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Ver. 36, 37. the 8th Chapter to the ROMANS. 3 65. I. From Cbrifts purchafe, Gal. 1. 4. Who dyed, that he might deliver vs from the pre. fens evil world. How fo ? That we fhould live exempt from all troubles! That the world fhould never trouble us ! no, but that the world fhould not enfnare,and pervertis; his work was to fave us from our fins, Mattb. I. 2 t. To deliver us from wrath to comes 2Thef I. 10. and to juftifie, and fan &ifie, and glorifie us. We have the Vil}ory that he hath .purchafed for us , if the Devil and the world do not hinder our fruition and poffeffion of eternal glory. . , 2. I prove it, partly, from the way of difpenfation of ir, that is intimated in the fir(t promife of the Mefliah, Gen. 3. /5. I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and be- tween thy feed and her fed 5 it ¡ball brnife thy head, and thou 'halt bruit his heel. tklifery being brought into the world by fin, God ordereth it fo, that fome Temporal calami- ties that! remain on thole that are recovered by Grace 5 indeed 'tis our redeemers work fo to moderate thefe fufferings, that our heel may be only bruited, but our head Gate. 3. I prove it, from the way of our conflict, and combate, and conqueft : 'cis nix by worldly Greatnefs, vifible profperity, or the ftrength of outward Dominion, but by pa- tience, and contentednefs id fuffering, even to the very death: Thole that are as Sheep appointed to the flaughter,and killed all the day long,are more than conquerors. This is a riddle to carnal fenfe 5 we do not call them conquerors in the worldwho are kilted; op. preffed, kept under: but yet their are killed all the day long, and yet are more than con- gerors, . Scias hominem Chriflo dicatum, ( faith ferome) Mori pollee, vinci non peje. A riflian may be [lain, yet more than a conqueror. The way to conquer here, is to be trodden down, and ruined, 2 Cor. 4.8, 9. We are troubled on every fide, yet net difireffid g we are perplexed, yet not in defpair: perfecuted, but not forfaken : ea ft down; but not de. flroyed. 4. Our main party and enemy is Satan: You have not only to do with men, who ftrike at your worldly interefts, but with Satan, who bath a fpight at your fouls, Eph. 6. 1 a. For we wreille not again11 flefh and blood, but againfi Principalities, againf%Powers, againfl the rulers of the darknefs of this world : againfi. Spiritual wickednefs in high places. God may give men a power over your bodily lives, and all the interdis thereof, but he doth not give the Devil a power over the graces of the Saints, to f parate them from Gods love. The Devil aimeth at the deftrullion of fouls : he can let you enjoy the pleafures of fin for a feafon, that he may deprive you of your delight in God, and Ce- lethal pleafures : He can be content you (hall have dignities, and honours, if they prove . a fnare to you. The Devil feeketh to bring you to troubles, and poverty, and naked. nee, to draw you from God, IF Pet. 5. 8, g. Be fiber, be vigilant, becanfe your adverfary the Devil, as a roaring Lyon, walketh about feeking whom he may devour : whom reftfI fled. fait in the faith : knowing that the fame affliction are accomplifhed iys your brethren, that are in the world: Satans temptations are conveyed to the Godly by afidtions, by which he feeketh to make them quit the truth, or their duty, or to quit their confidence in God; otherwife he would let fuch have all the glory in the world, if it were in his power, fo you would but hearken to his lure : as he offered it to Chrift, Matth 4. 9. And faith unto him, all thefe things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and warlhip me. Therefore our Viftory is not to be meafured by our profperity and adverfiry, but faith- ful adherence to God 5 if he get his will over our bodies, if he get not his will over our fouls 5 you conquer, and not Satan. 5. The ends or things we contend for : The Vi&ory muff be (fated by that 5 for we overcome, if we keep what we fight for : now our conflid is for the glory of God , the advancement of the kingdom of Chrift, our own falvation g and to maintain and keep alive prefent grace. 1. The glory of God. God mull be honoured by his people in adverfiry, 2 Thef. r. II, 12. Wherefore we pray always for you, that God would count you worthy of this calling, and full all the good pleafure of his goodnefs, and the workoffaith with power, that the name of our Lord yefus Chrift may be glorified in you. John 21.19. This he faid, ft_;nifjing by. what death he fhould glorifie God. Phil. I. 20. Chrift (ball be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death. When we fuffer for his cause, our very fufferings are corque. ring, 1 Pet. 4. 54. On your part he is glorified. When they are reviled, reproached, per - fecuted: God can bring more honour to himfelf, by the.conttancy of his people in their troubles and fuffetings, than by permitting them to live in profperity, and fcandalize others by their vanity, fenfuality, and pride dr converfatioñ : God is ufually snore he -. Hound