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366 SERMONS .upon Serm. XLVI. poured by his people at filch times when his graces are exercifed in the eye of the world, and his people confefs him in the midll of perfecutions. 2. The advancement of Chrifts kingdom, in the propagation of the Gofpel, Rev. 72. I I. They overcame by the blood of the I*mb, and the word of their Teflimony, and they loved not their lives to the death. There' is an overcoming indeed, you will fay, to die in the quarrel ! Yes, as long as Chrift overcometh, a Chrifhan hath that which he look - e :h for: If their blood-may be the feed of the Church, they are content 5 Some con- vinced, others converted, brethren llrengthned and confirmed, Phil. t. t 2. Thole things which happened to me, have fallen oat rather to the furtherance of the Gofpel. His fufferings conduced thereunto as much as his preaching: 3. Our own falvation. 'Tis not worldly profperity; and greatnefs, and domioion,that we (hould feek, but that the foul may be faved in the day of. the Lord. Indeed if our aim were at worldly profperity, and carnal honour and pleafure, then were we clearly overcome, when we hazard our worldly interefls 5 but 'Lis Heaven that we aim at; and therefore as Chrift endured the croft, and defpifid the Jhame, for the glory fit before him, Heb. t 2. 2, 3. So we mutt defpife the crois for the fame ends,` a Cor. 4. 17. Theft light afliflions which are but for a moment, /hall work in as a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Rom. a. 18. For I reckon, that the f ferings of this prefect time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that 'ball be revealed in us. Heb. to. 34. They took joyfully the fpoiling of their goods, as knowing in your felves,that you have in Heaven a better and an enduring fie/lance. At length we (hall have our promifed Crown. 4.. To maintain and keep alive prefent grace. Firft, our faith, 2 Dm. 4. 8. I have kept the faith; when we abide faithful with God, and are not drawn to apottacy by all the flatteries or threatnings of the world. Secondly, Our love to God: Satans defign is to make a breach between God and us, Rom. 8. 38, 39. Fort am perferaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things prefent, nor things to come 5 nor heighth, nor depth, nor any other creature, /hall be able to from the love of God, which is in Chrifi Jefas our Lard. Nothing can feparate t hem from the love of God in Chrift 5 unclafp thefe mutual imbracements whereby Chrift and the foul held fall one another : you are in Chrifts arms, and Chrift in yours. The Devil would count it a greater viltory to conquer your love. than to get a power over your bodies, and buddy interefts 5 his defign is to keep men from God 5 if therefore adverfty bringeth you the nearer to him, then you conquer. The fouls of the faithful are kept clofer to God in fuffering times, than in profperity; being fenfible of the vanity and emptinefs of all worldly things, and weaned from them : what ever befall the body, you keep nearer to God, and have moli of his love. Thirdly, Our patience; that's not overcome by the ftorm apd tempefts of temptations, jLuke 2 t. 19. In patience poi fo your fouls. A man keepeth himfelf as long as he keepeth his patience, James 1. 4: Let patience have its perfeff work: this is neceffary, that we may receive our Crown. Heb. io.36. For ye have need of patience,, that after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the pro - mif. Well then, a Chrillian overcometh, not when he gets the belt of oppofite in- terett in the world, but when he keepeth himfelf in a capacity to injoy the Heavenly inheritance. 2. How more than a conqueror? When he doth not only keep his funding, but gets ground by the temptation, Rom. 8. 28. All things (ball work together for good to them that love God : not only beat them, but groweth the better for them. Firft, more holy and more heave graces by being exercifed, are improved and increafed, Heb. 12. 1 t. Wherefore/0,1:p the hands that hang down, and the feeble knees, More fenfible of the folly of finning, than at other times. Secondly, more joyful, comforts are increafed, Rom. 5. 3, 4, 5. And not only fo, but we glory in tribulations alfö, knowing that tribulation works pateince, and patience experience, and experience hope, and hope maketb not afliamed, becaufe the love of God is flood abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghofi given unto us. 2 Cor. 12. ro. Therefore I take pleafure in infirmities, in reproaches, in neeeffìties, in perfecutions, and di- fíreffes, for Chrifis fake; for when I am weak, then am I flrong. Alls 5. 4 t. They departed from the prefence of the council, rejoycing that they were counted worthy to filer 'haute for his name: and fo triumpheth molt, when he'feemeth to be molt overcome. Thirdly, more refolute in the profeffion of godlinefs, 2 Sam.6. 22. If this be to be vile, 1 will be more vile and bale in mine own eyes. Courage groweth by fufferings, as trees are more rooted by being Ihaken, Pfal. 119. 126, 127. It is time for thee, Lord, to work: for they have made void thy law. Therefore I love thy Commandments above gold, yea, above fine gold. As a (tall is holden the fatter, the more another feeketh to went it out of our hands. 3. Who