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; 68 S E K M O N.S upen 5erm. X l.`tV l. betvleen God and Chrifi, John 6. ?g. This is my fathers will, that of all that are given me, I fhould lofe nothing, but (hoeld ratfe it up again at the Iafi day. They are given hirn by way of recompence, and by way of chaarge ; if he take them into his cùfiody and charge, he will be faithful; for he is to give an account for them at the laf day by head and poll , 1-kb. 2. 13. Behold, I and the children whiehGod had: given me. Chrift hath a fpeciai charge to keep all thofe fife whom God bath given him : and furely he hath fuf- ficient power, and will be careful of his charge to keep them tofu. 2. On the Believers part. t. His relation to Chrift, he is united,to Chrift, marryed to him in the covenant, 1 Car. 6. 17. He that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit. Impoffobile ell mefäm a pafiafeperari, leaven kneaded into the dough cannot be got out. Certainly 'cis a great means of our pr_fervation. Why ? t. Partly, becaufe from this union of Chri`twith believers there rloweth life, which is not like the Animal life, obnoxious to death and corruption; 'tis a6tye, lrrr 1 J:-hn 3. 9. an incorruptible feed, t Pet. 1. 23. A fountain of living waters always fpringing up to eternal life, John 4. 14. Secondly, from this life refulteth a doa- ble inclination, which ferveth to preferve it, and keep it up: which is, flirt, a careful a- voiding of what is contrary to it ; none more tender and timorous of their own infir- mities, than they who are indowed with ir, Pro. 28. 14. more watchful againft moti- ons of revolting, 1 Cor. 10.12. Therefore, let him that thirketh he flandeth, tale heed tell be fall. More diligent in nag fan&ified means ofconfirmaticn, r John 5.18. He tt at ii begotten of God, keepeth himfelf, and that evil one toucheth him not. They are chary of that life they have, and thofe hopes they are called unto, it Cor. 9. 27, Bet 1 keep under my Lodi, and bring it into fubjetiion, left by anymeans, when I have preached to ethers, I my felt fliould be a caf .away. This being their difpofition, the Lord by it fulfilleth the purpoles of his grace. Seèondly, a defire to maintain, promote, and increafe this life, by the ufe of all Gofpel means, 1 Per. 2. 2. Aa new -born bates, dfire tie fncere mill of the word, that you may grow thereby. And James 1. 18, 19. Of bis own will begat he as by the word of truth, that we fhoteld le a kind of fìrff-fruits of his creatures. Wherefore my beloved, let every man be frvift to hear. Thirdly, the new nature is thus atting us under the care and proteítion of God, and molt efpecially when we aie moti in danger to mifcarry; Pfal. 94. t 8. 1 Paid, my foot flippetb ; then thy right hand held me up. So PfaL 23. Neverthelefs I am continually with thee : thou haft holden me by thy right band. When was that ? See verfe 2. But as for me, my feet were almoll gone ; my fteps had well nigh fi.pled. God fupports us by his grace, when the temptation is apt to make trio great a Chock and impreffion upon us. 2. There is fomething more on the believers part ; there are two graces which have a.great influence upon our adherence to God, Faith and Love. t. Faith bath a great influence upon our vi&ory, t John 5. 4, 5. For rohofoever is born of God overcometh the world; and this is the viWWary that overcometh the world,essen our faith Who is he that overcometh the world, blithe that believeth that Jefus is the fon of God? For though God keepeth us, yet he keepeth us by our faith, t Per. 1. 5. And are kept by the power of God - through faith to falvatien. The love and powef-0f -the principal caufe doth not exclude the means of our prefervation. When we confider our great tryals, we are apt to apprehend much matter of fear and uncertainty ; as Heaven is kept for us, fo are we kept for Heaven, that we may not be loh in the way thither. But how are we kept? By the power of God as the principal Agent, through faith, depending upon his promifes, both for affifance and pardon : fortis a firm cordial be- lieving that Jefus is the Son of God, and fo the great Lawgiver of the Church, and the fountain of grace to all his people. As a Law - giver, fo we make confcience of his precepts; becaufe his threats and promifes are greater than all the terrors and allurements of fence : we can fet Hell againft all the terrors of the world; and Heaven againft all the delightful things of the world, and fo are not greatly moved with what befalleth us here. Faith layeth there things before the foul, as if they were before our eyes; and we are affc&ed with them, as with things before our eyes: yea more, here is a prifon, there is Hell,Domine Imperator, tucarcerem,tile Gehennam; here torments for the body, there God is ready to calt an unfaithful, fearful Chriftian, both body and foul into Hellfire ; here is pomp of living, contentments for the flefh t there is pleafures at Gods right hand for evermore; here is worldly glory; there the glory, honour, and immortality of the other world, Rom. 2. 7. here is efcape from prefent torments; there is a better Refur- . :i ion