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Ver. 1. Fifth Chap. 2d Ep. to the C O R I N T H. 5 that diffolved, torn, and taken down : But then, an Houfe that we (hall never change where we (hall live fweetlyand fecurely, without trouble of enemies. idly. This Houfe is defcribed, ( t.) By the eicient caufe ; expreffed negatively and pofitively. i. Negatively, the falfe caufe is removed; as Houfe not made with hands. Not built by man of Terreftrial and Feculent Matter, not contrived with mans art and care or skill ; things made by man, are not comparable to things made by God : For, as the workman is, fo is the work : Man being a finite Creature, limited and confined, his work cannot be abfolute, as God's is ; the Holy places made by Bezaleel and Aholiab had their Glory,but they were nothing comparable to the Holy places not madewith hands, Heb. 9. zq. Thofe were figures ; Thefe are true. Whatever God doth, it is done in a more Glorious manner; he difcoverethhis Magnificence in the work. zdly. The true caufe is aligned; duLóóp ry tx Ge ,A Building ofGod, So 'tis We rejoice in hope of the Glory of God God railed this Houfe out of the greateft wifdom and higheft love : An Houfe to thew the Riches, and Glory, and Honour, of him that made it. So where Heaven is compared to a City, 'tie Paid, Heb. it. io. He looked fir a City which had Foundations, whole builder and maker is God. He is the Builder or Architeét that doth frame, and devife itaccording to model, and he is the workman that did fet it together; man bath no hand in this at all, God contrived it, and prepared it. 'Tis fo far above the Art and Power of man, that only God could make it. God is not only the principal, but foie efficient of it. ( zdly. ) By the adjunfl; 'tis an eternal Houfe. All other Houfes moul- der to duff ; cernímus excmplis oppida pie mori ; all other buildings are infirm, and move- able, obnoxious to change, decay, and ruine ; experience doth fufciently prove this by the ruine of fo many Caffles,Palaces,Cities,andKingdoms,which have flourifhed in 'great Splendour, Power and Strength, yet now lye in the duff, and do not appear. But this City bath Foundations, Heb. t t. to. Nothing can be firm, that is not firmly fixed, upon an unmoveable Ground : But this hath Foundations, the unchangeable Law of God,and the everlaftiñg merits of Chrift. ( idly.) The place where 'tis fituated; In the Heavens. The place where God doth manifeft himfelf in a more glorious manner, than here upon earth,which is a Common Inn for Sons and Baflards, a Receptacle for Sinners and Saints; yea for man and beaff, where God (heweth his bounty to all his Creatures : A valley oftears : where is the place of our Tryal and exercife. But this is the place of our re-. compence, there God will manifeft himfelf in the greateft latitude that the Creature is , capable of: wefhall have a place agreeable to ourflate, and a fiate agreeable to the place. The pavimenr is very Glorious : The Starry Heaven,we cannot look upon it, without won- der and aflonif sment. Adam's happinefs was in an Earthly Paradife, but ours is in Hea- ven, Eph. n.3. Wehave fach a Glorious place,and Glorious company. That happy Region of the Bleffed which is properly called the Heavenly jerufalem, doth as much excell all other Countries in height amplitude and beauty, as the Inhabitants excel the Inhabitants of other Countries in wifdom, noblenefs and grace. For fublimity. The Stars feem to be like fo many fpangles for the diftance. 'Tis above all Mountains, Elements, Sun, Moon and Stars. So far is it diftant from the place ofiiciffitudes and changes. And then for its Breadth, as well as height; fome Stars have a body bigger than vaft Countries; yea than the whole Earth. Then what is the capadity of Heaven it felt! For Beauty. This world, that is affable for beafls,the place of our exile,the valley cftears,lrath a great deal of Beauty : What bath God bellowed then upon Heaven ! Oh! When we Ihall meet with all the Holy ones of God, then how Mall we rejoice ! And the Innumerable Com- pany of Angels that Mall all join in Confort ! There is no pride or envy to divide us, or make us Contemn one another, but Love and Charity reigneth, that the good of every one is the good of all, and the $pod of all the good of every one. There is one Body, one Heart, one Soul, and one God, that is all in all. Whence is it that one Citi- zen loveth another rather than a ítranger,one Brother loveth another rather than another man, that the head loveth the feet of his own Body, rather than the Eyes of another > Namely, that Citizens dwellin one Common City, or they are one Common Houfe, and are of the fame flock, members live by conjunótion of the fame life. What conjunétion then, what love between the Bleffed, that have one God, oneCountry, one Palace, one Life; How fweet will this friendfltip be, where there is no weaknefsto pervert or corrupt it? After we have gotten through a short life here in the world, this will be our portion : AfToon as we do but fiep into this Houfe,we bid our everlafting farewel unto all fin and forrow; and ftep into it we do affoon as we dye,in a moment, in the twincklingof an Eye. But above all,what Joy is in the fight of God l Yoh. 3' v We /hall be like h. im fcr we fl allfee him ashe is. Oh then let us get a Title to it, and be able with dearnefs to make out our qualification