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Ver. 36, 37. the 8th Chapter to the RO MAN S. 363 goods ,dP' " .There was pretence of law againft the Chriftiaos;yet much rapine ufed in the execution of it : The word fign'tfieth, it was violently rent and torn from them : Nay, not only fo, but they fùffered lofs of life and limb, and were forced to teal their profeflon with their blood 5 and till we come to that refolution, we are not compleat- ly faithful with Chrift, Heb. 12. 4. re have notyet refilled unto blood, firiving againfl fin. As loon as we are regenerate, we renounce the Devil and the world, and bid de- fiance tothefe things ; our life is a continual warfare : Now if we have a referve, that as loon as it cometh to danger of death, we will give over,we are not as yet thorough- ly refolved to be Chriftians : The promife runneth, Rev. à. to. Be thou faithfsl to death, and 1 will give thee a crown of life. The fame duty is required of us, that was required of Chri[t : Now Chrift was obedient to death, Phil. 2. 7. Many may fultain fome re- proaches for Chrifìs fake, make fame fmall loffes, facrihce their weaker tufts, hoping to fatisfie God thereby; as Saul deftroyed the weaker cattel of Amalekat Gods command, but reletved the fatteft : No, life and all mutt be laid at Chrilts feet. 4. Thus to be prepared for death, fhould be the great care of a Chriflian, andinany Confiderations are neceflary to prefs this, r. That God is Lord of life, and will difpofe of it at hispleafure: He that gave life, is the Lord of it 5 for he hath the free difpofal of his own gift, to continue it, or take it back, as he (hall think fit 9 'tis a mercy that God only and properly hath potellatem vite t necia, the power of life and death 5 'cis not in the power of enemies to take itaway at their pleafure 5 for the foveraign difpofal of his creature is in Gods hand, Matth. io. 29. Afparrow cannot fall upon the ground without oar heavenly Father. 'Tis not in the power of your own hands 5 for you cannot make one hair black or white; you are not Lords of your lives, but guardians : Well then, 'tis in the power of God alone; and (hall not hedifpofe of his own, and do with it what he pleafeth ? 2. Many of the livesof birds and beats go for us daily, and we would be troubled if we fhould be retrenched of this liberty when our nece(lities require it; and bath not God a greater right and'power over us,than we have over the birds and beafts ? His right is original, ours by grant and free-gift 5 his power is abfolute, ours limited 5 for the good man is not cruel to his beaft'; and we fin when we deftroy them in wanton - nefs, and facrifice them to our hafts 5 we are to give an account of our felves, and all the creatures which we poffefs ; but God giveth no account of his matters ; now if we count it no cruelty to take the life of the creatures, why fhould we think of God as cruel , anddafpifing the life of his creatures , becaufe he requireth them to lay down their lives upon jult and convenient reafons : There is a greater diftance between us and Cod, than between us and the meaneft worm. 3. If you deny him your life, he can fnatch it from you in fury, and take it whether you will or no; if you fin to efcape fufferings, you leap into hell todrape a little pain upon earth, Luke 12. 4, 5.. And I fay unto you,myfriends, be not afraid of them that can kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn lots whom ye fhall fear 5 fear him, which after he bath killed,hath power to call into hell ; yea, I fay unto you, fear him. Men may by Gods permiflon kill the body, butGod can calk body and foul into hell fire 5 you think 'tis a fearful thing to fall in to the hands of men; it is indeed mated,, Heb. to. 3 t. a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. The carriage of your very enemies fhould awaken your faith 5 why fhould you fear them more than they are afraid of God? In perfecuting they run the hazzard of the. Wrath of God ; in fuffering perfecution you run the hazzard of the wrath of men: your fear juftiheth their boldnef, if you be afraid of men, they may as well contemn God 5 they run upon the greater difficulties, and you by complying with them, in- cur greater mifery thanyou avoid. 4. If the lets be countervailed by a greater gain, you have no reafon to (lick at it; In the general, 'Tis gain to a believer to die,Phil. 1. 2 r. For to me to live is Chrifl, and to die is gain; and 2 Cor. 5. r. For we know, that sf our earthly houfe of this tabernacle were diffolved, me have a building of God, an h. oufe not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Much more to a Martyr ;God is able to make it up, Mark io. 29, 3'). Verily I fay unto you, there is no man that bath left hoofe, or brethren; or fillers, or father, or mo- ther,or wife, and children, or lands for my fake and the gofpel, but he fhall receive an hundred fold nom in this time, and in the world to come life eternal. When he calls for you to come home to him by a perfecutors land, you ha:, é death abundantly recom- penled Therefore you maydie with the greater conbdenci-and joy; 'cis not an ordi- nary place is relerved for you in heaven 5 the promife is certain, and your dying upon this occafion maketh your claim fare. 9 Z 2 2. The