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Sérm.XLVI. 37o SERMONS upon dure all the affli &ions of the Gofpel, 2 Cor. 5. 8, g. Death its fell may then be born for but the Key to open the prifon-door, and let out that foul that hath long defired to be with Chrift, Phil. 1. 23. Gratias agjnus vobis, good a moleftis Domini. liberamur. You do them a favour to fend them home to their dear Lord. 2. 'Tis accompanied with hope ; they expeEt within a little while to have their defiret accomplithed; and will a foul that is at Heavens Gates, lofe all that he bath waited for, becaufe the entrance is troublefome ? When men have crouded to any Mask or Show, and have waited long, they will not lofe their waiting, tho they venture ma- ny a knock, or broken pate to get in ; fo when falvation is very near, will a Chri(tian give over his waiting, feeking, and ftriving for it ? Matth. i 1 12. Even from the dap of John the Baptifi, the kingdom of heaven filfered violence; and the violent take ít by force. 3. Delight:We have gotten in part a tall and earneth of our fruition and enjoyment of God and Chrift hereafter,andit is very pleating to thefoul;fo,that the tempter mutt needs have a hard task to draw off the foulfromhim in whom he delighteth:Worldly men will not let go their vanities,nor fcnful wretches their fouleft fins,becaafe they delight in them. Many who never knew what it is to love Chrift, and delight in his falvation, do not fo carnally long for, and fixedly hope for the promifed bleffednet. Now thefe may be eafily taken off, but the other will venture upon the greaten difficulties. Ob. But may not a frond believer be foiled as to his inward man by-thefe afflictive tempta- tions? Anf. Yes : The experience of the Saints theweth it too often: But, . 1. 'Tis not totally and finally ; their heel is bruifed, not only as the outward man is molefted by afRiftions, but as they may be drawn to Come fcnful flips and temptations the heel is the loweft and bafeft part of the body, far enough from any vital part; the wounds whereof endanger not the life at all; the devil may draw them into tome fins whichmay caufe muchnnquietnefs and affliítion of fpirit; but thefe wounds are not deadly, and do not quench the life of grace in them ; thefe wounds may be painful, but not mortal ; They (hall not be hurt of the fecond death, Rev. 2. 11. 2. Upon recovery by repentance. The Lord fanl ifaeth thefe falls to them, to make them the more cautious and watchful ; fo they grow wifer, and better, and more refo. lute, as being warned before by their own bitter coil ; as a ball, with the more force it is beaten down, it rebounds the higher ; or as a child that hath gotten a knock, or been bitten by a fa,appifh Cur, groweth the more wary, Jolla. 22. 17. Is the iniquity of Pear too little for NI? They were not yet whole of the iniquity, of Peor, and therefore fhouid be careful not to wound themfelves again. 3. All ends in final conqueft over Satan, Rom. 16. 2o. vgnd the God of peace /hall brurfe Satan under our feet Portly. We are now in our combat; 'cis fome conquering to keep up our refiltance; but our full triumph is hereafter. 2. Ob. But will it not hurt to prefs believers to this confidence? Will not this weak- en their care and diligence? No. I. This is pleafing and acceptable to God, to believe that hd will perfeá and main- tain his begun work, Phil. 1.6. Being confident of this, that be that bath begun a good work in you, will perfeá it to the day of' Chreil. 2. 'Tis honourable unto God, and cloth excite us to praife and thankfgiving, when we can truth out interefts in his hands with a quiet and well compofed mind, 2 Tim . 1. 12. And I am perfwaded, that he is able to keep that which I h.:ve committed unto him, A Chriftian in all retpet4s of time, can biefs God for what hehath done; called us when ftrangers and enemies, 1 Pet. 2. 9. What he Both do ; keepet'h the feet of his saints, 1 Sam. 2. g. For what he will do, 2 Tim. 4. 17, 18. NotwirhTanding the Lord flood with me, and flrengtbned me. And the Lord lb-tll deliver me from every evil work, and preferve me to his heavenly kingdom. To be fatished in Gods conduit, is certainly very honourable to him. 3. 'Tis very profitable to the Children of God. i. To