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372 SERMONS upon Serm. XL VI, v ill find, that thoughthey are weak, yet the power they are of hied by is mighty ; and that Gods power is perfected in their weaknefs; when weak, then Rrong: That evils, dreadful in the hearing, are not fo grievous when God layeth them on us, and giveth us Rrength to bear them, 2 Cor. 12. 9. And he faidunto me, my grace is fufcient for thee; for my ftrength is made perfeíi in weaknefs; they have a quite contrary experience; when weak, then ttrong; as the other who conceited themfelves Rrong, are then weak. 3. We are not only to be conquerors, but more than conquerors. That is, t: As to the frame of your hearts ; to be not only patient, but cheerful under the Crofs upon right gounds, Col. r. 1 r. Strengthned with all might according to his gloriosi power, unto all patience, and long fuffering with joyfnlnef . So Matth. 5. i2. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad ; and James a. 2. Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. If we have no other burden upon us than the afi &ion its fell, let us biefs God, rather than repine. 2. As to the fuccefs,you mull not only keep from mifcarrying,but get good by the afHi- ¿lion and perfecution; it mutt purge out fin,lfa. 29.9. By this therefare(hall the iniquity of Jacob be purged out ; and this is all the frsit,to take away his fin. Make you more plyable to Gods will, and careful to perform your duty, Pfal. 119. 67. Before I was aliüed, I went aflray,but now have I kept thy word.v.7I It isgood for me that 1 have beenaffliïsed,that I might learn thy flames. Retrench your carnal liberty and complacency, and bring you to a greater contempt of the world, Gal. 6. 14. But God forbid that I fhould glory in any thing, five in the crofi of our Lord lefits Cbrif! , by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Quicken you to be more frequent and fervent in prayer, Ifa. 26. 16. Lord, in trouble have theyvifited thee, they poured out a prayer when thy chaflning was upon them. From what hand foever the evil cometh, thefe mutt be the effelts of it ; this is to be more than a conqueror. 2. If you mean to be fo, you mutt get aholy'obflinacy; that is to fay, an invincible refolution to adhere to God. (1) An holy obftinacy of Faith, Job 13. 15. Though he kill me, I will trufl in him. Satans great defign in all temptations is to cru(b our confidence; now to càtt away our confidence, is to do our felves as ill a turn, as Satan can with for nay, however God deal with you, refolve to cleave to him; let my trouble be what it will, yet I will depend uponGod. (2) An holy obftinacy of Love ; as he told his matter, That he thould not have a club big enough to drive him from him. Ifa. 26. 8. Tea, in the way of thy. judgments, O Lord, have we waited for thee: the defire of our foul is to thy name, and to the remembrance of thee. They are refolved to delire, and Peek after, and delight in God. (3) An holy obttinacy of Obedience, Job 17. 9. The righteous ¡hall hold on his way, and he that bath clean hands, /hall be fironger and fironger. When oppo- fed, vexed by the hypocrite, by difadvantages, and preffures, he gathereth ftrength. (4) An obftinacy of Patience, Luke 21. r 6, 17, 18. And ye Jima be betrayed, both by pa. rents, and brethren, and kinfolks, and friends, and fame of you 'hall they caufe to be put to death: And ye ¡ball be hated of all men for my names false: but there (hall not an hair of your head perif/s. In your patience pnffèfs ye your fouls. Whatever befall you, either by perfecution, or death its felf, it ¡hall not turn .to the leali difadvantage to you, but greaten gain; for thole that Coffered death, were eternally Crowned ; and others are under the protelion of. God ; therefore endure with connancy. Lanly, An obllícacy of Zeal, Dan. 3. 17, 18. Our God is able to deliver us: but if not, we will not ferve thy gods, nor worfbip thy golden image which thou hale fit up. Godly resolution is ever re- quisite in point of Religion, and it mould not be weakned in us by the greatest fuf- ferings. 3. DoElrine. That it is the love of Chrift which fecureth believers in their confliîts, and maketh them triumph over temptations. All their vilory is, =yaaúcs.1a,, 1. Let me give the emphafis of the expreffton. 2. Give you the proof of the point. r. 'Tis not Power that is here fpolsen of, but Love ;'cis not throughhim that ffrengthned ors, but through him that loved us ;. elfewhere 'cis 4,vmµ.r1as, Phil. 4. 13. I can do all things through Chrifi that flrengthneth me. The effeer indeed cometh from the in- fluence of his Power, but 'cis his Love which fets his power a work. The ground and bottom ofall his Mediatorial difpenfations is love, which is more comfortable to us than bate