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376 S E R M O N S upon Serm. XLVL. ny times more caufe than we are well aware of. P1104' 1;1111 giatia privative guam po. fitiva, fay Divines in general; in our cafe that of the prophet is verified, I led Ephraim, but he knew it not. In preventing our temptations ; we know not what the love of Chrift hash done for us: but for the fecond, in what he will try ut: Take heed of mil- conitruing any alt of Chrilts love towards us. You think there is fome want of love, when he permitteth you to furious and boilirous temptations; no, then he mean - eth to give you fome fupereminent Grace of the Spirit, I Per. 4. 14. If ye be re preached for the name of Chrifl, happy are ye ; for the fpirit of glory and ofGod refi- eth upon you; on 'their part he is evil fpoken of, but on your part he is glorified. He I loveth you (till, but will not manifeft his love this way, or that way, which the flefh plea feth. 4. It fheweth, us how much we fhould love Chrift, and adhere to him in the great. eft difficulties : Love doth attra& and draw love. Ordinary love fhould be mutual and reciprocal,2 Kings lo. 15. is thine heart right,as mine is with thee? That is, dolt thou area me, as I do thee? Paul pleadeth it, a Cor. 6. II, 12, r3. O ye'Corinthians, our mouth is open to you, our heart is inlarged. re are not ftraitned in us, but ye are firaitned in your own bowels; now for a recompence in the fame, be ye alfo inlarged. This fbeweth the ju(tice of it , that we fhould retaliate ; be as kind and affeiaio- hate as Chrift is to us. But alas, ufually Chrift may complain, 2 Cor. 12. Ig. The more abundantly I love you, the left I am beloved. Shall we leffen our refpeets to him? 2. US E, Is to perfwade us to give all diligence to this, that we be effused that Chrift loveth us: This is known, partly by an external, partly, by an internal de- monftration. r. The external demonftration is, in Redemption ; furely there is no doubt of that, that Chrift came to. (hew the lovelinefs and goodnefs of God to the forlorn world. This only needeth confideration, and improvement. Fie that loved us at fo cooly a rate, will he defert us, if we chufe his ways , and refolve to adhere to him ? 2. The internal demonftration is, in converfion, or our receiving the atonement; entring into peace with God, and adopted as children of the family. Sure if- you get this one evidence, you (hall be brirght to glory. When he bath pardoned thy follies, and the frailties of thy youth, and called thee when he paired by others, and left them in their fins ; what will he not do for thee ? S E'R'