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Ver. 3 3.. the 8th Chapter to the ROMANS. all this colt would be in vain, if he fhould not pardon and ju(tifie. There is inch a value in the death and obedience of Chrift, that the Scripture puts a coo laZ nor upon it; compare it with the influence of Adam, as a common root, Rom. 5: 17, 18. for if by one mans offence, death reigned by one; mach more they which receive abundance of grace and of thegift .of righteoefnefi, ¡hall reign in life, by one Jeffs Chrifi ; therefore as by the offence of one, judgment came upon all to condemnation ; even fà by the righteoufnefr of one, the free gift came upon all men unto juflifteatian of life. And with the legal lacrihces, Heb. 9. r 3. For if the blood of Bulls, and Goats, and the afhes of an heifer, Jprinkling the unclean, fanllifieth to the purifying of the AA; how much more /hall the blood of Chrifi? &c. There is the fame reafon in both ; befides inftitution and appointment, there is as intrinfick value. 3. Becaufe 'cis conveyed by the folemnity of a Covenant : now God by his Cove- nant hath made it our right; his ju(lice is ingaged, r John r. 9. If we confefi curios, he is faithful and jnfi :to forgive us our fins. 2 Tim. 4: 8. Henceforth there is laid up for roe a crown of righteoufnefs, which the righteous fudge /hall give me at that day. By G. lemn promote , you convey a right to another in the thing promifed 5 fu Both God. 4. When we believe God as the fupream Judge, a bially determineth our right ; fo that a believer is rams incuria, hath his quietus ell, Rom. 4. r. Being joilified by(sah, the have peace with God, through our Lord jefa; Chrift. And then, who can lay any thing to our charge, to reverie Gods grant? 5. The Lord, as the foveraign difpofer of mans felicity, doth many times uncon- troulably give us the comfort of it in our own confciences, Job 34.29. When he giveth quietnefo, who can trouble ? and when he hideth his face, who then can behold him to whe- ther it be done againli a nation , or againfi a man only. None can obftrub the peace which he giveth 5 Gods difpenfations, whether for good or evil, are effdhual and irre- fiaible: you may depend on the good he undertaketh to do; though this peace; be, affaulted, yet it will Rand. Gods,manifefting or hiding his facer is enough to make a creature happy or miferable. T. Il S E, is Information; to (hew us, I. The mifery of wicked men;they are not juftifed -by God, and therefore the charge of Gods broken law lyeth heavy upon them, and the weight of it will fink them to the nethermoa Hell. It may be the world may flatter and applaud them, and they may abfolve and acquit themfelves at an eafie rate; but there is no peace, faith my God, to the wicked, Ira. 57. 2.2. 'Tis not our fecurity, delighting our (elves to ling lullabies to our own fouls; for we are never upon fore terms, till God juftifieth us: many abfolve themfelves upon eafie terms, either becaufe they fit (till, and cry God . mercy ; or upon the account of their fuperflcial righteoufnefs, as the Pharifees juaified themfelves ; no,; we mua judge our felves, but 'tis God muff juflifie us .5- till we have our difcharge from him, we are never fife; therefore it concerneth us to confider upon what terms we (land. Are we troubled in mind ? or at peace? if troubled in mind, take Gods remedy; if we be at peace, whence cometh it? Is it warranted by the Covenant of God? that granteth no pardon; no juftification, but to thole that repent and be= lieve. 2. The happinefi of the godly: 'Tis in vain to accule thofe whom God acquitteth 5 you need not fear an acculer, not becaufe innocent, but becaufe juftified. Though the world revileth you, the Devil would air up legal fears, revive your old bondage, when your hearts condemn you for many defelts, you mua hick to this, God jultifi- eth: for the reproaches of the world, you need not be troubled at them; when they accufe you fallly of pride, hypocrifie, covetoufnefs, you may fay as Job, Job t6. t9, My witnef is in Heaven, and my record is on high. He that is the Judge of all men, is a witneli and obferver of their ways, and will acquit thofe whole hearts are upright with him, from the cenfures of the world: God will not ask their vote and füfferage when Satan would revive your bondage, by the thoughts of death, and the conic - quénce of it; confider, wherefore did Chrift ome into the world, and die for finners, but to free us from thole tormenting fears, Bib. 2. 14, 15. Forafmuch as the children are partakers of flefh and blood, he alfo himfelf took part of the rime, that through death he might deftroy him that had the power of death, that is the Devils and deliver them, who 9 V throóg'h 337