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$ SERMONS upontbé', Serm. of a mans heart and ways ; the Condufion is certain according to the verity of the fecond Propofition. 'Tis abfolutely certain and evident by faith, that whofcever believeth in Chrift fhall not perilh, but have everlafling life. But that I believe in Chrift witha faving faith, 'tic not fo certain, thoúgh certain it may be. I have greater affu- rance that God is faithful and true, then that my heart is upright. Therefore greater affurance of the general truth, that the true believer ¡hall be laved, then I can have of this, that I am a true believer. idly. As our affurance of our own intereft or particular Salvation is not fo firong, as our affurance of the truth of the Gofpel : So 'tis not fo abfolutely neceffary. For, firm adherence to Gofpel promifes with a refolution of obe- dience is the qualification abfolutely neceffary to the Pardon of fins, Juflification of our perfons, or our acceptance with God : But affurance of our own Salvation, though it be comfortable, 'tis not abfolutely neceffary. The humble and broken heart God will not defpife,Pfa1. 51. 17. Many poor Souls that want affurance are tenderly beloved of him, owned by him as heirs of Salvation, and their good works acceptedin Jefus Chrift, that do only refolvedly adhere to Gofpel promifes, and feek after God in the way of an humble obedience, yea though they write bitter things againft themfelves. 3dly. Affurance of the Word is fooner gotten than affurance dour intereft ; affoon as theWord entreth upon, yea before it can have any thorow efficacy upon our hearts, we receive it as the word of God, or elfe 'twould notwork upon us, t Toef. s. 5. & t Thef 2.13. Affu- rance of our ownSalvation is mutually got at once, but by degrees, after we have had Tome experience of a fetled, and habitual devotednefs to God, and grace bath been well exercifed and approved in manifold duties, tryals, and combats, Rev, z. 17. 7o him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna ; and this eftablifbment of heart wilt come after conqueft, and Tome experience inaffli&ions. 3dly. 'Tis propounded as a common priviledge. You, and I, and all the fufferingSer- vants of God, we know. When we prove the polfìbility of affurance from the experi- ence of the Saints recorded in Scripture ; as put cafe, Job 19. 25, 26. I know that my Re. eleemer liveth, and that I fha/l fee him at the fall day, or David, Pfal. 23. a. or Paul, 2 Tim. 4. 7, 8. From all which inftances there arifeth this Argument, That which bath been, may be. The Papifts anfwer, 'I hat thefe were extraordinary cafes that they had by fpecial priviledge and revelation. But there is no reafon for fuch exemptions. For the Faith of every Believer is as acceptable to God, as the faith of a Prophet orApoflle, z Pet. a. a. Simon Peter a Servant and an llpollle of °fetus Chrifl to them that have ob- tained ltkeprecious faith with us, through the righteoufnefs of God, and our Saviour 5efus Chrifi. The obje &laid hold upon is the fame, Chrifts Righteoufnefs; there we-are upon equal terms. So Exact 30. a 5, The Covenant by which we hold is the fame. But chiefly take notice of thefe three things, t. They afrt their own affurance upon grounds common to all the faithful; as the love of God in Chrifi, Rom. 8. 38. The Righteoufnefs of God, or his veracity in keeping promife, z Tim. q: 8. Gods Power and All-fufficiency to main- tain and uphold them in all Tribulations, i Tim. t. iv. They that build upon the fame grounds, they may have the fame certainty. z. They fpeak as taking in Believers toge- ther with themfelves ; to thew that 'tis a common cafe, as here, ó; è 1 or, We are always confident. And Si. 7ohntaketh in others, a john 5. rg. We know that we are of God, and the whole world lyeth inwickednefs. So that here is nothingfingular challenged or intimated. 3. Whatever was written, was written for our comfort and learning. That we might be encouraged bythe grace given to them, to lookup to God with the more hope for the fame priviledges. Paul, who was one of the Inftances, faith, That he was fet out as a Pattern unto them that lhould afterwards believe, t Tim. t. 17. Though his humiliation were extraordinary, yet he had his comforts in an ordinary way by the Miniftry of Ananias. I come now to the fourth Confederation. IV. That this fee Confidence of our own right in it, and future poffèfion of it, doth fortify the Soul again, all the difficulties, dangers, and pref Tres of the prelim life, y ea, again!! Death itfel. f. This láftPropofition lam now to make good. And Firft, I (hall (peak of the lure and certain confidence. Secondly. Of the force and flrength of it. a. The Confidence is two -fold. Of the Thing, and of the Perlon. r. Of the certainty of the thing itfelf. a. Of our own right in it, and future poffef f on of it. r. Of the Certainty of the thing itfelf. For till that be rooted in theSoul,it will have no pre- dominancy in controlling & commanding the paffns & affe &ions. Now of the thing itfelf. all