Serrn.X 3lr 6 S E R 1V10 N S` upon LI: but yet in mercy delivered : The gates of h¢ll'shall not prevail againfl it, Matth. 18. 18. The wit and policy, the power and lsretlgth of Enemies, (hail'not utterly deftroy the Chriftian Church. Their Arms and Weapons were ufually kept over the Gates, and there they were wont to fit in Council. As not particular faithful believers eternally, fo as it confidereth the Congregation and Society of ChrifianProfeffors, it (hall never perith totally and irrecoverably; but whatfoever changes it undergoeth in the World, it (hall again lift up the head. 2. TheReafons, Why we need not be troubled at the oppofition of thofe that are againft us. s. Becaufe of the infinite power of God. Take it for his Soveraignty, or his Ability and Sufficiency, or Strength. Firfl, if you take it for his Soveraignty : All things are, under his Dominion, and are forced to ferve him, both Angels and Men; good or bad of either kinds ; they are all his Hofis ; Therefore he is called the Lord of Hosts, who is the God of Ifrael. Whatever you fear, is fomething under the Dominion of God g. and you need not fear the Sword, if you do not fear him that weareth the Sword; Pfal. 103. 19. His kingdom ruleth over all; not only over all men, but all things; and thofe not only a &ually existent, but poflble, t Chron. 29. I I. Thine is the kingdom, 0 Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. The moft potent and moft opposite creatures are not exempt from his fubje &ion : He created them at his pleafure , and difpofeth of them at his pleafure ; they have a perpetual dependance upon him both for being and operation; their Rebellion againft him doth not diminish his Dominion over them. Now this is a mighty Comfort to God's People, that whatever Creature they are in danger of that Creature is fubje& to this Kingdom and Dominion of God , be it An- gels or Devils, Manor Beans, Sea or Wind, Sickness or Difeafe, Matth. 8. 7, 8. Fire, Wild Beans, &c. 2. For Ability or Sufficiency. All the Ability of the Creature lieth either in Wit or Strength. For the First: Will they resift him with Wit and Policy ? Can any C ature outwit God ? Compare two places , Prov. 21. 30. There is no wifdom, nor counfel, nor nnderfìanding againfl the Lord ; with Job 12.13. With him is wifdom and, flrength ; he hath counfel and underflanding. Both Man's wifdom and God's wifd . n is set forth by Three words, Underfianding, Counfel, Wisdom. Let us fee what is m. the Lord, and what is against the Lord : Is there wifdom againft the Lord ? In the Lord there is the fame. Only againft him there is the wifdom, the counfel and understanding of the Creature; in him of the Creator. Surely the Creature can do nothing without him, or against him; for it is dependant; whatever the Creature bath, it cometh from him ; otherwife our underftanding is but ignorance, our counfel rafhnefs, our wifdom folly. Pharoah thought to go wifely to work, but that wifdom cols him dear, when he intend- ed to fupptefs God's Interels, Exod. 1. so. Ahab, when God threatned to cut off his Polterity, begets Seventy Sons, and difpofeth and placeth them in the moft firong and fenced Cities, 2 Kings 7.8. And it came to pafi when the letter came to them, that they took the king's fans, and flew feventy perfos s. Herod would go wifely to work to de- ftroy him that was born King of the yews, in the Cradle ; but Ghrift was preferved for all that. The Synagogue of Satan is (till hatching crafty counfcls to deftroy the Spouse of Chrift, but with what effe& ? Antichrist isconfumedmore and more. We are afraid of our fubtil Enemies : Are we ever in fuch (traits but God knoweth how to brintus out? They cannot over wit the Lord by whatever is plotted in Rome or Hell. God know- el.: .11. For he bath understanding; counterworketh all, for he bath counfel: In the iffue they w. i out play the fool, for he bath wifdom. -. Strengt? If any have the Courage to oppofe God's People and Intere( in the World, the attempt will be fruitlefs; the malice of men and Devils will be fruitless : He only r can overcome God, can hurt us. Our Enemies are firong, our fdves weak: but ! . ;bong is God ? They are nothing, nothing in comparifin with God. So God faith, I am, and there is none elf , Ifa.4.0. 17. All nations before him are as nothing. As the Stars differ in glory: but when the Sun arifeth, the inferior Lights are obfcured, and their difference unobferved. Nothing by way of exclufonof God; as the Sun .beam is nothing when the Sun withdraweth, thefntnd in the Pipe nothing when the Mulcian ta- keth away his breath, Pfal. 104. 29, 30. Those hidefl thy face, they are troubled ; thou ta- ke ¡t away their breath, they die, and return to their drift : Thou fendefl forth thy spirit , they are created; and thou renewefl the face of the earth. Noshing by way of oppnftion to God,