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Ver. 36, 37. the kith Chapter to the R O MAN ,&; 2 6 ñ 2. Thole that take Gods Word for the other world, muff exp, ft to have the (trcngth of their faith and love tryed ; all along this bath been Gods way 5 God would Oct con firm Adam in innocency, before he had let loofè a tryal upon ; wherein be failing, brought mifery upon himfelf and his poftétity ; after the breach, the Father of the faithful is tryed, Gen. 22- r. with Heb. r r. 17. By faith P,hr.ham tth, n he was tryed. And Hill Gód continueth the fame courfe to all believers, Jam. I. 12. blefféd is i é th.<S endereth temptations ; for when he is tryed, he ¡hall receive a crown of Irfe. In the pri- mitive times, their Baptifm was a prefage of their [laughter. 3. Thole that exrre& tò be tryed, had need to be well prepared by a dtie knowledg of the caufe, and forelight of; and refolution againft all known dangers. r. By a due knowledg of their caufe; that it `may be fore it can be raid for Gods fake : The caufe is fometimes more clear and unquehonable, as when it is for a great, etfential point, an3there our courage Ihould be more clear; for then there can be nò doubt in the mind, whether the caufe be good or not ;' and then, all the comforts of Chriftianity, do fall upon the foul dire &ly, and with great power aad efficacy 5 or elfe more dark, when 'cis for a particular truth or duty: Fitft, it may be for the profeffion of a particular truth, which we are to own in its feafon, for we muff be eftablithed in the prefent truth, 2 Pet. 1. la. What is the prefent truth, the Godly -wife will loon dit- cern : Whoever compiled the Creed, yet the obfervation is in a great meafure good 5 that the coatroverlies that have hapned in the C lurch have fucceeded according to the method and order of the Articles therein contained : The controverfie with the Heathen was about the one only and trueGod5with thejcws,and afterwards with thePferdo Chrï- ftians about Chrift, his Perron, Natures, Offices, States ; then about the Holy Ghoft, his Perfonality, and Operations in converting the ele& : Then about the Church : Now in all filch controverted truths, we mutt ihew the fame zeal the faithful did in former ages: But to return, tho it be but for a particular truth, yet we mutt flew our fidtliiÿ to Chrift : For then we have an occafron to thew that our hearts be true to God, and very fincere; when we are willing to fuffer any thing from man rather than renounce the fmalleft truths of God 5 for rho the matters for which we fuller be not great, let finceriiy is a great point 5 and tho profeffion thus be forborn, and of exceeding great moment to our peace in tome points, yet we can do nothingagainfl the truth, 2 Cor.13. 8. I am not bound always to profefs in lefferthings; yet if they will bind me againft it, I am to endure all manner of difplealures, rather than yeild to the lofts and wills of men,. Eating of twines fleth was no great matter, but when they would compel them to it, in affront to Gods infitution: Contempt of God is a great matter, Bela 11. 25, 36, 37. ifay the more of this, becaufe men areapt to tranflate the fcene of their duty to former times, or forreign places ; if to turn infidels and Turks; as the jives, if they had lived in the Prophets days, Math. 23. 3o. If we had been in our fath:rs days, we mould not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. How doth God try thee in thine own Age ? Secondly, for particular duties, as well as particular truths: In the general 5 there is lets controverfie about the Commandments, than about the Creed 5 the Agenda of Chrillianity are more evident by the light of Nature, than .the Credenda. Yet becaufe the Commandments are general, and humane light is imperfefk about the application i as the Heathens were right in generals,but became vaia,Rom. 1ao,2 r.Yet in particular duties,we muff not be waoting,for that is a fincere heart that will run the great - eft hazzards,rather than commit the fmalleft fin, or omit the fmalleft duty, when it is a duty,and i am called to perform it; in omiffion there isa greater latitude than in cotnmiffì.- on 5 for affirmative non ligant ad femper: In the general, he that fuffereth for a Com- mandment is as acceptable with God, as he that tuffereth for an Article of Faith 5 tho the caufe for which we fuller, be civil, yet obedience to God is concerned in it ; as if a man fuffer for being loyal to his Prince and the Laws, or doing his duty to Parents, or becaufe he will not bear falle witnefs, or tell a lye, or fubfcribe a falfhood, or be- caufe he will not difown a brother, t lohn 3.16. This man is a martyr to God, as well as he is a martyr to Chrift, that fuffereth for mere Chrittianiry 5 which i would have you to note, that you may fee how much this precept of God, of laying down our lives for his fake,doth conduce, not only to the interell of Chrittianity, which is a fuperna- tural truth, but tò the good of humane fociet jR to which even nature will fubfcribe; and I do it the rather, that you may not think Jefus Chrift our Lawgiver was bloody, or delighted in the detttu &ion of men, when he required that all who would enter into g Z his