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Ver. 35. tbe 8thCbaptir to the ROMANS. '355 2. DoQrine. That none of theft things can d;Dälve the onion between C/.ribl and Be- liever!. I. That there is.a aria union between Chrift and believers , the Scripture loth every where manifeft it ; and the word [ feparate) here implyeth ít; for nothing can be feparated, but what was firft conjoyned: He is the head, and we ,are the members we are the Spoufe, and he is the Húsband, r Cor. i a. t 2. He is the head of the Church, añd the Ssviour of the body, Eph. 5.23. He is the root, and we are the branches, John 15.5. he is the Rock, and we are the graft or cyons, Rom. 6. 5, 2. This union is by the Spirit, on Chrifis part, and faith on 'ours. By 'the Spirit , r Cor, 6. i7. Bnt'he that isjoyned to the Lord, is one Spirit. 1 John 3. 24. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he bath given us. The bond on our part is faith ; for Gil. 2: 20.' And the life that I live in the (lath, I live by the faith of the Son of God 5 and he is faid to dwell in our hearts by faith, Eph.' 3. 17. 3: Both there bonds imply love, which makes the union snore firm and indiffoluble. The Spirit is given as the great fruit of arias love, fo is our faith ; and when once it comes fo far, that Chrift in love hath given his Spirit,and we by faith love him again;'no. thing can unclafp thefe mutual imbraces by which Chrìft loveth us, and we love him The Holy Ghat, as the bond ofunion, is given us as the fruit of his love; Chrift pray- eth; John t,7. 26. That the'love wherewith thou haft loved me, may be in them,. and I in them. What is the love wherewith God loved Chrifl? The gift of the Spirit, John 3. 44, 45 For he whom God bath Pent, fpeaketh the words of God 5 Pr God giveth not the Spirit by meafure'to him. The Father loveth the Son, and bath given all things into his hand. This love is manifefled to. us, and fois Chrift in us.-Add then faith on our part, is a faith working by love, Gal. 5. 6. Chrift bath hold of a believer in the arms of his love; and fo a believer hath hold of Chrift. A Chriflian is held by the heart, rather than by the head; only fome mens Religion lyeth ici their' opinions barely, and then they are always wavering and uncertain: bare reafon will'let Chrift go, when love will not permit us to leave him. If men have a faith that never went, deeper tbtn their brains, and their fancies ; this opinion, or bare fupt,rficial afretlt, will let him go; but 'cis the faith that worketh by love, which produceth this liable and dole adherence. A Chriflian is loath to leave Chrift, to whom he is Married; Who hath fo loved him, and whom his foul fo loveth. Again, the heart is Chrifts flrong Cittadel or Cattle, where he refldeth and maintaineth his interefts in us : A (inner will not leave hig lulls; and worldly profits, becaufe he loveth them; and fo a Chriflian is loath to leave 'Chrifl, becaufe of his Ire to him. Faith refents to the foul, what Chrift bath done for us ; wafhed us in his blood, and reconciled us to God, et- poufed us to himfelf, and fpoken peace to our fouls, 4. That Chrifts love is the caufe and reafon of ours; and therefore the (lability of our love to him, dependeth upon his love to us; and'fs the reafon Chrift loveth us firs, belt, and moll, r John 4. 19. We love him, becanfe he loved no firit. That is, becaufe of the great things he hath done for us, in a way of Catisfaition, to reconcile God to us 5 and in a way of converfion, to reconcile us to God ; and in a way of preparation for our eternal bleffednefs, in the fruition of God. In a way of fatisfataiou ; 'twas his love ingaged him to die for us, Gal. 2. 20. Who loved me, and gave himfeI f for me. Rev t. g. Who bath loved us, and wafhed as in his blood. This was the internal bofomecaufe cf all that he did for us. His love in converfion, in that he'brought us home to God, Eph'. 2. 4, 5. For his great love wherewith he loved us ,° when we were dead in no, he quickncd us. So his rich preparations for out bleffednefs,' r Cor, 2.9. Eye bath 'riot feen, nor ea? heard, neither have èntred into the heart of mass, the things which God bath prepared for them that love him. And r John 3. r, 2. Behold what manner of leve the Father hatb be- llowed upon us, that we fhould be called the Sons of God; therefore the world knoweth of not behold, now are we the Sons of God, and it doth not appear what we (hall be; but we know, that when he f/lall appear, we (hall be like him, for we fl all fee him as he is. Now what is of fuch moment, as to caufe unto ceafe loving him, who bath loved us at fuch an high rate ! Secondly, 'Tis the effeítive caufe, not an exciting argument only ; for his love inclines to improve his power to preferve us in a flare of Grace. These thing, concur to that, His interceffìon with God, His giving,the Spirit td his people, and his Government over the world. t. Chrift intercedeth for usin all our conflias and temptations, becaufe he loveth na, 9 Y 2 asd