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Ver, 94. the 8th Chapter to the ROMAN S. 341 our (elves :confcience Cpeaketh aloud this truth, and is the more to be regarded : part- ly becaufe the fears of the guilty creature are founded in the nature of God, his Holi- nets and Juftiee ; his pure Holinefs, Hab. r. t3 Thou art of purer eyes than to.behald iniquity. 'Tis a natural truth, that fin is difpleafing to God, and maketh the fiuner hate- ful and loathfom to him; and worthy t0 be calf off, and puuithed by him ; Gods holi- nefs is at the bottom of all our fears : we fear his wrath hecaufe 'tis armed with an Al- mighty Power: we fear his Power, becaufe 'tis fet awork by his Jullice : we fear hls JuRice, becaufe *tis awakened by his Holinefs, which cannot endure fin and fianers, t Sam. 6. 20. And the men of Bethfhetnefh, who is able to fiand before this Holy Lord God?- So alto on the other hand, all mens fecurity arifeth from a mifprifton of Gods nature,as if he were not fo holy(, Pfàl. 59 21. Thou thoughtefl that 'was altogether flick a one as thy fell g Not much offended with fin. Now for the Ju[lice of God, Kom. r. 32. They knew the jail judgment of God, that they that do filch things, are worthy of death. álns2a5s His righteous dealing : Fie bath revealed. his wrath froth Heaven againft all un- godlinefs and enrighteoufnefo of men. Men are convinced in their own confciences, that they are liable to his condemnation and judgment : The barbarous people of Age. lita had a fenfe that divine vengeance followed (inners, A&, 28.4 He is a murderer, whom tho he hash efcaped the fea, vengeancefuffereth not to live. Therefore till Gods JuRice be appeafed, aman can have no fatista tioo in him. 2. The next reafon, Becaufe of the deepnefs of the imprellion the confcience of fin is not eafily blotted out ; man is ronfrions to himfelf, that he hash offended God, and deferved his wrath, and this trouble and fear is not eafily appealed, nor the wounds of confcience healed : The Apoltle Bill goeth upon this argument againft the Jews, that the Sacrifices could not make the Worlhipper pertelt as appertaining to the con- fcience, Neb. 9.9. That is, perfeûly remove the guilt, or the fear of condemnation and punifhmeot, Heb. 10. 2. The worfhippers were never fo purged, as to have no con- fcience of fin ; fo that the expiation and purging out of fin is no flight thing. 3. After grace received, much of our old bondage remaineth with us; for all their life time they are fubjeti to bondage, Heb. 2. 15. We carry thefe (hackles with us to Hea- ven Gates: Which cometh to pats; partly, through t he imperfeftioo of our graces, t John 4. 17, 18. Herein is our love made perfe£l, that we may have boldner in the day of judgment, becaufe as he is,, fo are we in the world. There is no fear in love, but pet - felâ love calleth Out fear, becaufe fear halb torment : he thatfearesh i; notperfeth in love. Tis pofíible a man may be juttilied, but becaufe his love cloth not prevail to a greater obedience to God, or conformity to Chril, therefore tome of that fear which hath torment in it, yet remaineth, and we have not that confidence which may imbolden us againft the fears of condemnation, or the terrors of the judgment : As faith workéth by love, and love produceth its effeEt, which is obedience to God, and conformity to Chrift; the fear of being condemned is cat( out, and the confcience is more foundly' eftablilhed ; and partly, becaufe God feemeth to revive thefe condemning fears by ma- ny harth corrections, which look very wrath-like : an inflame we have t Kings 17. I . The Woman of sarepta, when her only Son died, the faid to Elißha, What have i to do with thee,thoss mars of God P art thou cometo call my fin to remembrance, toflay my fon ? She ihought that that Providenceintimated, that God begin to reckon with her about her fins ; this may be a mi(lake ; for Gods Providence mutt be expounded by his word, The grievous birternefs is intended for good, not for evil; to prevent condemnation, not eftablrth it ; as the concluded determination and fenteuce of our Judg, 1 Cor. 1 r. 32. We are chaflated of the Lord, that we may not be condemned with all the world. However you tie, thefe fears are loon revived in us by bitter and grievous providen- ces, which make us unravel all our hopes, and quetlion whatever God-hath done for us and partly too, God may do it by Come judicial impreffron on the confcience, Job 13. 26, 27. Thou writefl bitter things ageinfi me, and makefli me pofefs the iniquities: of my "meth. Thou puttell my feet into the Mork,, and loeko l narrowly unto all my paths t those fettefi a print upon the heels of my feet. Hefpaketh there, as if God did purfue him as, one that was not juftified ; the wounds of an healed confcience may bleed afrefh ; and fins long ago committed,may be raked out of their graves, and like walking Ghofis flare in the face of confcience; and they may be apt to fu(peitall is wrong; and that they are 1H11 liable to the condemnation of Aod : God may permit this upon new pro- vocations, when we walk not humbly and cautioully with him, and do not cherish the fervency of our love to him, and the tendernels of our confciences. Now all this thew - eth how bard a matter it is to get rid' of the fear of condemnation ; before juttificari 0m