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Ver. 35. the 8th Chapter to the ROMANS. 357 ful to Chrift 5 fo that by this love, Chrift maintaineth his interelt in our fouls. The Pony ground could not abide the heat of the fun 5 the thorny ground was chocked with the deceitfuluefs of riches, and voluptuous living. Waters, or Bribes, may carry away force unmortified fouls; but lincere love to Chrift will not Puffer us to be tempted äwäy from him. t. LI SE, Is information: How ä Chrifiän cotneth to be fife in the mida of temp, tations. c. 'Tis by Chrias love to us, and ours to him. Firs, his love to us ; Once be perfwaded that Chris loveth you, then what need you fear ? Nothing that he doch will be grievous to you : but how (hall I bring my heart to this? His love to finriers is plain. ly demonarated in our Redemption, Rom. 5. 8. Büt God cominendeth his love toward in that while we were yet inners, Chrift dyed for us : 13ut his fpecial love to us is flied abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghoft, Row. 5. 5. he giveth the effell', and the fenfe. The general love mull be apprehended by faith, 1 John 4. 16. We have known and be. lieveuf the love God bath ta rrs; and improved by ferions confideration, Eph. 3. T8,19. Thatye being rooted and groudded in love, may be able to comprehend with all Saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and heighth : by taking this way to be poflèlf d of this love, Prov. 8. 17. I love them that love me, and they that leek me early ilia!l find me 5 and the effelts of it fought after. What is every day done more to heal and recover our wounded and felf- condemned fouls, and to refcue us out of the mifery incurred by fin, to appeafe our griefs and fears? What power againa fin? What affìftance of grace in your duties and confliûs? Cor. 13. 5. .Examine your filves whether you be in the faith : prove year own feIves 5 know ye not your own fiver, how that lefùs Chrifi is in you, except you be reprobates? This is to feek a proof of Chrift in you. Secondly,for the ocher, we get it by patience in aWlhons, Rom 5. 5. by fruitfulnefs in obedience; John 14. 21. 23. He that bath my commandments, and keepeib them,he it is that loveth me; and he that lóveth me, 'hall be loved of my Father, and 1 willlove him, and will manifell my felf to him. if a man love me, and keep no commandments, my Father will love him, and we will come untó him, and make our abode with him. Converfe with Cod in folemn Ordinances, Cant, t. 4. Draw me, we will run after thee the King br:ught me into his chamber: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine, Z. Our love to Chrift 5 This mull be taken in; for 'tis we are affaulted, not Chrift ; we are conquerors, not God; noshing (hall divorce us. Chris will never forfake á loving foul; nor will a loving foul eafily forfake him ; they haáe fuch an efeem ofChrift, that all things elfe are but dung and drofs, Phil. 3. 8, 9, 1o. Let deceived fouls delire worldly greatnefs, they can be fatisfied with nothing but Chris 5 nothing can fupply his rood in their hearts. SER