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Vera i. the 8th Chapter to the R 3 P Q MAN S. 37S ded into Two Seeds, and Two Kingdoms : the Saints fight under Chrifi's Çonduít, the World under the Devil's. We were lifted, as Soldiers, in Baptifm, under the Captain of our Salvation, and we renew our Military Oath in the Lord's Suppers wherein we are afreth engaged again1 Satan : Therefore Who can be again II x,? doth not imply an exemption from troubles and oppofrtion, but only that the Vtftory is kcured. There will be many againtt us t the Army of wicked teen is imployed to uphold Satan's King. dom, to maintain what he hath gotten, and to hinder the redemption and delivery of his Captives: We cannot expel none will be againtt us; but we need not fear them. Who are they that are againtt us, but vanquilhed Enemies ? We ferve under a,Captain who path already conquered, John 16.33. A Captain whom Satan feareth, and wh'o able and willing to help us. This then is the firft Confiderat ion : There will be Enemir, but we need not fear them. 2. Though they be again fl us,yet they flail not do to any confiderable hurt. See the like que- ftion, I Pet. 3. 13. Wha is he that will harm yam, if you be followers of that which it good God,is with and for the fan&ified and jufkified ; the Devil, the World and the Flefh, are againtt them ; yet they. cannot make void God's purpofe; For if God be a friend, all tendeth to our good. So that the meaning of the queltion is, who will be againtt us fo as to harm us ? God's help is our fafety and fecurity. 3. Let us fee bow far they may harm us. The Devil and wicked men, are the Ene- mies to Chrift's Kingdom and Subje&s: The Devil defireth their Spiritual, the wicked their Temporal ruin. The been ufeth the latter, in fubferviency to the former, to (hake their Faith by Fines, Imprifonments, Exile, Torture, Death; but God is with them , ftandeth for them , helped) them, ftrengthneth them, profit is them, many, times giveth them fafety in the midft of danger , bread in the midit of penury and want, joy in the midit of forrow : If they kill the Body , he will fave the. Soul, and raite up the Body at the laic day. Let us fee then how far the harm may extend. 1. Our conqueft is not always nor principally by a vitible profperity, nor worldly_ greatnefs and dominion. God's prole&ion is a fecret, Job 29. 4. The fecret of the Lord is upon, their tabernacle. The fpecial favour and providence of God, which the Work; knoweth not of, nor can difcern. There' is an infenfible bleffìng goeth along with them; as the wicked are eaten out by an infenfible curie, though they have great Reve- nues. God can put a very great bleffing in the compafs of a very little means : So Pfal. 31. 20. Thou (halt hide them in the fieret of thy prefence from the pride of man. They find lure refuge and defence in God, whatever proud and contentious men defign againtt them : So Pfal. 9 t. t. He that dwelleth in the fecret place of the molt high. 'Tis a Riddle to the carnal World how they fubflft ; but the Lord by the inviftole conduítof his Pro- vidence, taketh care of them, provideth for them, and proteereth thofe that love, fear, ferve, and put their truft in him. 2. Sometimes God permitteth that they (ball harm us in our Temporal- Interefls, but not Eternal. Alas! many times the people of God fuller many hard things, Heb, t i. 37. They were flamed, they were fawn afunder, they were fain with the fword, they wandred- about in fheeps skins, and goal skins, being detlitute, afitted, tormented.' The meaning is not, who (hall be againtt us to take away our Lives and Liberties? God will tome. times glorifie himfelf in his peoples (offerings, and in the general, will have us ptrform to him a tried obedience, James 1. 12. Bleffed is the man that enduretb temptations; for: wken he is tried he fha/I receive the crown of life which the Lord bath pronnfc-d to then:that dove him. Make us perfe&, as Chrift was by fufferings, Heb. a. rò. But if we keep our innocency, the worff they can do, is to fend us to Heaven; and fo make us partakers o( that which the defire molt, Luke' 12.4. When they have killed the body, they can do no more. If they cut it to bits and parcels, they cannot find out the immortal Spirit : And , however they molett and mangle the fleth, they cannot hurt the foul, or hinder our eter- nalfalvation, or take us out of Chrin'shands, John 10.28. And aChriflian, uponthefe terms, fhould be content, that by conformity to Chrilt he may be brought to eternal, glory. 3. Chriflian.r are to be confidered not only in their perfonal capacity, bet alfa in their com- munity. They may prevail, as to fingle perfons, to kill and burn them ;_ but not as to root out the Church, Pfal. 129. 1, 2. Mar, a time have they afflitied me from my youth, may Ifrael now fay r Many a time have they a ffliP/ed me from my youth; yet they have not prevailed againtt me. God hath Rill preferved his Church from Age to Age, notwirh- (tanding the many hoftile attempts againft it : His people have been feverely chaftifed, 9 R 2