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Vet.34. the 8th Chapter to the R Q MAN S. 349 4. Fulnefs of grace given him, to difpence the fpirit to his redeemed ones, Acts 2, 33. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of .the Father the promife of the Holy Gholt, he bath flied forth this which ye now* and hear. As fool as he was warm in the Throne, he poureth out the fpirit 5 that is the firdnews that we hear from him 5 and prefently the virtue of it appeared, three thoufand fouls were added to the Church that day : Now that is a pledge of what is continually difpenled in the Church. There is fill a fpirit Pent forth to convince the unbelieving world, and to conquer the oppofing wifdom and power of the fle(h 5 as alto to beget and continue life in his people, that they may actually be put in pofieffion of what he hath purchafed for them 5 for he bath promifed to be with the Miniftry, and difpenfation of the word, to the end of the world, Matth. 28. 20. meaning by that pretence, not only his power. ful providence, but his covincing and quickning Spirit. 5. The aQual Adminiftration of his Kingdom. He ruleth his Church, preferveth his people, and fubdueth their enemies. The enemies of Chrift are of two forts, Tempo- ral and Spiritual ; his Temporal enemies are fuch as oppofe his cattle, and fervants, and feek to fupprefs his intereft in the world. The yews defpightfully tiled him, and his mef gingers, and they had their doom; wrath came upon them to the uttermoft. Tis fuppofed they are intended, Matth. 56. 28. There are fame (landing here which fiall not tall of death, till they fee the Son of man coming in his kingdom. In a few years the City, Temple, and whole Polity" of the Jews were deftroyed, for the erection of the Gofpel kingdom. The Romans were the next enemy, who endeavoured the extirpation of Chriftianity by feveral perfecutions; thefe were next made the footftool of the King of Kings, and after tome years that vaft Empire wasdeftroyed by the Inundation of barba- rous Nations, and the refidue marched under the banner of Chrift. Within a little time, all thee Nations which oppofe Chrifts intereft, and perfecute his fervants, are fubdued under him, and either broken in pieces by fundry plagues and judgments, or elfe brought to fubmit their necks to Chrifts bleffed yoke. There is no ftanding out a. gain[t the King whom God bath exalted at his right hand. Secondly, the Spiritual enemies of Chrifts kingdom, are fin, Satan, and death; each of which bath a kingdom of its own, oppofite to the kingdom of Chrift. The Apoftle teller h us, Rom. 5. 2r. That fin reigned tinto death 5 but he exhorteth, Rom. 6. 12. Let not fn reign in your mortal bodies. And he promifeth, Rom. 6. 14. That fin (hall not have dominion over you. Satan hath a kingdom oppofite to Chrift 5 he is called the Prince of this world, by ufurpation, john. 12. 31. And the Devils are called (Eph. 6. 12.) Rulers of the darknefs of this world. The ignorant, fuperiitious, carnal part of the. world, falleth to his (hare; but Chrift hath caft him out, and will [till go on to do ir. Death hath an Empire and King- dom, Rom. g. 14. Death reigned from Adam to Moles; and verfe 17. by one once death reigned. Now foc the deftru &ion of thefe powers, was Chrift exalted at the right hand of God, and by degrees he doth deftroy and fubdue them; yet this deftrutlion is not fo univerfal, but that fin, and Satan, and death, doth fill continue : yet though there be not a total deftru &ion of them, there is an abfolute fubjeQion of them to the Throne of the Mediator. They cannot do any more than Chrift permitteth 5 they can- not hurt thofe whom God hath given to Chrift, in a deadly manner: they cannot bin- der thea bringing them unto the Heavenly kingdom. He doth annihilate the guilt of fin by Rs death 5 the dominion, by the power of his Spirit : In the difpifers and refuters of his grace, fin continueth in its abfolute power, but fill in a fubjeQion to the Throne. The wrath of the Mediator is teen in their condemnation and deftruúion. Satan is deftroyed, as to his Princely power, but fo as we mull ufe the means (till; at laft he (hall be judged. Death is the laß enemy (I Cor. 15. 26.1 that (hall be deftroyed. It will be finally deftroyed in the Refurrec"tion. For the prefent it ferveth Chrifts ends, I Cor. 3. 22. Fourthly, His Interceflïon for us; this is a notable prop to faith. r. Chrift prefents himfelf, and the merit of his Sacrifice, before the face of God, to preferve us in his favour, Heb. 9. 24. He appeareth before God for us. As the High Prieft did enter with Blood into the holy place, Levit. d. 7. The Priefl fhal[ make an atonement for him. If he did not interpole before God night and day, how fhould the accufations of Satan be repelled, breaches presented, a mutual correfpondence prefer- ved between us and God ?