Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The TABLE. Pag. It is a punifbment 89 A mark of Gods Difpleafrtte 8 The Def ruftiori of fin in Believers 8,f To them a means to enter into glory 89,90 Comfortable only to the holy 91;92 Death of Saints, differs from Death offin- ners, and bow - 97 What is Death to !inners 1o8 Very fit, Eternal Death be the punifh- ment o fin I o 8 Debtors to the fpirit 99000 Chriftians are fo ib. One Debt to God is indiffoluble I o Increafed by Redemption 102,104 Decrees, mid. Eleftion,Pnrpofe Deliverance from Bondage offin and Death, very great priviledge 23 But begun now, fullat loft 96 Dependence on God, binds us to pleafe him 68 Subjects us to God 102 Defies of 1 H opRe fl, e t prove rong there is reff to be had 2.20 242 Deffiny worthy to be known 40,41,117 Deadnefs to duty whence 131 Difficulties whet Chriftian hopes 23 8 Difcouragements in obedience, injurious to Chrifl and us 38 Leffin our Comforts 246 Sinners not Difcouraged in fin, Saints fhould not be in duty 247 Difcourfe with our felves 55 Diforder in mans mind 20 How great, and whence t t6 Difpair twofold, and what each is 154 Difpleafure of God, feen molt inhis internal Government 85 Diffetit too weak, is to inuch ionfent to fin 52 Diltrels, what 35' And why 341 Divel, Flefh, and World, for out their beftfirfl, Chrift fets out his wor/t fir fl his loft ii bell 143 Divine works equally the works of Father, Son, and holy Gholt 94 In way proper to each ib. Do and Suffer, ere we come to Heaven 241 Do as you can in Duty, rho you cannot as you would 254 Dominion of the fpirit 74,82 Of our Creator 100 Of Property, and of fnrifdittion . Too In GC id is Univerfal 10I Dominion of God over all 316 Dominion of Man over the Creatures was by gift 195 Doubts of Eternity, lye at bottom of our back - mordnefs to good '43 Drooping Chrifttanswanting to themfelves 156 Die to fin, and live to bolinefs, mutually kelp each other 139 We mull to live 242 Duty tbofmall,yet mull in their feafin be done 361 Dying men, ufsially inquire Whithergoing 40,117 .To Believers, ioChrifts pulling down their Cottage, to build them a Palace on his own Charges 360 E Arnett of our Inheritance, wb . continues Eacneftnefs of defire with hope Earth and Heavens new End of things bell meafare of them Effeftual Calling what And itsproperties Of meer love of God to us 290 Wrought by Almighty power 29r The particulars of is 291 Ends and aims of men different; and they are as is their End r 07 Eleftion of particular perfonsto Life 293 Of meer grace unchangeable 293 Agreeable to the honor of God 294 And unfearchable in the methods oflove to the Fie tit 294,299 Hence they are made to differ froin o- thers 295,296 By their conformity to Chrift 299 In what this is ib. Shall be Called, "f ultified, &c. 304 Obligeth us to Duty andgratitude 309 Eleftion and the debts, are ofgrace in excel- lent order and connexion 3oS This jhould affect our hearts, and in what particulars 309 Endeavours mull be continued to fuccefs 49 Eenemies of our Salvation agree in making us Rebels againft God 64 Cannot' hurt us, while God is for us 314,315,316 Are in chains of Providence .321 Enquiry which dying men make 40,117 Epilcopius, fountain of new Theologie 5 Eftates two, in which all end 40 Which is ours, we may know by the Scrip - tures 172 Efteem of God, and things of God difcover what me are 44 Eternity compar'd with time,may fit all right 182 Eternal Life what 59 Eternal death, what 59 Exaltation of Chrift, our juflification 348 Exhortation more nec,ffary, than tryal for weak Chriltians 47 Excommunicated by men, received by God ,86 Expiation of fm, previous of ourbeing heirs of Goad 179 Events are to be left to God 27 3 Evidence of true Gbrillianity 82,83,84,33° -qualities of this Evidence 4 Ground f hope 231,232. Evil in fin, evilvsfter fin a/8 No good man dares fin 362 Evils in tbe World, confiftent with a Deity and Providence 273 Pag. 188 143,z69 289 ib. bow long .. 96 234 F FAiming what 245 The degrees of it 249 Faint nor, why 2.47 Faith is content offubjelion 14. To be in the Faith what 68 It .propounds greater motives than the fiefs can 77 Full grownprove our hope 232 Previous to our Chriflian hope 238 Faith gives eye to fee our hope 238 Favour of God feen in internal Government 85 Fear may begin, love perfelts Converfson 157 Fear