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382 SERMONS upon Seim. XLVII. 2. Such as are rooted and grounded in love. A tafte may fail, Heb. 6. 3, 4. A (lender infufficient touch of the love of God upon the foul, will not break the force of oppo- fite inclinations and temptations, Eph. 3. t7, 18, ig. That ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able with ad faints to comprehend, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and heigth, and know the love of Chrift which paffith knowledge. A fincere love doth fo faften us to Chrift, that no temptation is able to (hake us, or unloofe us; for they are acquainted more and more with Chrilts love, and admire it, are ravifhed by it, feel the effe &s of it. The breadth noteth, the great bleffangs we have by ií, or the ample priviledges of -the New Covenant. The length, the duration of it, from one eter- nity to another. The depth of ir, his profound condefcention, fetching us out of Hell its fell, by a painful,curfed, and ignominious death. The heigth, as it raifèd us up to the glory of Heaven, and that everla(ting bleffednefs. Now none are laid to comprehend his, but thole that are rooted and grounded in love; that is, to comprehend them to their comfort and joy; to comprehend it to their conqueft and vi (ory over temptati- ons ; ro comprehend it as their triumph and confidence. Noce but thofe whole hearts are filled with the love of God, and deep experience of his grace in Chrift, that have not taken up fame light thoughts about it, but are deeply overcome and putrefied with a fenfè of his love, whole heart and foul is towards God ; and his wondefnl love in Chrift, is the root and foundation of all their Religion ; now thefe thorough- Chrifians, who are rooted and grounded in faith, and love, they are not fo much believers incon- flift, as believers in triumph ; and whereas others make an hard (hilt to get to Hea- ven, with much labour both of flefh and Spirit, and many doubts and fears, they keep' up a continual rejoycing in God, and find little or no trouble or difturbance in the Spiritual life'. Lulls are more mortified, and Satan is difcouraged, and they are affifted with a larger experience of grace, than others receive. t. USE, Is information. t. To thew what caufe they have to be afhamed that are difcouraged by fmaller temptations; that cannot run with the foot- men,Jer. 12. 5. The fmallefl things feparate them from the love of God in Chrift, or darken the comfort of it in their fouls. 2. The great priviledges of a Chriftian. Turn him to what condition you will, raile him or cart him down, kill him or fpare his life, you cannot harm him; inrich him, or beggar him, his happinefs is not at your command ; he is not at the difpofal of any creature in the world, Devils or Men : croffes_ and contrary winds blow him to Hea- ven, Cant. 4. 16. and here, death, life, heigth, depth : if God hath good to do by his life, he will preferve him ; if his work is ended, he will take him away by death. All doth better his heart, or batten his glory. 3. What an advantage thofe Chriftians have above others, that make it their bufinefs to love God, and count it their happinefs to be beloved by him. Take either, firft, that make it their bufiue(s to love God. Love God once, and all that he doth will be accep- table to you, and all that you do will be acceptable to him: for if we love him, nothing will be grievous; not commands grievous, nor tryals grievous, t John 5. 3. fhb. 12.6. Whom the Lord loveth, he chafineth : 'Tis from a father; and all that ycti`do is acceptable to God. The lovers mite is better taken, than the vafl treafures of enforced fervice. If you love him, you may be fore he loveth you, John 14.21. Secondly, They count it their happinefs to be beloved by him; and then under the fore(! temptations, 'tis enough that God loveth them : if he will not take away his loving - kindnefs from them; 'cis enough , though he vifit them with (courges. Other things will not ftisfie them without this, but this fatisfieth them in the want of all other things, Pfal. ic6. 7. 2. U SE, Is to exhort us to feveral duties I. To the great duties of Chriflianity, which give us an intereft in this unchangeable love. I (hall inftance in faith and love ; Fill, by faith, to put our fouls in Chrifts hands; for there alone we are fafe againft temptations, 2 Tim. 1. 12. For I know whom I have believed, and am pertraded, that he is able t, keep that which 1 have committed un- to hint; v&,eaegaaralíota, s". And' Pet. 4. 19. Commit the keeping cfyour fouls to him. So Pfal. 37. 3, 4. Trutt in the Lord, and do good, fo fhalt thou dwell in the land; verily, thou fhalt be fed. Delight thy ( elfin the Lord, and he /hall give thee thy hearts &fire. is not a devout !loath, or carelefs negligence, but a refolution to take his way, and adhere to it, tru(ting him with all events. We may do it upon the confidence ofhis willing- nefs, fidelity, and fuf &ciency : His Office (hewed] his willingnefs; 'cis his office to fave foul.,