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350 SERMONS upon Serm. XL1 V. 2. He doth interpole his love, will and defire for our falvation, and all grace that is neceflary thereunto in all our difficulties, conflits and temptations; to intercede is the part of an inferior towards a fuperior 5 tins is Chrift as Mediator to God, John 14. 16. 7 will pray the father. He is to ask his own glory, Pfal. 2. 8 . Therefore what Grace is neceffary for us ; 'Tis a comfort Christ doth nor forget us now in Heaven, as Phiraobs Bader forget jofeph, Gen. 40. 23. But tis much mote a comfort that he will take no- tice of our particular cafe, that he knoweth us by name, and our neceffities and wants, and. doth particularly intercede for us. Nay he is mindful of us, when we are not miad- ful of our felves, for his interceflion doth make way for the effetual application of his grace to us when we think not of it. He obtaineth first the convincing, then fantify- ing, then comforting fpirir. 3 To prevent breaches, t John 2. r. We have an advocate with the Father, plus Chrift the righteous. An advocate, fo he is oppol to to our accuser. And Heb. 2. 12. He is a merciful and faithful high prieft in things appertaining to God, to make reconciliation for tie fns of the- peeple. Merciful to undertake, faithful to accomplish ; merciful to us, faithfuf toGod ; merciful in dying, faithfUl in interceding, and fo mindful of us at eve- ry turn : Surely 'tis the office of a Saviour to be Gods instrument in procuring our diG charge ; if we our felves thould only pleadfor pardon, having carried our felvcs fo un worthy of it, it would be uncomfortable to us; but he that bath redeemed us, pleadeth for us ; we do not go to God alone. 4. He prefents our prayers, which ar e made acceptable to God, not as coming from _ us, but as perfumed with his merits , Heb. 8. 2. and Rev. 8.3. And another angel came and flood at the altar, having a golden center, and there was given to him much in- cense, that he fhould offer it with the prayers of the Saints. He path intendred his own heart by suffering hunger, contempt in the world, exile, wearinefs, pain of body, hea= vinefs of mind, Heb.4. 14, 15, 16. Seeing then,tbat we have agreat high prieff, that is pa /ed into the heavens, jefas the Son of God, let as hold fali our profejJian: for we have not an high prieft which cannot be touched with the feeling of oar infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet withont fin. Let its therefore come boldly unto the throne ofgr¿ce, that we may obtain mercy, andfind grace to help in a time of need, Therefore come boldly for filch mercies as we hand inneed of: He knoweth the heart of a tempt- ed man. V S E. You fee then, what abundant caufe we have to triumph and glory in Chrift. Youhave his Humiliation as the ground of your Comfort 5. his Exaltation, which quali- fieth him to apply it to you, and work it in you; the merit and power : If he had not wrought our deliverance,long might we have born the wrath we deferved, and had no means to help our felves: if he should not make continual interceffron for you, the remnant of your fin would (till bring damnation ; if he did not hide your nakednels, and procure your daily pardon; you would every day be your own destroyers ; nay, you would nor be an hour longer out of hell ; if he did not bring you to God, you could have no comfortable accefs to him in any of your wants and neceffaties ; if he leave you to your felves to refill one temptation, even to the fouleft fins, how quickly would ycube born down,and wallow like a fwine in the mire? We can with Jonahcafr- ly raife the ftorm, but we know not how to allay it : All from heft to lair mutt *given and afcribed to God in Chrift. S E R-