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The TABLE Page And how Groans of children ofGod 215 And what ib. 250 H HAtred to God, not only in Heathens, .17 but in nominal Chriltians 61 Lyetb in three things ib. All fin, Hatred of God 63 Twofold Hatred 63 Andwhat each is, both in Carnal man againfi God 65 FirstHatred offin is frorlo its Hurtful - nefs, then from irs finfulnefs, and contra- riety to God 743 Happiness but one, wbate Leer men chufe to be it 112 True is knowledge, and enjoyment of God 10,1560.71,318,319 fn Heaven inconceiveable, and unfpeak- able 184,191 Future and certain 220 Confummate after the Refurreition 2.20 Happieft of men are Gods children 273 Hafly ones weary of Religion 242 Misjudge God X69 Lower Heavens fhall be purified by fire 202 And why lox Heaven and Hell divided between fiefb and friar 41 Begun in this World, and bow 184 Heavenlinefs whence, and what 16 Heart is withdrawn from God, if ft on any thing elfe 62,290,278;322 Prepared by, and then fill' d with the . fpirit 76 Heart makes that it's Godwhich lyeth next to it107 Hatb flefh in it, and what 'tis 116 Grows weak, as tuft grows ftrongg ' 117 Carnal cannot make itself Spiritual 135 Heart fearcher, God 156 Heirs of God are all Believers 17 6 Ttle by Grace, right is prefent, poffffion future, supply fare ib, Excellencies of this inheritance 177,178 Holinefs diflintt from Godlinefs 16 The better part of our deliverance 38 Holinefs and Goodness is the very nature of God 38 Holinefs compleated ere we enter Heaven 38 Holinefs vifible to be charitably judged 77 Wherein it now conftfteth 00 Honefty binds us to obey God 1 o Hope and fear, motives to duty 10 Saving Hope n 230 Twofold, of expectation and experience 165 Great and glorious to Saveth 222 f What'tis 2 3 Its objeil 223 Ground 4 16 224 Very necessary 225 Vanquifhes 325 Ref eft between Faith and Hope. . 226. May every one Hope for Salvation 227 Diftinguifht into its kinds 229 May be.interrupted 232 Mercy ob /elf of ope 232 So is the promi ib. 2.33 How we brought to Hope 233,234 How increafed Brings Heaven tors en earth Proper objelt Built on promises Theft confirmed fiflrient y How far feen Real Should over -rule our Hearts Its lualifications Humiliation, what, where begins and ends Pag. 34.23ï 235 z,^ 23), 240 241 242 145 IGnoraht We may be of ume thing without danger 2 c t Incarnation of Chriff, with the ends,and fruits of it 28,29,30 Immunnities we bave byCbrifi 2o5 Inclination of the flefhwhat 41 Not alike to nl/fino xzi Indulgence to the flop What 43 44 Intake S None fo fit to reflere as Christ 300,301 ofGod j Mußbe re flared ere we can have C((CCC communion with God 3435 It is mans glory c o immensity of God, thence Omniscience 297 Immutability of God, and eternal merit of Chtift, foundation of our eternal glory 183 Immortality known, er grid edatbynature 140 Impotency ofmind it from ',mortified heart 13o To prayer without the fpirit 251 Impeccable no Saint on earth io t48 Infirmities in Believers, and cecaftons to the World to misjudge themand the fpirit 77 They fini but deign it not 103 Innocent Creatures pionifht for mans fin, and why, and bow 1 8 Impotfibilities may be imagined, not hoped 237 Interefts of flefh what 1 Prevails in fame without anytontroul 1 o y Our true Interest by God made motive to' our duty 140 Interceffion of Cbrift and of the fpirit 244 How theft differ ib. Invifible World to be fought 24, Jòys of good confcience areforetags ofHeaven 148 Judgment to come not fegeneraly known, as Immortality and a flare of Eternity t41 Yet knowh and own'd by force ib. Prefag'd by fears of guilty confcience 240 Juftice of God joinsfin and punifbment 22,60 Juftification` excludes not Mortification 115 What it implyeth 3 3 Pow many ways this done 334 How &C fient with Gods Juftice, 334 ,335,336 Sinner Repenting and Believing ii ju- /of/ed 335,3 6 Shall not be reverfed 3 744 And why 3361337 Júftified ones are Sanllified 335 K KIndnefs to be "hewed to the creature fel- jelled to vanity by our fin 199 Kingdom ofGod, force far off i 47 Knowledge of our [elves and our flare bow to be obtained That carnal men have ofGod,is cold ands l felefs 55 Know