-e r. 2. the 8th Chapter to the R OM ANS. 3 3 r 13. Greater love bath no man; than that be lay down his life for his friends. We were not friends in (late, but only friends in his purpofe 5 nay, we were actual enemies,. but reconciled and-brought into friendship by his death : No man can -eitprefs greaier love to his dearest friends , than to adventure to die for them: This did Chrift for us. 4. 'Twas a love exprefed toys when our cafe was not only difficult,. but defperate and re- medilefs, as co any other agent, Ifa. 56. 16. And he few that there was no man, and . wondred that there was no interceffor, therefore his own arm wrought falvation for us. Pfal. 4.0. 8. The redemption of the foul is precious, and ceafeth for ever. Like perplexi- ties often occurring in the Churches cafe, 2 Chron. 22: 12. 0 ,our God, wilt thou not fads them? for we have no might againft this great company that cometh againfi us, nèither know we what to do, but our eyes are unto thee. And Efth. 3.14. When the writing was signed and fent abroad by all pons for the deftruáion and extermination of the Jews; the City shufhan was perplexed. 5. rho we cannot abfolutely determine of the fuccefs as to particular events, yet this gin vet fPgood hope and confidence towards god. I. As to particular events, no abfolute certainty ; For God promifeth not all that you delire, or think that ye want in bodily things. `2. loony things are necefary to ferve the ordir and harmony of his Providence in the communities and ¡ocieties wherein we live : And God may deliver his people in fuch a way, and by filch means as they never dreamt of; as Pouls going tei Rome ; therefore for the way, his Wifdom mutt be the Judg, pot our partial conceits. 3. As to temporal events we muß pray with fubmion, 1 John 5. 14. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we askany thing according to his will, he bearetb us. 'Tis not always neceffay for us, that we should' have love and refpelt from men,and never be tried and exercifed with want, or pain, or fuffering: 2. This giveth good hope. r. Becaufe it is for Chrillofake that he fullilleth all pro- mites to us; and fo giveth us deliverance in any firait or prelim exigence. 2. Becaufe we are heard in what we ask for Gods glory and our own good ; fo out prayers are accepted. r. Gods glory; but he mutt chufe the means ; the end is granted, the prayer is not loft, but rewarded as an aû of our fincerity. 2. For ourgood, that is the chiefeft good, Rom. 8. 28. All things fliall work together for good to them that lave God : The great promife is eternal falvation, all things elle fhb.. ordinated to it ; if you beg eafe for the flefh, merely for its own fake, or worldljy profperity to pleafe the fleth, you befpeak your own denial, Chrift puts no fuch drofs in his golden Ceafer. 3., U S E is to perfwade you to get ass aflual interefi in Chrift : By receiving hint when God offereth him, and is willing to give him to you, John t. 12. Faith is a brat. ken - hearted and thankful acceptance of Chrift, and a giving up our felvesto him by an intire and unbounded refigoation, 2 Chron. 30.8. Yield up your felves to the Lord, to befanhlifiedand governed by him. 9 Tz SEB.3