Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

Knowledge offin by the fpiri mortification The TABLE. Pag. eceffary to 133 L T Eadings of God by which Saints are kept La in their way 146,147 To be Led what 14.8 Its branches 148,149 Great mercy 15.1 It is through all duty 152 Legality partial or predominant, andwhat each is 158 Law of ffirii of Life what 8 Of fin what 9 -Why fo called Its effbils ib. O f God, conftirutes and direfls duty I I Given to man in innocence t 1 And what ib. Of nature left in fallen man II . Its dullo ib 155 Of man what tends to II Law what it includes in The New Covenant, or Law of God and man diner, and in what 13 Law could not nut awayfin 26 Nor juflifue, uu ib. and 27 Was next to Chrift and the Got-pet moll Di- vine 26 Cannot fant7ifeus 28 Nor fave Irritates fin ib. Is not' abrogated Hath twofold office 054. Continues in force in Heaven 37 Howfulfilled by a Believer Law pretended again; perfècuted Cbriffians 363 Law ceremonial what 106 Law -giver God 101 Legal jpiritwhat,and its operations 154, 155,158 'Tis timerous towards God, and for truth '58,159 How removed ib. Liberty from fin and death, by Chrifls merit andiruerce/Îron 23 On what terms to be had 24 Thefe terms cannot by man be changed 24 Of Gods children what now . 201 Liberty msftaken ib. 'Es not to live ascorrupt nature diftet i 204,205 . Liberty future, glorious, what 206,2.07 Compar'd with our prefent Liberty 2.07 Light and Life brought to Light by the Gofpel 36o Life natural, Bereft -like, Rational, Spiritual 75 What this is ib. Of Gence vigorous, as fin languif eth 126 Grieved with oppofdte fins '33 Spiritual, both beginning and pledgeof Life eternal '39 What it i's . Natural and eternal compared 144 Eternal and Spiritual compared ib. Life mug be ventured for Chrifl, and why 363 Love of God to Believers, engaging motive to love him, and obey .33° To fuffir al/ 369 .. LoveofGod towbar 36 Leffer love to God is accounted hatred . 62 . 154 35,36,37 Pag. Asd,scby Love or hatred as we refpell Gods Law 'tî 3 Love to God is principle of mortification 118 Sureft way to aturance - 16o Love that you may Live .144 And go pof s the-b? Cdhopes 242 . Ltingings fpiritual fhallnot be fruflratcd 149 For God giveth them, that he may fatue them íb. The objeils of theme Lofts contrary to each ether . 48 Love to God whist a80,, 8 [,282 Its properties, Charailer of fuch as God will benefit by all, and why 284,285 Bell feen in fufferings for God 285 Twofoldfinoerity of Love, and what each. is 286 God Lovely for himfelf _ 286 For his Love to A M /r An fubjefl to God,and on what grounds I o,ti .V Owes him a voluntary obedience ib. and 7I Men are of two forts, different in original, prin- ciples, &c. Difbover what they are by refpes`l to d f 39 ferenr objells 42 Three forts ofMen in the World . 6 4 Mankind fallen under Gods difpleafure 69 Corrupted wholly 106 Of two fides 314315 Man pleafing what, &c. 72 Mailer fins likeggrent dìfafs never go alone 13o Mediation cfChriit is our triumph, &C. how 345,346 Effefls ofit eender'd to our Faith 346 This brings all good to us 352 Merit cannot be where the work is due 103 Merit of Chrifl to be eyed in prayer 266 Mercies fpiritual Worth our thanks 8 Of every kind fhoald lead us to Goof 64 Common to be received as Mercies 71 And why Minding things what 43,46 Whether we mind things of fief/2 orfpinot in four particulars 45 Mifery and fin are natural relatives 1 10 Of this life, made tolerable by hope of a bided Eternity 186 Miferies awaken many graces 273 Morals far more important than kiituals 69 Modefty in affrting or oppofing, becomes all 362 Moral obedience temporally rewaded,and why 7o Moral Philofophy, hid rather than killed vice 12o Mortifie the flefls and why 49 Bettet becomes uo,thin to gratis e theflefh 71 What 'tis 119 The flower in it, the more painful 'twill be 120 'T s Believers duty, and what'tis, its kinds 121,121. Meansand order of ir, its fèafens, it mull ever be carried on 024,126 Mortified fins retain fain Strength and are ftflive 127 Begin this at heart 128 Hard, but Tweet in the fruits 131 How to be carried on 145 0 o ll Motions