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Ver. 38, 39 the 8th Chapter to the ROMANS. 377 SERMON XLVII, R O M. VIII. 38, 39. For I am perfwaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principa- lities, nor powers, nor things prefent, nor things to come : Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, Jhall be able to feparate us from the love of God which is in Chrift Jefies our Lord. liggH ES E Words rendera reatan why believers are more than conquerors lk in their foreft tryals,and do further carry on the Apoftles Triumph toa fit conclufion cf fuch an excellent Difcourfe. In the Text obferve, t, Theaffailants, Death, Life, Angels. 2. The attempt and defign, to feparate us from the love of God, 3. The fruitlernefs of it, no creature (hall be able to do this. q.. His confidence, for I am perfiraded. Firfi, The aggreffors and aliailants are fet forth, either by a particular dií }ributicn, or wrapt up in a general expreffion. I. The particular diftribution is made by four pairs or couples. I. Neither death nor life 5 that is, neither the fears of death, nor the hopes of life 5 this pair is mentioned, becaufe death is the bang of terrors, Job 18. tç. And among all deferable good things, life is the ch: fèft, and that which maketh a man capable of en- joying all other good things ; expreft, Job 2. q., Shin for s1 in,yea,alt that a manbath, will he give for his life.Now all aflaults from this fief. pair are in yain, as they tend to feparare us from the love of God in Chrift. Will you hope to do it by threats cf death ? A belie- ver will tell you, that Chrift threatneth eternal death 5 and this temporal one, be it na tural or violent, is but a paffage into life eternal 5 will you entice him by the baits of life ? They have learned to prefer everlalting life before it, Heb. t t, 35. Not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better refurreEfian. 2. Pair ; nor Angels, nor Principalites and Powers 5 that is, the powers of the vifble and invifible world 5 fo there two powers are ellewhere coupled, Eph. I. 21. Far above all principalities, and powers, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, bet alfa that which it to come. So that by principalities and powers, worldly powers are intended 5 Angels is a common word, that implieth good and evil fpirits 5 if you apply it to the good Angel:, then 'tis. fpoken only by way cf fuppofiti- on, if it were pofiible they could concur in fuch a defign ; Inch a fuppofition there is Gal. t.8 Tho an angelfrom heaven preach any ether doctrine to you, let him beaceurfd. 'Tis a fuppofition of an impoflìble cafe ; but fuch as conduceth much to heighten the fence of the truth reprefented : As for evil angels, they make it their work and bufinefs to (teal away fouls from Chrift; and if they could would wreft them out of Chrifts own arms. Well then , The good Angels reek not to feparate us from Chrift 5 the good will not, and the bad cannot: Were it poffible for a good Angel to diffwade me from my Lord Jefus Chrift, I would hold him occurred : Evil Angels afláult us, but we are pre - ferved by a ttronger than they. By the other branch, principalities and powers, he un- dertlandeth the Potentates of the world, by what title foeverdiftinguifhed : No pow - lo B ets,