Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The TABLE. 1( Pag. Quench not the fpirit 37 Who do Quench it are its worfe con- dition than before 78 Quitrent God referved to himfelf . 196 R REconciliation'needfulto pleafing God 7o Priviledg'd with gift of holy Spirit 84 Recovery of allen man its dsulty 19 Neceffisry becaufe of Gods decree 2,6 Receiving Chrisft what 168 Redemption makes not the nature offin left evil 3 Binds more to duty t o1 Neceffarily preceded Adoption 169 Redemption of our bodies. what 216 Remifion of fin how obtained 14 Renovation whence 135 In order to new lift 9,14,15 36 Itsgreat care 4z- Renewed ones do nothing perfeít None other pleafe God 7° Spirit of Renovationl what 16z Precedes Adoption 169 Reprieve forfeited by us 3 Religion what 36 Of carnal men what 107 Every man will have fame 107 What its end 109 Reaping as we jaw. 95 Refignation of our felves to-God, nature knows not 65 Reffing is in part cortgsering 37° 15o 15o 11,143 142,143 67 Refit not the fpirit a Sanitsfer 'Ts dangerous. Rewards and punifhments neceffary Lawful to look to them Radication of Grace 81 Reafon enflaved in flefh pleafers 117 Rejoycing fenfually very unfustable to our ftate 104 Repentance what 34,36 Neceffary to begin our interest in New - Covenant 36 Reverence and filial fear 165 Rigors external, and Popifh not acceptable 111 Refraining Grace r 22 Refurreltion whence z E$efted by the Spirit of bolinefs now dwelling in Believers 93 Is work of the whole ble /edTrinity 94 Of the fpirit and Chrift 95 Bleffed Refurreltion to holy ones 95 Onely of man sox Refurreftion of Chrijb influencetb stir 'jolli- fication 346 How 347 Rights and Prerogatives ofcbslolren of God 2,06 Right we have is limited, of milt, and ale 1,196 table Lofl by the fall, yet witked men have a civil Right 196 Rule of Believers obedience 73 S LY Acrament of Lords Supper what 32. 0 Spirit of Adoption faits it well 167 Page Hope fits it 235 Safety is to keep our felves fora our felves 49 Is in our fification 237 Sacrifices for fn, and their died 3 t Sanftification imperfeltmatter of availing t Is obedience to the better principle ire a fubjefi, is denial if following the werft ` 1,6 principle S How wrought and increafed 6 Effeft intended by the death of Chrift 34,3 5 Accompanieth fuftfcation 35 Comfort grows with it 156 Satans band in our afflillions to draw as fen; God 365 Satans defsgn agpinft God and vsan in his tem- pting art, and how defeated 29 He hurrieth fome into fn 4° . Ii executioner 97 Rules where fpirit of God doth not dwell `98 . Satisfa6tion to God, fudge 341 Seal of the fpirit what, and why given 42,96 San&ion ofa Lave what t2, Scripture witisefs ie the fpirit, witnefs 172 Self -love blindeth us 253 Senfes muff be kept under the government of Reafon t 16 Shame of Believers turned into Glory r85 Sincerity for time in particular things 160 Yet man hypocrite 286 Sin indwelling breeds fear of condemnation i Every new fin makes our claim dock- ful 8,205 Ever hurts us 103 Lives, tho dying in believers 519,t14,129 , All kinds of Sid in Believers 116,127 Each Sin bath fveral ways of ail- ing 117,118 Is Mortal, ifnetmortifed 118 What Sin conffent with life 234 Sin condemned what 31 Its double power deftroyed Sin ie a difefteem of God 144 1d8 Seen arightonely by the light of the fpirit 133 Think of it as'tisgreateft evil 144 Al that came in by Sin fhall be d froy'd 101 Is enemy to all creatures 213 State of man fourfold 105 Soul propends to its old fiend and mate the body 97 Slaves are 09, *ha cannot perufe true happi- 104 63,153 Slavilh fear what Service what 154 When prevails 158 Far fern Converfion 16o Sons of God 15o How we are ib. Subfifences three in the Divine Nature 64 Subjelion to God infeperable to the crea- tore 102,108 Spirit what 6 In every Cbriftian Prevalent And how knäwn Its objet? Given by Chrift 74,80,82, 77,82. 7 7 9,17 14 Somewhat of the SpiritgiventoHeathens x7,18 More to Yews ib. ,Neff