3 44° y È IZ M O N S upon Serm. XLIV t. That freedom from the fears of Condemnation is one great priviledg of true and En tad believers. 2. That our triumph over the fears of condemnation arifeth from the feveral as of Chrifts Mediation. For the firft Point, That freedom from the fears of condemnation is one great privi- ledg of true and found believers. What a great priviledg it is, will appear, 1. By the dreadfulnels of the lenience. 2. The dif -Alt!. to get rid of there fears. 3. The fure and folid grounds of a believers peace, i. The dreadfulne(s of the fentence : To condemn,is to adjudg to punifhment 5 and for God ro condemn, is to adjudg us to everla ling punifhment ; the final lenience is let down, Matth. 25.41. Departfrom me ye curled into ever/alting fire, prepa ed for the devil and his angels. In the general they are pronounced curled; but in particular there is the pena damni, the lofs of Gods Favour, and Pretence, and Glory; they de- part from God, who made them at firft after his Image ; from the Redeemer, whofa Grace was offered to them; but [lighted by them ; from the Holy Ghoft, who (trove with them to fanflifie them, and reduce them to God,till they quenched all his motions,, and expelled him out of their hearts : The Difciples wept when Paul (-aid, Te jhsall fee my face no more. But what anguilla will fill the hearts of the reprobate, when God [hall lay to them, Ye [hall never fee my face more ; you are now cut off from all hopes and poffrbility of falvation for ever: Wicked men banifh God out of their company now, Job 21. 14. Depart front us, for we de ire not the ltnowledg of thy ways. God will then be even with them, and banifh them out of his prefence, not from his effential prefence, for that is with them to their everlafting misery ; but from his gracious prefence, which is the everlafling delight of the faints, and from all poffìbility of acceptance with him. 2. Pena fenfur, into everlailing f're prepared for the devil and his-angels : Into frre, not purifying, but tormenting 5 for fo -hell is a place of torment, and a fiate of torment, Luke 16. 24 dam horribly tormented in this flame. And v. 25. He it comforted, and thou art tormented. v. 29. That they come not onto this place of torment. 2, It is for du- ration, everlafling fire : lc had a beginning, but will never have an end : The Saints in all their troubles can fee both banks and bottom, they never met with any fuch hard condition, but it had an end; but here there [till remaineth a fearful looking for more fiery indignation from the Lord : The glory which they refuted is everlafting glory, and the torments which they incur are everlafting torments. g. 'Tis Paid, prepared for the devi and his angels: This (heweth the greatnefs of the mifery of the wicked : The Devil and his Angels mull be their everlafting companions, they who entertained his fuegeflions in their hearts, (hall then remain for ever in his company and fociety 5 as Chriftwithhis ble ffed Angels and Saints make one Kingdom or family, living together in perpetual bleffednels; fo the Devil and his Angels, and the wicked,make one fociety, living together in perpetual mifery. This is the fentence of condemnation in the Chrillian notion of it. 2. The difficulty to get rid of there fears. t. We alldeferve condemnation upon many accounts, both upon the account of o- riginal tin, Rom. 5. 18. As by the offence of one, judgment came upon all to condemnation, fo by the rightcoufnefe of one, thefree gift came upon all tojuflificaticn of life. Our afro. al offences make it more our due; for the wages of fin is death, Rom. 6.23. The fe- cond death as well as the ñrft. 2. In our natural curate we were afrually condemned by the fentence of the law, which is confirmed by the Gofpel, if we refufe the offered remedy, John q. 18, Icy. He that believeth not,is condensed already. And v. t 2. This is the condemnaticn, that light is come onto the world, and men love darkne fs rather than light, betas fe their deeds are evil. 3. Our confciences own it, that where there is guilt, there will be condemnation; and therefore our own hearts condemn us, r John 3. 20. And unlefs this condemnation be reverfed, and that upon good krounds, we can have no firm and lolid peace within our 1