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360 SERMONS upon Serm. XLVI. felf, left you be wearied, and faint in your minds. Jefus is propounded as our exam- ple; he endured cruel pains in his body. and bitter forrows in his foul; deferred by God, contradi&ed by men, yet he bore ál1 patiently and undauntedly; this is the co. py and pattern which is fet for our imitation, that we may not fink under our bur- dens. 2. The other advantage, They had not fuch a clear difcovery of eternal life as is now made to us in the prornifes of the Gofpel, 2 Tim. a. to. Since the appearance of our Lord Jefus Chrift, Life and Immortality is brought to light in the Gofpel : 'Twas but fparingly revealed then ; and to appearance, the Covenant ran more in the flrain cf Temporal promifes; but now Chrift bath (truck a thorough light into the other world, and clearly tells us, that great is our reward in Heaven; and therefore we may rejoice if men perfecute us, Match.- 5. a t, a 2. we will do fo, if we believe him. Who would . not permit another to take down a flied, if we did believe thaohe would build a Palace for us at his own coil and charges ? The reward is fo far above the fuffering, that cer- tainly now we (hould more willingly fubmit to be killed all the day long, and counted , as Cheep for the (laughter, if the people of God did fo heretofore, upon thofe few glimmerings which they had about eternal life, certainly they had not fuch a clear pro- fpe& into the other world, nor Fisch a vitble demonftration of the certainty of it, as we have by the Relurre &ion and Afeenfaon of our Lord Jefus Chrift. 3. To manifeft the truth and reallity of our graces, of our faith in Chrift, and love to him, and hope of Salvation. I. To (hew our faith; which is fuch á trolling our felves in Chri(ts hands, that the are willing to part with all, even life its felf, for his fake ; this is called a believing to the laving oboe fouls, Heb. to. 39. Senfe faith, Save thy felf ; Faith faith, Save thy foul, Heb. t a. 35. They accepted not deliverance, looking for a better Refurre'Jion, when ftretch- ed out by torture like the head of a drum. . 2. To (hew our love; Nothing can or ought to feparate us from the love of Chri(t; God alloweth us to love life, but he will be loved better; for his loving lindnefi is bet -. ter than life, Pfal, 63.3. now the greateft things mull be greatly loved ; and then is our love tryed, when the blackeft difpenfations cannot draw us from God : 'Tis the property òf love to long to be with Chrift, which is better for us, Phil. t. 23, therefore we (laould be content to have the prifon -door opened, that thole who have defred and longed to be with Chrift, may be admitted into his immediate pretence, and let out into liberty and joy. 3. Hope } We expel within a little while to have our delires accomplilhed, Jude 21. Looking for the mercy cf our Lord yefus Chrift unto eternal life. Will a foul that is at Heaven-gate, lofe all that he hath waited for, becaufe the entrance is troublefome? As thofe that are going to a Mask or Show, when they come where it is exhibited, mutt croud, and will venture hard for what they hope to fee: now God will have graces try - ed with difficulties ; the Crown of Vi&orry is not fet on our heads, if we fight not. 4 Reafon ; 'Tis neceffary to have this preparation of heart, that we may the better deny other things. Life is that which maketh us capable of all the contentments of the flelb, and pleafures of the world, and maketh them valuable to us ; now this is a blow at the root, we are prepared for 'mortification ; when we can deny life its fell, we can deny all the appendages of life. Therefore fo much of Chriflianity being exercifed in felf denial, our Lord would have us once for all bring our felves to the higheft point, that we may do other things the more eafily. The Apo(tle's bonds and afi &ions did not move him, becaufe he did not count his life dear to him, Ails 20. 24. And certainly a man is never dead to the world, and the interefts of the Animal life, till he be dead to life its felt, and is willing to part with it when God pleafeth. 5. This life mull be quitted; now God will have it quitted in obedience; for things of meet neceflity have no moral worth in them. Now'tis a mighty help to die willing- ly and comfortably ; when we caía once lay life at Chrifts feet: U S E. To inform us, a. That Chrillianity wholly draweth us to another world; for life its fell is one of the interefts that mutt be hazarded for Chrills fake, a Cor. 15. 19. ¡fin this life only we had hope, we were of all men moll miferable. Chrift would never profelite us to a Religion that Chould make us miferable; now it would do fo, if only our bappinefs were in this üte; for it requirech us not only to deny the conveniences oflife, but lite its fell 2. There