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358 S E R 1Vl O N S upon Serm. XLV I: SERMON XLVI. R 0 M. VIII. 36, 37. As it is written, for thy fake we are killed all the day long ; we are ac- counted as Jheep for the "laughter. Nay in all thefe things we are ntóre than Conquerors, through him that lo- ved us. N the former of thefe verts, the Apoltle continueth his challenge; and then in the latter, giveth the anfwer from experience. He continu- ed] the challenge, verfe 36. fpeaking to the laft enumerated, [Sword]; Left he fhould Teem to triumph over a feigned enemy, he theweth how the people of God in all ages are not only fubjeû to divers ca- lamities, but even to death its fell; he proveth it by a quotation, Pfal. 44.22. for thy fake we are killed all the day long. The words of the Pfalm feem to relate to the times of Antiochos,' when every day they were in danger of death, for religions fake, As it is written, for thy fake, &c. The anfwer is in verfe 37. That in all thefe things we have had experience, and have found this, that they have no power to feparate us from the love of Chri'7. In the words confidered in themfelves, obferve three things, t: The greatnefs oft he tryal; for thy fake we are killed all the day long. 2. The abfolutenefs of their Conqueft and Victory ; in all thefe things we are more than Conquerors. 3. The Author or caule; through him that loved us. a. The greatnefs of the.tryal. The calamity of the people of God in thofe times is, Fielt, Literally expreffed. Secondly, Set forth by a fimilitudeor Metaphor. r. Literally expreffed 5 for thyfake we are killed all the day long. Where, :(r) Thecaule; for thy fake: out of love to him, and zeal for his glory, and the purity of his worfhip. This initance theweth, partly, that the true Religion is ever hated in the world ; and partly, that for the love of God we ought to endure all manner of extremities. Partly, that 'tis a bleffed thing, when our death is not occafioned by our own crimes, but Meetly for Gods fake; when a man doth not fuffer as an evil doer, but for Righteoul- nefê fake. 2. The grievoufnefs of the tryal; we are killed; not fpoiled only, but killed; 'tis further let forth, Heb. 11. 37. They were Honed, fawn afunder, tempted, fain with the. (word: that is, put to death feveral ways. Some think it fhould not be iv.pdasoar, but i=rda,m4v, were burnt, or tempted by Tome cruel kind of death to forfake God. The whole fignifïeth, That the lives of the Saints were molt cruelly taken away by feveral kinds of tormenting deaths. 3. The continuance, all the day long; either the Church fpeaketh as a collettive bo- dy, for a Jingle perfon can be killed but once ; now one, then another made away; all '-hours of the day they were taking, or killing fome of the brethren; yet the reft were not difcouraged 5 or elfe, killed all the day long, mutt bear this feel, that they were always in fear of death; it did continually hang over their heads, they were no time free , as the Apoftle faith, a Cor. 15. 35. I die daily. He did daily run the hazzard of death. 2. By