Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The TABLE. Pag. Motions to fin firfi flriving, to be prevented fupprefrd the fpirit to be cherifht and obey'd 149 Mourning of the Earth &c. what 109 Mongrel Chriffians 4,7 Mufrngs of the mind SS N. Azure defires life, gropeth after eternal life 14o Natural defiresunfetter'dgrow unruly 5o Natural life 74 A fi ate of much weaknef 76 Natural man judgetb bis way, wifdom 49 Would be vile ifnever tempted 49 Ignorant of the things of Gods fpirit 74 New Creature is work of the fpirit of God, needs affiance from the fpirit, is child of God 169 D OBedience uieeeffary to obtain the reward r Ours cannot fatisfie "the Law for any fms pafb 23 Obedience and faith benefitedby Chrifl, our fin - offering 36 Ever to be conformedto the- Law ofGod 37 Partit ,is a humouring ofour (elves 79 Univerfal due to God, there fore no merit 103 104 104 104 17 Enforced by many arguments Sweetned by Redemption Enricheth all that pay it Oblations legal, could not take away fin Old man. our fsnfi and lall enemy Omniprefence of God 73 And peculiar prefence with Believers ib. Omnifcience of God imployed for his children 170, Proved by Creation 257 Diftinguifhetb, next approveth 2.62. Order of mans temper right 10,108 In felf government 116 Opinion turnedinto religion is faint ands peak 367 Original fin deferves condemnation 3 How irritated by the Law 9 Sprouts out in Pafons, ea :fa-tints i 29 Overcome Gad, ere hurt bis people 316 Overminding World is finful 43 Owner of all God is by Creation 100 AndRuler ib. 114 P PArdon needful as we are condemned, and healing needful as we are lick 3 5 I1affions, what 129 Whence, and to be mortified ib. Partiality in all, to our felves , 116 Partial view of Providence fees not its beauty and goodnefs z69 Paternal care of God over his children 169 Patience, Bearing, Waiting, Working 242. Peace folid, whence 7,8,341 Penance Popifh like, Baalitical feverities 121 Perfecutors hazard the wrath of God, the Per- . fecuted hazard mans wrath 363 Perfeverance effeti of Grote 28 Pag. Pleafing of Cod mans end Should be our work Is difficult, and hsw ib Pleafing the flefh what 43,4,1, More fecretor open ib.and48,49,50,55,56 Will fling the cenfcience' "4 Pleafures proper for the Soul 79 Prayer great help 2.48 How 'tis from the fpirit 248 And how 249,2.yo,251 The necety of it 290 Cautions herein 255 What is the fpirit of Prayer, how it all- eth us 15z Vsriouf v ib. We know not to Pray, andwhy 25i Life of Prayer what 254 . Some Prayers unfit to be afcribed to the Spirit 254,255 What Prayers from the fpirit 255 Get this fpirir,and how 25S How Pray 160 All defects in it are feet of God 260 Different f iritswor4ing in Prayer 261 ,262 What theft are ib. God diflinguifhetb in our Prayers, &c. 262,263 Prayers of Saints heard 264 . Conditions ofit 264,265 Precifenefs in Believers needful 38 Prefent things little, future great . _ . 240 '' Precept what, bow differs from Ccunfel 12 Prejudices againft Religion whence. 47 Principles of men either fief!, or fpirit 48 And men are what the prevailing Prin. ciples are 107 Internal put into us, to keep as from fin 126 Priefse /piritual 161 Priviledges infer duty 99 Are linkt together 179 Protehtion draws allegiance 104 Providence its Government 85 Rules over all 169,197,198,258 Special over fame 2.74 Internal, and what 314 Probabilities mull fupport weak Believers 22.8 Propriety abfolute in God onely too Not alienated 101,102,106 Promife binds Godwhen nothing elfe can 10 3 Purpofe of God what 292,293 Effetts of is on us 293 Rife of all things 304. Decrees of God eternal 304 Fulfilled in his governing the World 305 cannot be frufirated 306 Are fulfilled with admirable order 306 This order God maketb 3 06 What the effetls of this Purpofe 306 And the order and contatenation of its parts 306,307 Beautiful andinviolable 308 Exclude not means,endeavours or duties, but includes them. 308 Punishment of the Damned, in fenfe, in lofs 2 How equal Otis fuited to fin 21' 'Tis Eternal 13 Correfpcuds to fin, both are departure from God 108,109 Purity of God engagetb him to punifh fin 22 Quench 69