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Ver. 38, 39. the 8th Chapter to the R. OM A N S. 370 1. Doû. This is matter of triumph to believers, to be per[ivaded, that nothing, be it ne- ver fo great and powerful, can feparate them from the love of God in Chrift. I. 1 (hall enquire, What is this love of God in Chrift. 2. That as long as God loveth us, the people of God apprehend themf Ives in good condition. 3. That from this love nothing can feparate us. 4. We ought firmly to be perfwaded of this. r. What is this love of God in Chrift ? Here I take it actively for the love where- with he loveth us : Love maybe confidered, Firft, As an attribute or a perfe£tion in God 5 fo laid, 1 John 4.8. God is love. Which noteth his readinefs , felf- propen- lionor inclination to do good. Secondly, as it relateth and paffeth out to the creatures; fo there is a common love, and a fpecial love; his common love is let forth, Pfal. 145.4. The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works. This love Howeth in the channel of common Providence. But then there is a fpecial love , which is called his love in Chrift, Eph. a. 3. Who bath bleed us with fpiritual bleJJngs in heavenly pla- ces in Chrifi. This love may be confidered as purpored or expreffed 5 as purpofed, 2 Tim. t 9. According to his purpofe and grace, w hick was given us in Chriil 7 frs before the world begun. His gracious purpofes were from everlafting 5 he determined within himfelf, that we fhould receive thefe fruits of his love through Jefus Chrift. a. As ex- preffed , and that two ways, as revealed. in the Gofpel, and as applyed to our hearts. Eirft,the love and free grace of God is revealed in the Gofpel 5 there is the difcovery of Gods good will to (inners, and the rich preparation of Grace he bath made for thofe wit() are truly willing to receive him 5 therefore cal led the uufearch+hle riches of grace, Eph. 3. 8. Or thofe many bleffed advantages that belong to Chriíüans. Second- ly, as applied to our hearts: The application may be confidered as to the eff<&s,or fenfe. Firft as to the effects ; When the Gofpel is made fuccefsful to our converfon, and his eternal love beginneth to take effeit, Jet. 31. 3. I have loved thee with an everlafling love, therefore in loving.1¿indnefshave I drawn thee. And again, Eph. s. 6. He bath made us accepted in the beloved, to the praife of his glorious grace. The people of Geld are lo- ved from all eternity by his love of benevtilence,whereby he-Willed good unto them,and decreed to beftow good upon them, even when they were children of wrath in the fen - tence of the law : Bit there is betides this, the love of complacency, whereby he ac- cepteth of them, as being reconciled to him, and acquiefceth in them as his peculiar peo- ple, and will beftow all manner of grace upon them. Secondl y, As to fenfe, or our feel- ing of this love. Rom. 5. 5. Becaufe the love of God is flied abroad in our hearts. When 'ris evidenced to us, that God bath thus fanerified us,and adopted us into his family, ta- ken us for his children, Rom. 8. 16. And we are incouraged to look for the eternal in- heritance as our right and portion : The effects we have in our convection, cal led there. foreeffettual calling 5 the fente we have by the Lords confirming Grace, or the witnefs of the fpirit, which God giveth asa',reward to his faithful and obedient fervants. Ex- perienced, f afoned Chrittians ufually have it in a large meafure. 2. The people of God apprehend it as a very blefed and comfortable condition 5 for . here Paul in their name fpeaketh, that as long as God loveth them, they are not troubled about other things. Death may feparate the foul from the body, depth of poverty may feparate them, not only from the preferments of the world, but the enjoyment of their own eftates : Evil angels may difquiet them with temptations, worldly powers exile them from theircountrey,and feparate them from their deareftfriends and acquaintance 3 but as long as they are not feparated from the love of God in Chrift, they are well apaid and contented; for the Apoitles triumph is not,that he did efcape the troubles, but that he was not feparated from the love of God in Chrift Jefus : Now this cometh,part- ly, from the real worth of the priviledg its felt; and partly,from their efleem and value of ir. 1. For the real worth of the priviledge its lelf. Surely Gods love can make us more happy, than the world can make us miferable. Confider a believer as to his prefent, or future condition; he is a bleflèd man. For the prefent, his fins are pardoned, Pfal. 32. 1. Bided is he whole. tranfgreffion is forgiven, *whofe fin is covered. Their natures are healed, 2 Pet. t. 4. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promifes, that by thefe we might be partakers of the divine nature having efcaped the corruption that coB 2 15