight thoughts in theftony ground 5 faith is a child of light, and given upon certain grounds, Luke r. 4; That than mighteft /nOW the certainty of thofe things wherein thon haft been inflrütled5 and Ads i7.i1; 12. They fearched the Scriptures whether chafe things were fo. Therefore many of them believed. But prefumption and flight credulity is a child of darknefs, the fruit of ignorance and incogttancy 5 therefore 'tis good in thole truths that need it molt, to ask, What fay we to thefe things ? 2. Whenyou are in danger of dulnefs, deadnefr, and negleff of Chrili and his falvation So that your hearts need quickning and exciting to duty 5 fometimes a coldnefs in holy things, and a fluggifhnefs creepeth on the bell; and you may find you begin w grow care - lefs and cuftomary, the conlcience becometh fleepy , the heart dead, the affections cold, a lively inculcation is then neceffary t you mutt rouze up your felves by putting queli- ons to your hearts, Heb. 2.3. How ¡hall we efcapeif weneglett fogreat falvation? Both by way of affent 5 is it not true that there ii an Heaven and an Hell ? And is the Gofpel a Fable ? And by way of Conftderation5What trifles and paltry vanities do you neglel Chrift for ? Andapphcation,by way of inference; Mull not I workout my own falvation with fear and trembling ? By way of difcovery;Is this a flight from wrath to come, and a purfuit after eternal life? That ferving God inflantly day and night, we may attain to the bleffed hope 5 that giving diligence we may be found of him in peace. ' 3. Y,lrhen?lrong mfrs tempt you to fin in fame fcandalous and unworthy manner, what will you do to relieve your ¡elves, but by fuch kind of queltions? Gen. 39. 9. How ¡hall 1 do this great wickednefs and fn againitGod ? Rom. 6. 2 t. Mat fruit haveyou in theft things whereof you are now afbamed?And your hearts fhould rife in indignation againft the temptation or carnal motion ; sS/sali ¡loft my fatnef to rule over the trees? If of profit,. Math. 16. 26. VI/hat is aman prsfited if be ffiabgain the world, and loft his own foul ? If of pleafure, What lofe the birth-right for one niorfel of meat? 4. In