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364 S E R M O N S upon Serm.XGVI, 2. The abfolutenefs of their conqueft and viaory 5 We are more than conquerors. But there feemeth to be a contradi &íon between the two branches, the greatnefs of the tryal, and the abfolutenefs of their .conqueft : they are killed all the day long, how then are they conquerors, and more than conquerors? Aefwer T. Some refer it to the kind of the conqueft 5 they have a nobler viûory than if they conquered them by the fword. The conqueft of faith, is more then a conqueft gotten by a Temporal force, and the power of the long fword, t John 5. 4, 5. For who - foever is barn of God, overcometh the world; and this is the vitlory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jefas is the Son of God ? 2. Others to the degree of viltory. T. 'Tis a conqueft, when we keep what we have, as Job t. 22. In all this fob finned not, .nor charged God foalifhly. They are conquerors under trouble, who are kept free from fin and provocation: in the hour of tryal they frond their ground; however affault- ed, their bow abideth in its ftrength, Gen. 48. 24. a.. 'Tis more than a conqueft, when we gain by it 5 That is, firft, when graces are ftrengthened, that is, a greater fpirit of faith cometh upon them, 2 Car. 4. 13. We having the fame fpirit offaith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I ,/'poker ; we alfo believe, and therefore fpea4. Their love is more fervent 5 as fountain. water is hotteft in coldeft weather, ufually. Match. 24. T2. The love of many fall wax cold; but when their love groweth hotter, and their zeal for God is fo great, that the minds of perfecutors are daunted, then they are more than conquerors. Secondly, When expe- riences are inlarged, and they have a fiddler and more lively fente of Gods love to them, Rom. 5. 5. Becaufe the love of God is fhed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Gholl given unto us. t Pet. 4. t4. If ye be reproached for the name of ChrifI, happy are ye ; for the Spi- rit of glory, and of God, re.fleth upon you: on their part he is evil fpoken of; but on your part he is glorified. So one in prifon faid, Se divinas Martyrxmconfolationesfenfiffi: When they are more fecured in the love of God. Thirdly, Their reward is increafed. Certainly 'ris above their trouble, 2 Cor. 4. 17. For cur light afflitlions, which are but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 'Tis likely they have more, Mark to. 29,3o. In the day of judgment more honour and praiife, t Per. 4. 6,7. That the tryal of your faith being much mere precious than ofgold that perifheth, though it be tried with fire, may be found unto praifi, and honour, and glory, at the apperring ofChrifI f efes. 3. The Author or Caufe of the Viûory, or the power by which they conquer, áYà sI ¿yamás,o7s' through him that laved us. Here obferve, T. That Chrifi is not eftranged from his people by their afhi&ions, but rather is more tender of them, the more they are wronged by others. 2. That loving them, he doth over-rule there things, and caufe them to become a means to do them good. 3. He doth not only over rule there occurrences of providence, but doth give them the Spirit of Grace. 4. That giving them the Spirit of Grace, they overcome in his flrength, not their own. 5. That Chrifts love is more powerful to fave us, than the world's hatred to de- (troy us. 2. Branch. That a true believer doth not mifcarry under his troubles, but overcome them; yea more than overcome them. Here I (hall (how, (t) The nature of the Vi- ctory. (2) How more than Conquerors. (3) Who is this true believer that will be more than a Conqueror. (4) Reafons, why more than Conquerors. (5) Applica- tion. T. To explain the nature of this Viltory; it doth not confift in an exemption from troubles, or fuffering Temporal lofs by them, or utter perifhing as to this world; but keeping that which we contend and fight for. We do not vanquifh our enemy, fo as to caufe all oppofition to ceafè, yea or that we fhall not Temporally perifn under it ; no, the world needeth not fufP0 this holy Victory of the Saints : 'tis not conquering King- doms, and becoming mafthis of other mens poffeflìons, nor feeing our define upon our enemies. I prove it, T. From