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322 SERA/IONS upon Serm.XLI. God while we continue in fin. If we would have God to be with us, we muff carry our. [elves as in his prefence, and be dutiful and obedient to him, feek him, rely on him, and keep his way. 2. U S E is to pre[ you to lay up this truth in your heart, ; for 'cis the ground and foun- dation of all Religion. t. his is theground of clofe adherence to God, when we ceafe from man, and cleave to God alone : Then you live as thofe that from their hearts do believe that there is a God, and that be is a rewarder of thofe that diligently feek him, Heb. it. 6. which are the fun -. damental Principles whichare at the bottom of all Chriftian practice : and the more you live upon them, the more caufe you will fee to [lick to God, and pleafe God rather than man. They that trull in him, and do [land or fall to him alone, they are the bell Chri- flans. You fo far withdraw your felves from God, as you look to man. If once man get the preheminence of God, -and be fet above him in your hearts, that is, be loved, trufted, obeyed before God, fo far your hearts grow dead to God, and Religion prefently withereth anti decayeth, Prov. 29. 25. The fear of man bringeth a ferre, but he that trufi- etb in God _Mall be fafe. The Soul that cannot intirely trufl God, whether man bepleafed or difpleafed, can never long be true to him : for while you are eying man, you are lofing God, and ftabbing Religion at the very heart. 2. This keepetb us from fhifting and helping our felves by unlawful means, Gen. 17. 1. I am God alfuficient, walk before me, and be thou upright. Were we roundly perfwaded that his power is above all power, and his wifdom above all wifdom, and his goodntfs and fidelity invincible, it would fave us from many finful mifcarriages and unlawful means that we take for our own prefervation. We often lofe our felves by feeking to fave our felves without God , and becaufe we cannot depend upon his Alfuffici ency. Well then, fnce it bath fuch an univerfal influence upon all our Converfati- ons, we fhould get, it rooted and fetled in our hearts, that we may not be toffed up and down with the various Occurrences of this Life : God is our happinefs, and not the Creature. 3. This frlleth us with courage dnd magnanimity in the mofi defperate cafes, Dan. 3. 17, 18. 0 Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to anfwer thee in this matter; our God whom we firm is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace ; but if not, we will not ferve thy god, nor worfhip the golden image which thou haß fit up. This is true fortitude to look to God alone; he will deliver from Death, or by Death; He can fave us from trouble; or if not, he will haften our glory : Yet we muff refolve to (lick dole to him, however he de- termine the event. 4. This maketb us live quietly from cares and fears, when we can commit and fubmit all to God, Phil. 4. 6, 7. Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and fupplication, with thanksgiving, let your requefis be made known unto God : And the peace of God which paffeth all underfianding, ¡hall keep your hearts and minds through Jefas Chrifl. 'Tis a bleffed frame, queftionlefs, to be careful for nothing. This is to be had by ceafing from Man, and tru(tiog in the Lord, who hash the government and difpofal of all things. Direïtions. t. Let the Will of God be yoter fore Rule: For God mull in[litute that Religionwhich you expel he fhould accept and reward. None troll in the Lord but thofe that keep his way, Pfal.. 37.34. Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he (ball exalt thee to inherit the land. 2. Let the Favour of God be your Happinefs: Be quieted in his acceptance, whether man be pleafed or difpleafed, 2 Cor 5. 9. Wherefore we labour, that whether prefent or abfent, we may be accepted of him. Let God be enough to you, without and againft Mao. S E R-