Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The TA,ÈLE. Pag. Nlof to us in bearing the Gof el 18 All Believers have it, but not w'equal grees 19 Evidence ofhaving it Spirit of Bondage and Adoption Alf etb grace in Believers Things of the Spïrit To be minded more 52,53 To be chofn and valued purfued and f ught in Gods way S4 Above other things, andwith Prayer 53 Spiritual mindednefowhat S9 OfAdoptionwhat 65 Spirit Not to be refilled, but obeyed, univer- folly, confantly 78,79 What to have the Spirit 81 Without it we can do nothing . 83 Is fuch evidence of true Chrifians 83,84. Its qualities 84. Effetts 85 Never given in anger 85 Procure the Spirits profoncè . 85 Get more of it, and bow , 86 What it is Is an eternal principle of happinefs How he dwells in Chrifians zo 25 4.0 47 93 90 Cau e'o our Re urretlion 6, 93,94 f f f 9519 9 , 39 Mindeth us of our duty too Co- operates, in Mortification 3 152 And how 132,133,1 3S 133 6 Guides the godly 146 Sweetly, and effetlually 151 Supports 245 T Fag. And both concur to the fame Teflimcny 173 What to be clone to get it 114, Titlès oho greaief, yet let's than this Tice, i Children of God 169 Torments for the bad after this life , Tryalsinhighef degrees to be re:gel-lid byres 3S9 Thefe difcover our graces, and what- 360, 36 t Tribulations what 3 51 All eonquered by our fervent love of Chrif And its appendages forefeet:, and felt to3 ,c differ 371 Troubles of Chrifians many and great 372 And wh Truths tko fmall mull be owned 36 1 TAfte of things thews what men are 56,118 Temptations fuited by Satan to hearts 116 Matter of groaning 207 Terrors of confcence refrainfnom fin 122 Foretafe of Hell 184 Thoughts difcover what we are 43,45,56 Are of three kinds 55 Good ofGod to be cberifed 159 Deep and ponderous about eternal things 185 Are known, feen by God 257 Threats fore 111 Verified in Cbrifls death 112 Lawfully isfed now againfI (inners 1 Y2 Of ufe to Adam innecent 112 Temporal things bewitch fuch as compare them not with eternal 182 How thefe fhould be compared 182,183 Trinity engaged di ;intlly in the work of our Salvation 54. Glorified in it 35 Unfolded 94 Temple of holy Spirit, eternally foallglorified Bodies and Souls be 584 Tenderrtefs of Spirit leaf we omitgoad, or con, mit ill. Fruit oflove,aad fßirit of Adoption 165 Tender hearts of Gods children molt fenftble of affillions and furrows 218 More burdened by fin 218 Teftimony of Scripture is Teftimony of the Spirit 172 Difcavers what is done in us by grace ió.173 With confcience which proceeds with reafon ib. tt V g jAnity on the Creatí.n by mans fin 594 V And bow 195 ,596097 It is a bondage to the Creature zc t It/hall be removed ib. Vicious and inordinate defines, how and whence grow 5 0 Vitiory fare to leering Chrifians, and 'ois moll noble 364 the degrees of it ió.36' Effeti of Gods power 367 Love 368 Vigilance and refolutions needful again; bofem fin 130 Violence to confcience or lu ;s in all,and how t to. Violent lerfecutors fend Saints to Heaven the fowler 268 Unbelievers are enemies to God, and how 64 Union between Cbrill and Believers what 4 Immediate, not by the Church with aril? 5 Equal in all Believers 5 How effelled 6 Evidence of it ib. and 88 How Precedes oar benefits by Chrif 3 K8 Ir indiffilsible Unmortified frame of heart what, firm ofit i go' Unregenerate do nothing-good , 66 Are in thefief', 68 Know the toil; without acceptance of the duty 7z Unfanftified heart brwrayed by words 43 Vocation by eueice of Gods works 287 Leaves without excufe iy . By word of God 288 That of works to be regarded ib. They are as aglafs &c. 2.88 Voluntary poverty not fo good, and due im- pitying our Riches for God 520 Voluptuous livingpernicióas 47 Ufe of all fublunary creatures for man - 195 And how fanldifed to Believers' 1'96,197 Ufurpers on Gods Government, and wherein 65 W Ar again; God by the wicked of the World 64 Weaknefs of moll Chrifians, Tell of their own lazinefs 38 Are temptations toprying Atbeifa 77 Weaken root offin 52 Wicked