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4 S E R M O N S upon the Serm. I. heart to fee, Deut. to. z, 3, 4. Mott men are loth to quit their Earthly Houfe ;the mot} Common Lefrons need fpecial grace to inforce them, Pfal. 90. 1 2. So teach lid to num- ber our days,that we may apply our hearts unto wifdom. Why fhouldyou be mindlefs,when fo many are furprized and fnatched to Hell, Who as little thought of dying as you do ? God is ready to Yudge, are you ready to be judged ? r Per. 4. S. They fha/l give an account to him that is ready to 7udgo the quick and the dead. Gods delay is not becaufe he is not ready for the work, but you are not ready Have you made up all your accounts be- tween God and your Soul, fued out your pardon ? ( zdly. ) Let us ceafe our immoderate care for outward things, which are in themfelves of short Continuance, and from which we may be taken we know not how faon, Luk. al. zo. Thou fool this night fhallthy Soul be required of thee, and then whofe (hall thefe things be which thou hail provided ? He was a fool becaufe his barns were full, and his Soul empty : A fool in providing but for half, and the.worfer part, for a fhort time, how Ihort he knew not. When Bees fwarm and leave the hive, duff caft among them ma- keth them quiet, and pitch again. Oh rememberyour dully Tabernacle. (idly,) Let us endeavour to make fore a fiate of Continuance ; a life that is hidden with Chrift in God; a better part that fhall never be taken from us, Luk. io.42. So, Pfal. 119. 96. I have feen an end of all perfeflion, but thy Commandment is exceeding broad, no end of it ; the Commandment in the effet is not fo much fubjetive as effetive. ( 4thly. ) Let us forbear any dependance upon man, or fear of man, who cannot long con- tinue to do us either good or evil. Pfal. 546 3, 4. Put not your troff in Princes, nor in the Son of man in whom there is no help; his breath goeth firth, he returneth tohis Earth, and that very day his thoughts perish. When a bough is ftripped off from the flock and root, all the unripe grapes wither and come to nothing, i King. 1.21. If we fruit or fear any, let us truft and fear God who liveth for ever; lied. so. 31. I come now to the Second Confderation. II. That there is a much happier Condition than this world is capable of, even an abid- ing flare of Bleffednefs which God hash provided for his people. A Building of God,an Houfe not made with hands, &c. (1.) This is called an Houfe (zdly. ) And there are di- vers Epithets to chew the eternity ofthis flate,'Tis described, 1. By the efficient caufe,fet forth negatively in that word óixíav áy+crpomoínacr, a building not made with hands ; poli. tivelyJouhf.iiwh ea; ; dui/ding ofGod. idly. The adjunt ; Eternal. idly. The place where 'tis situated; In the Heavens. There is a Rate of Eternal Glory and Happinefs that remaineth for the people of God. A building ofGod, an Houfe, &c. Whether by this Houfe is meant the Joys ofthe Soul in Heaven, or the {fate of a glorified Body, or both, as making up that compleat Houfe which the Saints delire, I will not now difpute. I. Let it fufñce that the ftateofGlory is called an Houfe. Heaven is fometimes com- pared to a Kingdom,for the Glory and Splendour of that eftate, and fometimes to a City, for the beauty and regularity of it, and alto fometimes to an Houfe, becaufe of our focial and familiar converse with God and one another, job. 14. z. In my Fathers Houfe are many manfions. Heaven is the Houfe of God, wherein he will familiarly converfe with his Domefticks, and they enjoy a full and clear fight of his Glory, and live in all Happi- nefs, as being ever in the Kings Palace, Glorifying and enjoying him, Pfal 84. 4. Bleffed are they that dwell in thy Houfe, they will be (till praiftng thee, Selah. 'Tis a fecure and quiet habita ion, beyond the reach of enemies,Pfal.z.3. Tho the Heathen rage, the Kings of the Earth let themselves, and the Rulers take Counsel together againft the Lord, and againft his anointed,faying, let us break their bands offender, and cafe away their Cords from us : He that fitteth in the Heavensfhall laugh, &e. When there was a great Tumult and bunk in theworld: Sittingnoteth aquiet pofture; thofe Wetted Mansions are never diftur- bed, and difcompofed. In this life the Saints are tofred up and down, but there is a quiet refting place prepared for them, where the Soul repofeth her felf with all Spiritual de- lights after her labour and Travail : Here is our Tent, there our Houfe; our Houfe is where our goods are. In Heaven we enjoy the Treafures which were laid up there before, Rev. 14. 13. Luk. 1z. 33. ATreafare in theHeavens that fadethnot. There is all our comfort. 'Tis a Capacious Houfe, Joh. 14. z. In my Fathers Houfe are many Manjons; that will hold all the Children of God who at last {hall be gathered together. There is abundance of Room in Heaven. 'Tis not carnally to be conceived, as if Heaven were to be divided into fo many cells : But to note that many fha!1 be admitted into that Blefïid refs, through the Love of God, and the merits of Chrift. Oh ! Let us oftner think of this Blefred Houfel Here we have buta Tent, the Body is often affli&ed.: And after that