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Ver.34. the 8th Chapter tó the R.0 MM A N S: 44 n your felves, will be repealed. The door of grace is always open to thcfe, EItb. 6. 8. who have fledfor refuge, to lay hold of the hope fit before theirs. 4. Make your qualification more explicite, by an holy and Heavenly life. i Theff. 5. 8, 9. But let its who are of the day, be faber, putting on the breaf-p1,te àf faith and love and for an helmet, the hope of falvation : For God bath not appointed its to wrath, but to obtain falvation by our Lord fefus Chriff.' The more you live upon the other world, and in a Rri& Obedience to God, the fooner you will make out your qualification, 2 Cor. I. 12. Fer our rejoycing is this, the teffimony of our confcience, that in fmplicity andgadlf fincerity, we have had our converfations in the world. I now proceed to the 2. Doltrine. That our triumph over the fear of condemnation, mainly ariftb from tl.0 feveral alto of Chriffs mediation. I. His death is mentioned, it is Chrift that dyed ; that is, he bath expiated our fins by his death, and obtained releafe and pardon for us : and then, who (hall condemn? This will appear, i. By the notions by which it is let forth, a ranfom : a M- diatorial Sacrifice, and a propitiation: a ranfom, lúrtoritretaosMrMatth. 20. 28.äralrorjr I Tim. 2. 6. Aranfoná is a price given to a Judge, or one that hath the power of life and death, todave the r life of one capitally guilty, and by law bound to fuff. death, or fome oth r evil of punilhment. This was our cafe 5 God was the fupream Judge, before whole Tribunal man ttandeth guilty, and liable to death and co, dmdation : but Chrift gave himfelr as á ranfom in our tread, to fave us from the condemnation which we had deferved Job 33. 24. Deliver him from going down to the pit; I have found a rat f m. From the be. ginningof the world Chrift was known to be a Redeemer, who faved the world by a ranfom paid : no other way could the effe &s of the Lords grace he communicated to us; we receive mercies freely, but they were dearly purchafed by Chrift. The fecond notion, is that of a Mediatorial Sacrifice, Ifa. 53. to. He "hall make his foul an offering for fn. . So Eph. 5. 2. He gave himfelf for us, an offering, and a facrifice to God, for 8 fweet finelling favour. Sin is a wrong done to God, and therefore there mull be fome- thing offered to God in our Read, by way of fatisfa&ion, before he would quit hit controverfie againR us: this Chrift bath done; all that was fcgnified by the Ancient Sa- crifices and offerings, was accomplilhed by him. They were flayed, killed, burned, all which are but thadows of what our Lord endured t He is the true and real Sacri- fice, wherein provoked jutice doth retI fatisfied, his wrath appealed, and we that were loathfome by reafon of fin, made acceptable and well - pleating unto God. The third no- tion is that of a propitiation, I John 2. 2. He gave himfelf a propitiation for ourfrier, and not for ours only, but for the fns of the whole world. And Rom 3. 25. Whom God fit forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood. This implyeth Gods being pacified, and appealed, fo as to become propitious and merciful for ever to finful man; in which fence he is allo Paid to make reconciliation for the fins of his people; ¡ seoxreaar Heb. 2. a 7. whereby is meant Gods being reconciled to us. This he great end why Chrift dyed for us, to appeafe Gods wrath and difpleafure, and reduce us into grace and favour with him again, by tendering a full compenfation od for all our fins. 2. The effe &s afcribed to it. I. Sin is expiated or purged 'out, Heb. i. 3. When he ad by himfelfpurged our fns, he fat down on the right hand of the Mje7fy on high. As God would not be appealed with- out a Ranfom, Sacrifice, or Satisfy &ion, fo could not fin be purged out without bearing the punilhment : fo the conlcience is Paid to be purged from dead works, by the blood of Chrift, Heb. 9.4. and Revel. i. 5. He bath warned us from ourfins in his blood: That is, done that which will remove the guilt and pollution of it, when'cis rightly applyed tö us; and fo he is laid to fii,ifh tranJgreJfìon, and make an end of fn, Dan. 9. 24. That is, to defiroy the reign; of tin, and to leal up the role and hand - writing that was againft us, that it may not be imputed and brought into the judgment. a. The fin is pardoned, and the frnner juftified, Eph. r. 7. In whom we bave redempti. on in his blood, the forgivenefs of fns. That's the great benefit which floweth from the death of Chrift, which is offered in the New Teltament, Ads to. 4t. 2ó him give all the Prophets witnefi, that through his .name, whofoever believeth in him, /hall receive remif f. an offins. And 'Os fealed and reprefented intthe Lords Supper, Muth. 26, a8. This is 9X my