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348 S E RM,O NS upon Serm. XLIV. I. The truth of Chrifts Dignity and Office, John 16. io. Of righteoufnefi, becaufe I go to my Father. 2. The validity of Chrifts fatisfa &ion - for our Surety is not only got out of prifon, but preferred ; not only difcharged, but -honoured and rewarded; and appeareth in the prefence of God. Chrift did in effe& fay to God, as Judah the Patriarch did to Ja- cob, concerning Benjamin, Gen. 43. 9. .1 will be furety for him : thou (halt require him of me: if ibring him not to thee, and fit him before thee, let me never fee thy face more, but bear the blame for ever. So Chrift undertaketh to be refponfible for there poor creatures; What they owe, put upon my fcore ; as Paul laid to Onefimus. 3. That he is in a full capacity to convey life to others : All weaknefs is removed from him ; his humane nature is glorified, and feared in Heaven, and bis Divine Ma. jetty and glory is reRored to him; fo that we may reffe& upon him with comfort, as a King on the Throne, in his royal Palace, and place of refidence. David was King as loon as anointed by Samuel ; but when`rowned in Hebron, then did he a&ually ad- minilter the Kingdom, and reward his fervants and followers in the defers. Chritt when lifted up, filleth all things, Eph. 4. to. Laftly, His Vi&ory over his enemies, death and fin; as is fully teen, Pfal. t ro. r. The Lord raid unto my lord, fit thou on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footflool. And Heb. to. t3. From henceforth expeaing, till his enemies be made his footflool. But there is lomewhat peculiar, I. By entring into Heaven, he hath opened Heaven for us ; he bath carryed our na- ture thither, our Bella into Heaven, and advanced it at the Fathers right hand in glory, and fo hath taken poffeffion of Heaven for, and in the name of, all believers, that in time they may afcend, and be partakers of the fame glory ; John 54. 2, I go to prepare a place fir you. 'Twas prepared before the world began, by the decree of God, Matth. 25. 34. Come ye bleféd of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foun- dation of the world. 'Twas prepared in time, by the purchafe of Chrift, lieb. 9.15. Fer the redemption of the tranf reffions that were under the ftrfl Tefiament, that they which are called, might receive the promife of eternal inheritance. Now he is gone to Heaven to purfue and apply that right ; gone thither as our harbinger, Heb. 6. 20. Whither the forerunner is for ns entred; opened Paradife again to us, which was formerly fhus, and doled by our fins. 2. By this means we have a friend in Heaven, who is always at the right hand of God, to prevent breaches between him and us, t John 2. I. And if any man fin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrifi the righteous. As David had Jonathan in Sails Court, to give notice of danger, and to interpole, to take off all difpleafure conceived againtt him. 'Tis a great priviledge, queftionlefs, to have a friend in the Court of Hea- ven, to take up all differences between God and us; as a merciful and faithful High Prieu , to anfwer all accufations of Satan, and hinder wrath from breaking out upon us, as it would do every moment if we had the defert of our fins. 3. His being exalted at the right hand of God, noteth, that honour and power which is put upon the Redeemer: He path received all power in Heaven and Earth, Matth. 28. 18. And Eph. t. 20, 2 t. God f et him at his right hand, far above all Principality, and Power, and Might, and Dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but a fo in that which is to come. Sot Pet. 3.22. He is gone into Heaven, Angels, autho- rities, and powers, being made fubjeff to him. This height of honour to which Chrift was exalted, thews how much his friends may trul him, and venture their all in his hands, Pfal. 2. 12. Bleffed are all they that put their trufl in him : how much his enemies may fear him ; every knee mutt bow to him, they mutt either bend or break, Phil. 2. ro. We have not thoughts high enough of the glory and excellency of Jefus Chrifi, and therefore the glory and fplendor of Created things, cloth loon dazzle our eyes, and our hearts are hardly held up, and fortified againtt there difcouragements that we mutt meet with in his fervice. Surely, lince Chrift is in the highefi dignity and power with God, and hath all the Heavenly bolts and Creatures at his command,we should more incourage our felves in the Lord ; for all this power is managed for the comfort and defence of the godly, and the terror and punishment of his and their enemies : This power was given him as Godman, when heentred into Heaven, and fat down on the right hand of Majesty, 4 Ful-