Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The TABLE. Peg. Fear twofold, send,vlet each ïí . 153 Fear aid Hope, motives to obedience i05 Fears of wicked men grow till they are Con. demned 157 Fiefh what i 41,42,106 6 Its tendency 6 Contrary to thi pirit, an dinwhat 7 Who walk after the Flefh 7 Things of it 41 When minded, how diverted 44,45,46 lolly and without contrail, rules 1 fore 46547,117 Continuetb to the loft in the bell 47 Would be pleated . 49 Getsground by our yielding 49 Not to' be indulged, and why 49 Our greatefl enemy 113149i5° The worfe enemy by being indulged 5o Indulged undoes Body and Soul ib. Such indulging contrary to our hopes is un- thankfulnefi to Cbri fd 51 We mug watch, and weaken it 51,52 'Twill ad Religion in a defign S7 Its wholly emnity to God 62,63,64.65 And to no 114 To he in the Flefh what 68,75 To live after the Flefh what Io6,107 The more indulged, the more dangerous enemy 1 1 3 Flefh in the mind how 115,116 Signs of its prevailing 117 Is ever attive 125 Firft Fruits of fpirit what 215,218,219 Filiation in this World, and in the next,di$er, and how 190 Folly to venture on Death, by chafing finful pleafures I I2 Forfaking of fin, needful to our reconciliation 36 Foreknowledge and Prediftination 298 lFl,at each, to what we are Predeflinated ; How thefe two differ 298 The Prede flinated in time called, &O. 304 Force nor Fraud cannot untwift the cords of our love to Chrifl 378 Foyls of Believers poliible,too often, but not final .370 Fulfilling the Law what, and how Believers do fulfil it 34 When they begin this 38 Not ftnifht in fudden 38 Mufl be increafed 39 Future flare of perfeltion to which all tend 188 To Saints what 206,207 G ie revealed at la Pag. 'T fl 188,189 I8'ben revealed (hall better the whole Creation 20! Goodnefs and bolinefi the very nature of God 38,280,281 HehgtbdcneGeed tous - 28i And how, What bath molt of God is moll lovely 281 What our love to God is 282 Its properties ib. 283 Gofpel offers an exemption fromtondemnaticn 3 To this we cool appeal ib. Is Rule and Law I I Threatneth fare/ penalties . 12 What kind of Doftrine it is i8 Is Gods all of Oblivion, Baulinary &c.15q Gofpel-fpirit molt fociable 16 Its fruits ib. Fall of love to God, and free in carver- fing with God . 16o Gofpel relents, God molt lovely to no 165 Gods to 379 Twofold, and what each ; they bleffed on whom'Ois pitcht 379 386 And why, how we perfwaded of this un- changeable love 3 8 i Who thefe are 381 God is He will review and ,`fudge all 314 Over -role all 316 How with his 314. How to be Gotten on our fide 32i Gods Sovereignty 1001- u His Government internal and external 32 An j what 12 The nor bound by premife, yet in his Good- nefs he doth reward the Good which na- rural men do 71 His right may repel all temptations,. and how 103,104 He and Flefh irreconcilable 112 God worketh with new Creature fuitably to its nature 136 Fir fl loved for his benefits to ea, next for his own Goodnefs and excelenry 142 It with his 314 e/Ind boas, God a Father, and in what refpefts 16t Great priviledge 168 Affifleth bis children 246,247 Grace all planted in us by the fpirit 07 Purchafbd for its 36,37 Inereafed how Common acted,femetime rewardedwith 44 more 7i Great, which prefervetb a Good man amid/ the temptations and Pipings in the flefh 76 It maintains the Combat, and.Conquers 76 Weak, yet bath ftrengrh in it 77 Increafith, ly decreafe offin 126 Special Grace what, and its difference. from Gifts 81 Coworks with God, and.muft, the red. fonwhy 136 In Grace as in. nature, Life, Motion, and Conduftfrom the veryfame principle 146 Groaning of the Creature ao8 What, bow 209 We concerned in them 210. sa C a And GAin of inners by their fins now weld, andwhat 'tis 1 12 Gifts common, and Grace fpecial 81 Greater to common Chriftians,t ban to the Hea- then World 81,164 And wbafof God peinliar to hischildren o 70 All are free. , 326 May be comprehendrd,but this Gift Cbrift given for us is incomprehenftble 327 Grieve not the fpirit a Comforter 153 Glory future, incomparably above prefent things, and in what 183