9 28 S E R M D N S xpon Sun XL 1 i. r. Thofe io whom God givelh Chrili : In the Scripture we read lometimes of Chrift given for us,and fometimes of Chrift given to us ; his being given for us, noteth the im_ petration,andthepurchafeof the benefits; his being given to us,the application of them 5 the one fpeaketh the love of God to IdTtman, obnoxious to fin and milery 5 the other, Gods love.to us in particular, Gal. z. to. It ;leafed God to reveal his Son in me. Rev. 5. Loved us, 'and waffled n, in his blood. The firlt gift is Chrift: John 5. 12. He that hath the Son, hath life 5 and lieb. 3.14. Partaltrs of Chhrisl. 2 Cor. t3. 5. Chriflinyoy We receive his Perlon, and with him his Spirit, to work lifer in us ; we do not live in the body, till we be united to the head; nor till we have Chrift, do we receive the fa; ving effects of his grace ; clear that once, and (hall he not with him give us all things ? God offereth him to all, but he giveth him to you when you believe. 2. Thofe that give up themfelves toChrifi, r Cor. 3. 22. All things are yours, t,ecaufeye are Chrifis, and'Chrifl is Gods., If you be to Chrift what Chrift was to God, a dedica- ted fervant,ever to do the things that pleafe him ; when you enter into covenant with him, and devote your (elves to his ufe and fervice, that to you to live is Chrili, Phil, r. 2 r. As God giveth Chrift to you, you live in Chrift; as you give your (elves to Chrift, you live to him ;God giveth us Chrift and all things with him,and we give up our lelves add every intereft and concernment of ours to Chrift, to be ufed for hisglory. If you be lincere and hearty in this, you .need not doubt ofa plentiful allowance. t. u S E it to prefs us to admire the love of God, mho fpared not his own Son, but deli. vered him up for its all: In that he fpared not Chrili ; the Lord telleth Abraham Con. 22. 12. Now I ktoro that thole lovefl me, Ace thou haft not withheld thy fan, thine only fan from nee. So here is a full demonftration ; certainlyGod loved Chrift better than Abra- ham loved Ifaac; and God was not bound by the command of a fuperior, but did it vo- luntarily 5 Oh get your hearts deeply poffeffed with this love ! Lord, we fee how much thy heart is Cet upon the recovery of loft man! 2. That all this woo done that he might fpare as ; for that is the fruit of ir, Mal. '1. n7. I will f are them, as a man fpareth his own fanthat ferveth him : The indulgence of God to us is let forth by two amplifications, Propriety, and towardlinefs or obedience ; pro- priety, his own Song a faulty child ds a child (till, and therefore not eafily turned out of the family; but 'tis not a prodigal, or arebellious Son, but a good child; his fon that ferveth him, Now if we confider what God is, the purity of his nature, the ftriftnefs of his law, that fin is an aQ of difloyalty to God; and what we are, our mani- fold deheCCts ; Cutely, 'tis love,great love, that he would fpare us ; if God Ihould be ftriet on the bel of us, what would become of us? a. U S E, To improve it; Firfl to confidence and hope : A man that wants not Chrift, cannot want any thing; when the eletft had need of Gods own Son, he did not (pare him ; and when given us his Son, will he not give mercy and grace to help in every time of need ? He that flood not on the greateft benefit, will he Rand upon a lefs? There is two grounds of hope ; r. The cattle. 2. The merit. The fountain canfe is the infinite love of God ; an Emperors revenue will pay a beggars debt ; the fame good will thatmoved him to give his Son, will move him to give-other things that we (land in need of, and may tend to our good. The other is the merit of Chri(ìs Sacrifice ; God that is not (paring of his Son, will not be fparing of what is purchafed by his San furely his purchafe will be made good : Chrift frtteth at the, right Hand of God to fee that it be done, IIeb.10. t 2. Bot this man, after he had offered one Sacrifre for fins, for ever fat down at the right hand' of Gad. That one offering hath done the work. 2. Improve it to obedience: God fpared not his osvn Son, and (hall we fpare our lufts? There is a twofold argument in it ; Firft, an argument of gratitude; Let us not (pare our (elves, neither body, nor foul, nor life, nor liberty, nor ftrength, nor time, nor any thing that is near and dear to us, fo we may glorifie God ; the Apelle faith not barely, he gave his Son for us, but he fpared not to give him : We have thoughts, and to (pare, Shall not God have them ? We have time ; we bellow many hours in vanity, (hail we not bellow Come on God e But furely it Ihould be as a wound to our hearts, that we thould be fo unwilling not to fpare our tufts, that which is not worth keeping : The other Argument is from fear: If we fpare our fins, God will punilh them, Job 20. 13. Tho he fpare it; andforfake it not, lint keep it flillwithin his mouth, Dent, 29. 2 r. The Lord will not (pare him. I may reafon as the Apoltle, If God (pare not the natural branches, Rom. r t. 2 i. take heed a' lelI %e