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346 SERMONSupon Serm. X L V. my' blood of the New Tefiament, which was fbed for the rension of fns. 3. The fanaifyiing the tanner to God, Heb. 13. 12. left's, that he might fan&'fse the people with his own blood, faired without the gate. Heb. lo. 1o. By the which will we are fantlifted by the offering of Jefes Chrill once for all. So Eph. 5. 26. That he Might facilifte and cleanfe it, by th'e wafhing of water, thtilugh the word. So John 17. 19. That they alfa might be fantlifted through the truth. In thefe, and many other places, is meant both our dedication to God, and the renovation of our natures, that qualifieth for communion with him. 4. The confummation, or the peddling of the fanaified, as Heb. to. 14. By one of- fering he bathporfetled the fauflifted for ever. The priefs of the law were forced to re- new their Sacrifices, becaufe they could not compleatly take away fm; for the law made irothing,perfefl, Heb. 7. 19. Could not yield ùs fufficient expiation for fin, to juftifie and fanaifie the perfon, fo as to open Heaven to him, and a free accefs to God 5 but Chrift hath fully done this; peddled us for ever by one offering. There needeth no other Sacrifice, no other fatisfaaion, to remove the guilt and eternal puhithmenr, John 19.30, ,,rbxaees,all is finifhed, or perfeaed; all is undergone, that was neceffary for the re- demption of the Elea ; there needed no more to fatisfie juflice, or procure falvation for us. 3. Tilte fufficiency of it to thefe ends and effets. n. From the Dignity of the perfon: He had all fulnefs in him, a fulnefs of holinef, Col. 1. g, a fulnefs of the Godhead, Col. 2. 9. He was holy and innocent, and alto God; and will not the blood of God cleanfe us from all our fins ? 2. The unity of his office and Sacrifice: There is but one Redeemer, and one Sacri- fice ; and if but one, this is enough, n Tim. 2. 5. There is one God, and one Mediator between God and Man, the Man Chrifi Jefes. One Sacrifice, Heb. no. 12. But this man after he had offered one Sacrifice for fns, for ever fat down at the right hand of God. Hob. 9. 26. But now once in the end of the world bath he appeared. to put away fin by the Sacri- fice of himfelf. And Rom. 5.18. The free gift came upon all, to the juftification of life. The Scripture much infifts upon this. 3. The greatnefi of his fufferings, Ifa. 53. 4, 5, 6. Surely he bath born our griefs, and carried our farrows; yet did we èfleem him ffricken, (mitten of God, and affluïed: bet he was wounded for our rranfgreffions, he was bruifid for our iniquities ; the chaftilement of our peace was upon him, and with his ffripes we are healed All we like fheep have gone affray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord bath laid on him the quities of es all. Phil. 2. 7, 8. But made himfelf of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a fervant, and was made in the likenefs of men ; and being found in fafhion as a man, he humbled himfelf, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the croft. And Gal. 3. 13. Chrift bath redeemed us from the turf of the law, being made a curfe for us; for it is written, turfed is every one that hangeth on a tree. Now Chriftians, all this is offered to our Faith : The notions, the effets, or ends; the fufficiency of it to thefe ends and purpofes ; The price is paid by Chrift, and accepted by God. We partake of thefe be- nefits as loon as we perfeign the conditions of the Gofpel; but we triumph when more explicitely we declare our-TTelves to be true and found-Chriftiaos. God doth not look for an Expiatory Sacrifice ifl our hands, but a thorough application of what he bath found out for us : This broaad foundation laid, is not only free for God to build upon, but for us to build upon: live would enter into his peace, we muft rake his yoke upon us, and (hare with him in all conditions. Secondly, yea rather that is rifeen again: When the Apoftle faith [yea rather i there is fome fpecial thing in Chrifts Refurretion, comparatively above his death, which bath an influence upon our juftification. What is it ? What is the reafon of this connetion? Was not Chrifts dying every way enough to free us from fin, and from condemnation by fjn ? Anfwer, Yes; but yet the vifible evidence was by his Refurref ion; the Apoftle faith, 1 Cor. n5.17. If Chrift be not rifen, then are you yet in your fins. And again, Rom. 4. 25. He dyed for our offences, and rote again for our juflijicatron. Chrifts death would not have profited us, if he had been fwallowed up by it, or (till detained under the power of it. More particularly, 1. 'Tis a proof of the truth of his perfon and office, that he is the Son of God, and the Saviour and Judge of the world : and therefore ufually by this argumegr, the A- poltles