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356 SERMONS upon Serm. XLV. and is mindful of us. Heb. 2. 18. For that be himfelfhath Hired, being tempted, he is able to fucconr them that are tempted. And Heb. 4. 15, 16. For we have not an high Prieß which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities: but was in all points tempted like as we are. Therefore let its come boldly fo the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain mer- cy, and find grace to help in a time of need. He knoweth what it is to fuller hunht and nakednefs, and poverty, and exile, and contempt in the world; he knoweth the heart of a tempted man, therefore he will have compaffion upon us, and procure feafonable help for us : He knoweth how hard a thing it is to be tempted, and not to fin; it him- felf was hard put to it, though he had foci power to overcome temptations ; he lìtte,h at the right hand of God for this end and purpofe. 2. His giving the Spirit to help us, and relieve us, and preferve his people in tempta- tion, Phil, 4. 13. I can do all things through Chrift which fbrengtheneth me. Pi, r. 19. For 1 know that this /hall turn to my falvation, through your prayer, and the fulpi, of the Spirit of f efus Chrift. r John 4. 4. Greater es he that is in you, than he that a :. she WOW. 2 Tim, 4. 17. Notwithßanding the Lord flood with me, and firengtheneci me. If Chtifl will nand by us, and keep us in his own hand, what (hall feparate ? 3. Chrift hath the Government of the world, or a power and dominion over all things, which may help or hinder his peoples happiness; therefore his love inclineth him to order all things fo, as may be for their good, John 5. 22. He bath committed all judgi>sent to the Son ; and John 3. 35. He bath given all things into his hand. So I. 22. Head over all things to the Church. Things are not lets to the abatement, or uncertain contingency offecond caufes, but are under the Government of a fupreana . providence, the Admininration of which is in the hands of him that loved us 5 and therefore he will exercife his Dominion, as (hall be for Gods glor., and our good; and fo curb all oppofition, and moderate all temptations, as may be continent with his love and care over us, I Cor. lo. 13. He will not fifer you to be tempted above what you are able. la short, being fo near to God, and having the difpenfation of the Spirit, and the Admininration bf Providence; his great love maketh him pity his people in their neceulisies 5 they are his dear purchafe, therefore he will not lofe them, John 13. a. yefus having loved bit own, which were were in the world, he loved them to !Le end They were in the world, when he was to go out of the world; let- en the midst of waves, when he was got afhore: He knew the dangers to which they were expofed 5 if they mifcarry, his own people mifcarry ; therefore his heart 'is moved with all their Gangers and difficulties; and when we are matt in danger, then is love mot} at work to pro- vide help for us in all our temptations,, as the mother keepcth with the fick child. 5. That love which cometh from the imprefüon of this love, is of an unconquerable force and efficacy, Cant. 8. 6. Love is firing as death; jeaeoh fe as s r. l as the graves the coals thereof are as the coals of fire, which hath a molt vehement jisme; many waters can- not quench love,, neither can tie floods drown it: If a man would give all the fitbftsnce of his honf for love, it would utterly be contemned. There the vehemeney, and uuconque- rableco:dtancy of love is fet forth; it will not be quenched, it will not be bribed. At this rate Chrift loved us; his love was as ftrong, and ftrongt r than death : He debated himfelf from the heighth of all his glory, to the depth of dh milèrÿ for our lakes; suf- fered death, and overcame all difficulties. His love carryed him to us, his lone could not be quenched by the waters of of hidtion, for he endured the Croft; and civpgcd the fume, Heb. r2. a. And his love would not be bribed by the offers of Prefermu t, tvtatth. 4. 9. All there things will l give, if thou wilt fall down and 'eorfhip me. Ease, Moth. 16. 22. Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him jaying,ie se tsar fro n teee,Lo,d : this //tall not be unto thee. Honour, vlatth. 27. 40, 42. If thou toe she Son of tiod, come down from the Croft : let him come down from the Crojr, and we will believe him. None of this could draw him from his work; and in their mealure, 'tis fulfilled in Chriltians; waters can- not quench it, Alls 21. t3. What mean ye to weep, and break my heart? for I am ready not only to be bound, but to the at jernjalem. Rev. 12. II. And they loved not their lives unto the death : They have not learned co love at a cheaper rate. It will not be bribed, Muth. Ig. 27. And Peter Paid, We have furfaken all dad followed thee. Luke 14. 26. If any man come to me, and hate not his Father, and Mother, and Wife, and Children, and Brethren, and btifiers, and his own life, he cannot be my disciple; Now this love that is in us, being of Couch a vehement nature, it can be relined 'r . a ore than death, or the grave can be refitted. No oppofition can quench or extirt .;h it, no Pleatures, or Honours, or Profits, can bribe it t If men would give all their subitanee, fuch a foul will bt faith- ful t,.