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326 S E R M O N S upon Serm. x L,1I nets of his bounty and patience, ánd were utterly loft to God and themfelves; the whole time that we lived in the world (hewed Gock fearing us, but yet he fpared not Chrift : Every moment We lived after the committing of fin, was the fruit of Gods indulgence ; the arrow is upon the firing, only God refpiteth execution, and took this way of R iemption by Chrift, that we might be difcharged, not only from the hurt, but the t: of his wrath and curie due to us. 2. God having laid this foundation, let us fee what et fuperfirn5ure of grace is built *Frye. on ; he Both freely give us all things ; all good things are the gift of God, jam. r. t 7, And whatever God giveth,he givcth freely,for there can be no preobligation upon him,Rom, r t.3 5.Who hath given him firfi ?But here the chief thing confiderable is the largenefs of th;; gift, he will give allthings 5 this compre.henfrve and capacious exprefffon includeth much comfort in its bofem : Let us explain it a littler both the Creature and the Creator,frem God to the pooreft thing' in the world ; through Jefus Chrift all_ is ours ; Rev. 21. 7. He that overcomethfhall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he (hall be my fs,. God himfelfmaketh over himfelf to his children, who is all in all ; he doth enjoy God and all things betides, which may be a blellìng to him ; he is ours, that bath all thins, and can do all things ; and what can the foul defire more? 2. This all things reacheth to the two worlds ; Heaven and earth are laid at the foot cf a believer, t Tim. 4. 8. Bnt godlinefs is profitable to all things, having the pram f of the life that nom is, and of that which is to come. Here God is not wanting to his peo- ple, but the gift and grace prornifed is eternal life. 3. This all things concernetbthe whole man ; the body and the foul ; the body is in covenant with God, as well as the foul, and therefore 'tis provided for by thecovenant 3 we feel not only the comfort of it at the laft day, when 'cis raifed upas a part ofChrifts My(tical Body ; but for the prefent the bodily life expofeth us to manifold neceffities 3 but Matth. 6. 33. Firfl fee(thekingdom of God, and his righteonfnef, and all theft' things (hall be added:011o)0v. He that hath any placeor office, bath the perquifites of the place or office ; now for the foul, 2 Pet. 1. a. The divine power hath given lit all things neceffary to life and godli- i ;ef. Meaning by life, internal grace, and by godlinefs the fruit of it, an holy conver- fation ; There s not only the remote inclination, but the actual readinefs, yea the final accomplifhment, will and deed, Phil. 2.13. 4. All things that are for our real advantage of what nature foever they be, 1 Cor. 3. a r. All things are yours; Ordinances, Providences, Death, the connexion between both the worlds, whatever belongeth to our happine(s, and will further us to the Kingdom of glo- ry, for God is engaged; No good thing will he withhold, Pfal. 84. 1 r. Well then, is not a Chriltian compleatly provided for, That hash Ged and the creature, Heaven and earth, pardon and life, grace and glory ; that is reconciled to God by the death of Chrift, and Paved by his life ; protection and maintenance, and a f nllified portion in this world, and the happinef, of the life to come ? A Chriftian that is fife among friends and enemies, that liveth in Communion with God here, and (hall dwell for ever with him hereafter, is he not well provided for ? 3. The ftrength and the force of the inference. Certainly, this broad and ample foun- dation will fupport the building, tho the top of it mount above the clouds, and becarri- ed fo high as the glory to come. t. Becauf the giving of Chrifl is fign and pledg of his great love to Its; and what will not love,and great loved° for thofe whom it loveth ? John 3. 16. God loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son. He doth not tell you how, but leaveth you to admire and rejoice at fo untptakable and unconceivable love ; and r John 4. r o. Herein io love, not that we loved God,bnt God loved us,andfent his Son to le a propitiation for our fns.The Aooltie awakeneth our drouzy thoughts ; herein is love, here is a full, manifeft, real proof of hislove ; 'cis commended to us, fet before our thoughts, Rom. 5.8. Chrifls love relteth not in good wi(hes, or the kind affefhon of his heart, but breaketh forth into aerion and evidence, and real performance; nay,'sis not only real, but glorious; things May be demonftratedasreal; which yet are not commended, or let forth as great ;' fome- imes God profeffeth his love to a peop;e; I have loved you; but becaufe they were af- flitted and mifèrable, they expoftulate with this bold reply, Mal. I. a. Wherein haft thou loved us? Now here is a full and clear Demon(tration of ir, He fpared not his own Son. Now what may not we promife our (elves from this great love ? Hereby we fee how vouch his heart is Pet upon our falvation ; therefore no fear but he will carry it thorough. God