Ver. 34. the 8th Chapter to the ROMANS. 3 39 SERMON XLIV. R O M. VIII. 34. Who is he that condemneth ? It is Chrifi that died, yea rather that is rifen again front the dead, who is even at the right-hand of'God, who alfo ma4eth intercegion for ns. N the former verfe, Juftification is confidered, as oppoite to accu- fation 5 now, as oppolite to condemnation : There, Who ¡half lay any thing to our charge ? Here, Who is he that condemneth? With refpe& to both, we muft look upon Chrift as our Advocate, and God as our Judge. Somewhat in this verle.concerneth our exemption from the danger of accufation, namely,.all the was of Chrifts Mediation here mentioned; fomewhat in that .verfe cdncerneth the queftion pro- pounded here about condemnation; namely, the fentence of God as our Judge. For the anfwer given there, muff be repeated, Who it he that condemneth ?''Tis God that jujiefieth. We need not fear an Accufer, becaufe we have an Advocate; we need not fear to be cart in the judgment, becaufe we have a favourable Judge, who will not juftifie and condemn too. Thence arifeth this part of the triumphant fong which the Apoftle puts into the mouth of a believer, Who it he that condemned)? 'ti: Chrifi that dyed, &c. In the words we have, a. A Triumphant challenge, Who is he that condemneth ? a. The ground of it; 'Tis Chrifts Mediation, Ti: Chrift that dyed, &c. a. The challenge, Who is he that condemneth ? 'Tis meant with refpeet to Gods judg- ment in the world, the Saints have been, and often are condemned, nor only tadeath, James g. 6. re have condemned [and] [tilled the jug, (and] he doth not refill you : but fome, if they had their wills, would adjudge them to the bottom of Hell, John a 6. a. Theywill put you but of the Synagogues; ar well as hill you; That is, curie, and condemn you to Hell, which is the fecond death : but their rafh cenfures are not ratified in Hea- ven; their curling hurts no more, than their abfolution benefiteth us ; therefore this is not the meaning : the words relate to the fupream Court. What fear is there of conk demnation by God, when he declareth his mind concerning the juftification of fuch ás believe in Chrift? Now God hath exprefly faid, That he that believeth, (hall not conic into condemnation ; and Who dareth to contradift his fentence ? Falfe Teachers may de- ny this comfort to the penitent believers, and make their hearts fad, whom God would. not have made fad ; but God will not retract his grant ; and the fentence of any judge on this fide God, needeth not to. be flood upon. 'Tis on their part prefumption, and ufurpation of the Throne of God, and their all cannot do us harm; we ftand or fall td our own proper Lord and Matter: a. The ground of the challenge. We are acquitted from condemnation on Chrifts ac- count; this blefling runneth in the channel of his Mediation; four branches of it are here mentioned, a. Chrifts Death. a. R.efurte&ion, with an yea rather. g. His Exalta- Lion at the right hand of God. 4. His interceffion for us; all which would be in vain, and lofe their effeet, if any condemnation we to be feared by us. FrOm the whold obferve, 9 V á i. Thai