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352 S E R M 0 N S upan Seim. XL. V. gerá#d trjè, and are naked. 6. Peril; by which hemeaueth cmtnent dangers; for even in their lurking places they had no fafety. Paul reckonerh up his perils, 2 Cor. t t. 26. In perils of water, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrey, men, in perils by the heathen; imperils in the city, in peril>iin the wildernefs, in perils in the fea,in perils among falfe brethren. And of the Chriftians of thofe times he he fait h, They flood in jeopardy every hour, t Cor. 15. 2o.. 7. The left is, the (word ; Whereby he mean - eth a violent death o And here the Apoftle ftoppeth ; for all enemies can do no more than kilt the body, nor can we fuffer more by them ; a fword may feparate body and foul, but it cannot feparate us from the love of Chrift ; and under fword are compre- hended, Axes, Gibbets, Fires, Halters, all forts of violent deaths. From the whole obferve, Do &. t. That it it the ufual portion of a &brialian in the difcharge of his dory, to meet with many tro tbles. Do &. 2. That none of tIefe can diffolve the union between them andChrill. Fir note, That troubles are often the portion of Gods people: the primitive Chri- Mians here fpoken of,are a fufficient inftance : Firft, their troubles were for their number many, Pfal. 34. 19. Manyare tie troubles of the righteous. Secondly, For their kinds divers; Chri(tians by the unthankful world, are expofed to fundry evils and moletati. ons ; fometimes they are affaulted by want and theme ; by fear and force ; by all pre - lent and po(frble evils. ,Thirdly, for their degree very grievous ; not only vexatious, but deftru&ive.: There is a gradation, they moleft them , that's tribulation ; they fol- low them dole, leave them no way of efcape, that's diflref ; if they remove, Rill they worry them, and follow them from place to place, then 'tis perfecution ; that drivethto great neceffities for food, then 'tis famine ; for raiment, then 'tis nakednefs ; involveth them in fundry dangers, then 'tis peal ; yea, fometimes they have power to reach life its fell, and then 'cis (word : Now (hall we think, that this was proper to that age only, and that the firft profeffors of Chri(fianity were expofed to there sharp and grievous tryals, that we might be totally excufed from all kind of vexation and trouble ? No; we muff: not indulge fuch tendernefs and delicacy , but muff look for our tryals alfo: The bad will ever hate the good ; the world is (till let upon wickednefs, and worfe rather than better by long continuance. Certainly the world is the fame that ever it was: but confidering in whufe hands the government of the world is, that raifeth wonder that he (hould permit it. Therefore let us fee the f;eafons. r. That we may be conformed to our Head; and pledg him in his bitter cup; Jefus Christ was a man of forrows, and there would be a (trange difproportion between Head and members , if we ( hould live altogether in honour and pleafure, Col. 1. 24. That may fill up what is behind of thefufferings of Chrifi in my Alb. There is Chrift Per- fonal, and Chrift Myftical; the fufteringsof Chrift perfonal are complete, and there is nothing behind to be filled up ; but 'the fufferings of Chrift Myftical are not perfeel till every member have their allotted portion : 'tis an unfeemly delicacy to be nice of carrying the Croft after Chrift; the Apofile counted the fellowfaip of bisfufferings, and conformity to his death,an honour and priviledg to be bought at the deareft rates, Phil. 3. tó. All things ( hould be dung and drofi to gain this experience and honour. 2. God would have his people Peen in their proper colours ; that they are a fort of people that love him above all that is dear and precious to them in the world ; and that they do not own Chrift upon extrinfick and forreign motives, that their example may be an help to promote mortification in the world ;'therefore all his people (hall be tried, Jam. I. 12. Bled is the man that endureth temptation ; for when he is tried, h Thall receive the crown of life, which God bath promifed to them that love him. And Rev. 2. 10. Behold the devil Atilt call ;me of you int, prifon, that ye may be tryed. 1 Pet. i. 7. That the tryal of your fish being much more precious than of gold that perifheth, tho it be tried with fee, might be found to pr rife, and honour,and glory,at the appearing of fe- fusCbrifl. God will try the foundation that men build upon, and whether his people love him above all,yea or no ; and teach the world to fubordinate the animal life to the divine and fpiritual. 3. God will have the world feen in their proper colours, the far greater part of the world do live an ungodly, fen(ual life, and they cannot endure thole that would . gracdu e