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Ver.36,37 the 8th Chapter to the R OM ANS. 37; bare power; for we do not know whether he will exercife that or no 2. 'Tis not our love to Chrift, but his love to us which is fpoken of no quellion but the great manifeftations of his love in reconciling God to us by Redemption, and us to God by Converfion, do leave upon a gracious heart a forcible impreffìon and in- clination to love him again, who hath loved- us at fo dear a rate, and in fo tender a manner ; and this love is not unferviceable in our prefervation. Men are not fo eally drawn from him, whom they dearly love; and love upon fuch good and powerful rea- fons. But the ftrength of a believer lyeth not here in his love to Chrift, but rather iti Chrifts love to-us , which both began, and frill continueth our falvation. it began it, John 3. 16. God fo loved the world, that het nt his only begotten fon, that whofaever be- lieveth in him, fhould not perifh, but have everlalling life. And continueth it; 2 Thef 2; 16, 17. Now our Lord lefts Chrifi himfel f, and God even our Father, which hath loved us¿, and given us everlafling conflation, and good hope through grace, comfòrt your hearts, and efiablifh you in every good word and work. Chrifts love continueth to his people, till they enjoy the full effc is of it ; and therefore carryeth them thorough all temptations, till, they come to their eternal rat. There lyeth our ability, in the unchangeáblenefs of his love. 3. 'Tis not barely, who loveth us now, but who hath loved us? He fpèaketh of the part time 5'tis true, he retaineth full his loving and kind'affeáions to us, but the foun- dation was long fince laid in out Redemption, and Converfion to God. In our Re- demption ; He bath loved us, and wafhed as in his blood, Rev. t. 5. In our Converfion, Eph. 2.4, 5. But God who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in fins, hath quickned us together with Chrifi. In thefe two ads the foundation was laid of our viQory and, triumph : By his Redemption he purchafed all that grace which is neceffary for us, till we are fully brought home to God. By Con- verfion we are aäually inflated in it : by the one, joss ad rein, our right to this grace was acquired ; by the other we have jus in re, we are a&ually poffeffed of it. By tit one he doth pacifie the wrath of God, by the other he doth take us into a near re- lation to himfel f that we may become his own, and fo a&ually under his care and pro - teílion ; therefore in thefe two aas lyeth our fafety ; in that of Redemption, and Con- verfion. In tbort, thefe two aéis do both indear us to Chrift, and Chrifi to us: they endear us to Chrifts by Redemption his people are his dear purchafe 5 if they mifcar. ry, his purchafed people mifcarry : Therefore he will not lofe them ; they are his'own, being bought with the price of his blood ; and everyone will provide for his own, a Tien. 5. 8. The world will love its own, Jahn i 3. 19. Befides, by Converfion we are his own by covenant and near relation. We are his Spoufe ; the kindnefs of efpoufals is above other kindnefs, Jer. 2. 2. 1 remember the kindnefi of thy youth, the love of thine efpoufals. The day of converfion, is the day of efpoufals, Cant. 3. r t. Then we are marryed to the Lord, that we May bring forth fruit unto God. And both thefe ails doth endear Chrift to us; for the glory of his grace and love to tanners, doth eminently appeal in bur Re- demption : then he commended his love to us in the great things he purchafed and fuf- freed for us, Befides, in converfion , then his love is applyed to us, and he taketh us with all our faults; he fpake comfortably to us in our ears, and fanftified our fouls, and brought us back agáin to God, and fo to our duty and happineß : we can never for- get this kindnefs of his efpoufals. 4. He hath loved us; it not only comprifeth the foundation laid, but implyeth alío` Come experience on the Saints part. When we confider what he hath done for, us al- ready, we may be the more confident of what he is now, and will be to us hereaft'er. Chrifts love is not only teen in our firft entrance into covenant, and the eminent paf- fages of our Redemption, and Converfion; but there is'an uninterrupted courfe thereof; from the time of our firtt doting with him, till our final perfe&ion in glory. His whole . dealing with them is love ; 'tits to be read in every difpenfation of his, and condition of ours ; 'cis to be read in the- continual fupports, gracious helps, daily pardons, which he conflantly vouchfafeth to us. Now the Saints promife themfelves more, becaufe God bath done fuch great things for their fakes already, ì Con t. 9. God is faithful, by eaboni ye were called unto the feliowfhip of his fon Jefus Chrifi our Lord. And 2 Tim. 4. 17, 8. Notwithflanding the Lord flood with me, and firealtgthned me ; and the Lord fhiall deliver me from every evil work, and preferve me to his heavenly kingdom. When you have tried Chrift fo often, cannot you yet trutt in hffn? How often hath he performed promifes to thee, heard thy' cryes, helped and Paved thee in thy diftreffes, confuted thy unbelief,' and fhamed thy difgraceful fears and cares? Shall all theft experiences cf his love be forgotten?