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320 S E R#1V10 N S upon Serm.XLI. greatnefs by Gods próteaon ; thereforethe ruin is the more fpeedy, Pfal. 52. 7. Lo this is the man that made not-God his firength, but trufied in the abundance of his riches, and firengthned himfelf in his wickednefs. Alt, how foon can God Waft all their confidences ! man is the meet produa of his Makers will ; and all that fupports his Being is the fruit of his bounty ; furely he that blew up this bubble, can as loon truth and diffolve it ; they look upon the godly, as, the molt af[fiâed creatures, becaufe the hatred of the world is ufually upon them ; but fine are the moft miferable ; tho they have all the world on their fide, yet if they haveGod againft them, they have caufe to fear ; there is á wall between them and Heaven; certainly wicked mien have ftronger enemies than the people of God have, or can have; they have God himfelf for an enemy, and he will overcome. 2. What reafon the enemies of Gods people have to be afraid, and to flop their ferry and rage againft his caafe and interefi : 'Tis fruitlefs and vain to curfe thofe whomGod will blefs ; Balaam could teach them this, Numb. 23.8. How fiall I turf, whom God bath not turfed? or how (hall ¡defre thofe wham God hath not defied ?'Tis ruinous; To allude to,AU. 22. 27. They that let themfelves againft his people, fet themfelves againft God, Ica. 37. 23. Whom hate thou reproached and blafphemed ? againft whom haft thou exalted thy [elf, and lifted up thine eyes on high ? even againft the Holy One of Ifrael. Men do not know and confider who is their party, and with whom they have todo, that breathe out nothing but threat - nings and de(tru &ion againft the fervants of the Lord ; are you a match for God ? He is their Second, and engageth againft you, and he can loon tread out this fmoaking flax, and with the wind of his difpleafure fcatter this duct, that flieth in the faces of his peo- ple. 3. That a Chri/lian is, or may be above all oppofrtion ; And the fear of man, which is a fnare to others, fhouldbe none to him ; for he hath Gods Favour and Almighty Proteai- on to fupport his courage and fortitude ; there are two things trouble us, an inordi- nate refpeEt to worldly happinefs as our end; or an inordinate refpelt to man as the au- thor or means of procuring it ; cure thefe two evils, and what fhould trouble or per- plex a Chri(tian ? I. An inordinate refpes1 to temporal happinefs.: That mutt be cured in the firft place; 'what is your firftand chiefeft care?to fecure your temporal interefts, or to fave your fouls? to cure our cares and fears, Chrift direaeth us, Matpth. 6. 33. Firfl feekthe Kingdom of God and his righteoufnefi, and all thefe things 'hall As added unto you. He promifeth us a Kingdom, Luke 1.2. 32. And the Apoftle defcribeth the true Chrillian, Heb: so. 39. to be one that believeth to the faving of his foul : Now if you will be Chriffians indeed, dtand to this, that whatever becometh of other things, your bufinefs fhould be to fave your fouls, and then your trouble about worldly accidents is plucked up by the roots ; for'sis our affe&tions to them caufe our of li6tions by them . Can men take away the pri. viledgesof Gods Kingdom from you? or call you into Hell, and prohibit your entrance into Heaven? No, but you would fave your Rake ; agreed, fo it be confiftent with your duty and fidelity. to Chrift ; but if it cannot be, venture it in Gods hands. Heaven is worth fomething ; and 'tis a queftion whether they delire it or no, that will venture no- thing for it; therefore this mutt be determined and fixed as your refolution in the fieft place, that you will get to Heaven whatever it colt you, and will obey God at the dear - eft rates. 2. An inordinate refpèll to man, as if he did all in the world: Seule feemeth to tell us fo, but faith mutt teach us better; therefore to cure this, confider who is molt able to help or hurt you;and whether it be better to have God a friend or an enemy; if you will take the judgment of the people of God, you fhallfee, 1. That they always profefi that Gods prefence, to whom all things are frsbjeli,is their great fecurity, Pfal. 46. 7. The Lord of HO is with us ; the God of Ifrael is our refuge, Selah. They think th'ettifelves fate enough with God, rho all the world fhould be againft them. 2. They have been confident of his prefence with them,and fatherly love and care over them, in thefaddefi? condition, Pfal. 23.4. J ho.l walk in the .valley of the fhadom of death, I will fear none evil, for thou art with me. When death and they walk fide by fide, yet they are ftill confident of Gods favour and prefence ; God dóth not forfake his people, tho he permitteth them to be exercifed with divers calamities; Heb. r r. 35, 36. 3. Z1pon